
Sports other than pl wl bb general.

What sport do you play?

What does your training look like?

What do you (dis)like about said sport?

>What sport do you play?

>What does your training look like?
I sit in my ass in front of the computer and rage for several hours every day.

>What do you (dis)like about said sport?
All the fucking peruvians in the goddamn NA servers.

Climbing and disc golf

Training for climbing is just climbing a lot with upper body and core work. Legs are trained for mobility and maintenance. Disc Golf training is just throwing a lot of discs in open fields.

Dislike that I'm shit at both of them and I've been doing them for a long time now.

>What sport do you play?
water polo

>What does your training look like?
split weightlifting routine + drills

>What do you (dis)like about said sport?
chlorine and the rare but extremely painful 4u ear infection

I play netball casually on Wednesday. It's fun, interesting and the girls are (mostly) cuties. Love it

Climbing and swimming.

For climbing I do mostly bouldering. Fucking awesome because I can do it anywhere, solo, camping, do my own canyoning in the right spots. Great feel for bodyweight as well.

Swimming is fucking relaxing and so easy on the joints I can swim on recovery days and feel great afterwards.

Train 5x a week total, 2-3x climbing; 2-3 times swimming

we have other boards for this shit

/sp/ is all about wwe these days
/asp/ doesn't welcome any sports with more than 5 people playing in the world.

It really sucks that mods on Veeky Forums will allow all these gay feel/gf/depression threads but remove legit sports threads.


I train by lifting 2-3 times a week and doing hard rowing HIIT, in addition to 3-4 2.5 hour Judo sessions per week.

I like the one-on-one aspect and that the etiquette helps contain a lot of self-aggrandizing shit that was kinda fun but ultimately annoying in the other sports I've played (football, rugby, basketball) but the team is still behind the individual's effort, which is something I liked a lot when I was more into rowing.

I dislike the likelihood of developing chronic joint problems, tearing something up in a tournament or getting a concussion. Real tournaments are very violent.

You realize there's an entire board for sports that aren't pl wl or bb, right?

And that bodybuilding isn't a sport, but a mental illness, right?

>Disc golf

Stonertoss is not a sport.


Also not a sport.

>/sp/ is all about wwe these days

What? The retard mods shoved all the pro wrestling shit to /asp/. Because it doesn't belong on /sp/ because it's "not a sport," so put it on the OTHER sports board. Fucking idiots.


Mon/tues - drilling and stand up sparring
Thurs/sat - conditioning and newaza/nagewaza
I want more intense sparring. I'd also like more attention to transitions from standing to ground

/sp/ is about watching sport
/asp/ is exclusively for rasslefags now (thanks hiroshima)

>rock climbing

>Lots of support holds
>1 arm chin ups
>Lots of press and push-ups to compensate

Lots of cocky shits that think they're amazing because being able to rock climb well gives you a minor super-power (relative to anyone that doesn't climb)

Also, lots of belligerent pot-heads

A significant portion of the population has a complex from it because they are not good at much else in life

rock climbers have a top-tier build. Wish I had a place nearby where I could do it.

Didn't know about the shitty community though, though most rock climbers were chill

About 70% are chill.

Yeah, great backs all around, but a lot don't work chest at all

I row crew.
My training is sitting in a boat with 5 other dudes and our coxswain rowing.
We do this 6 days a week.
On top of that I do high volume pull up workouts twice a week, train my grip almost daily with various tasks, and vaseline my ass up because the sliding chafes like mad.
The chafing of my ass is what I dislike about the sport.
What I like about the sport is that it's a good time with the lads, it's great cardio but doesn't make me feel shitty in the same way that running does, and it helps me keep sweet jacked forearms, biceps and lats when I'm cutting in the summer.

So the idiots, what do they do exactly? Complain when you climb on their spot? I mean, it's not a team sport so I can't imagine what room would there be for any belligerence.

They constantly blab about cannabis, weed culture, food nature is amazing, and all of the banal subjects that come with the territory. Pseudo-intellectuals. You know the type.

The others have this misplaced arrogance about then that stems from being decent at climbing. They act like anyone that hasn't found their secret location and climbed it are some uncultured swine.

The belligerent part refers specifically to the pot-heads (which there is an unsurprising concentration of for this sport)

There are some very kind and grandfatherly climbers, but they're the exception.

sounds a lot like the surfing community desu

Pretty much the same people into both m8. You've got stoner teens/unifags, people who just enjoy it and 60 year old who've been doing it since they were 10.

I can see that.

It's like kids with asperger's trying to act like Chads. Substitute witty banter with snide remarks

Sounds about right. The really bad or really good people tend to be the bearable ones. At about 5.10-5.12 they turn into shit heads

My 2k is 6:29 what about you

I hate it. My teammates are either children or retarded.


lots of cardio, training involves warmups, learning new techniques then practicing what you learned and already know with other students

great for coordination, learning to use your body in ways you didn't know how, not a team sport so you make your own schedule and train at your own pace to some extent, boost to confidence from self defence

progress can be slow and frustrating, massive ego from some athletes, roids everywhere amongst those who compete, some gyms are magnets for assholes

USed to do bjj. Went to snap city and now I am permanently injured.

>Tfw even a Pajeet can get a silver medal in wrestling at the Olympics

It's such a meme sport desu. Just need to be stronger than the other guy, no need to use your brain




Mainly tricking itself, but also stretching, cardio, some light weightlifting


fucking awesome, fun, amazing community


injuries everywhere (although this could also be seen as a pro because it got me more invested in prehab, mobility, and other neat shit)

tricking gif #2

is that you in those gifs?

anyone here fence/do HEMA? there's a HEMA place near me and im considering giving it a go

You'll love it

We do 2.5k in 8:57 with a turn. Our big race is the Royal St. John's Regatta.

what's the community like? am i gunna walk into a hall full of spergs or are there some decent people?

First post best post

I'll level with you. Some spergs join. The deal is, that you'll fight better than them and naturally pair up with better people over time. Not a lot of spergs, but it's gets a few who want something more than LARP.

The rest are cool. Fencing is way more snooty, but possibly worth it if you'd prefer that type of finesse

>Fencing is way more snooty, but possibly worth it if you'd prefer that type of finesse
i would prefer hema of the two, particularly because the place near me offers scottish broadsword which could be interesting. I'll give it a go. What's your training like? do you manage to maintain lifting while training for HEMA?


Yeah, calisthenics, barbell, and medieval weaponry.

Literature over the forms and styles are helpful.
Raw practice is the best.
Beating on a hanging tire with a training sword heavier than the one you use is ideal for building strength and speed in your spare time.

Special conditioning for your wrists and shoulders helps the most. Stretch both as well.

what i like about it is i can beat niggers up
i dislike that i get my ass beat too