How could the Cold War have been prevented (friendship between the US and USSR)?
How could the Cold War have been prevented (friendship between the US and USSR)?
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>How could the Cold War have been prevented
It couldn't.
Stalin would have to have a complete 180 personality change and reform the USSR in a constitutional republic while granting unqualified autonomy to Eastern Europe.
Trostsky, an actual revolutionary, instead of the conservative Stalin in power.
The Cold War was an ideological and economic, not an ethno-territorial contest. There was no way it could be prevented.
>In the past every empire has been guided by the interests of the State, of its economy, of its people or at least of its ruling class. Empires came to a halt when they saw insuperable obstacles or invincible opposition in their paths. Empires came to a halt when further growth became dangerous or economically undesirable. The Russian Empire, for example, sold Alaska for a million dollars and its colonies in California at a similarly cheap price because there was no justification for retaining these territories. Today the Soviet Communists are squandering millions of dollars each day in order to hang on to Cuba. They cannot give it up, no matter what the cost may be, no matter what economic catastrophe may threaten them.
>Cuba is the outpost of the world revolution in the western hemisphere. To give up Cuba would be to give up world revolution and that would be the equivalent of suicide for Communism. The fangs of Communism turn inwards, like those of a python. If the Communists were to set about swallowing the world, they would have to swallow it whole. The tragedy is that, if they should want to stop, this would be impossible because of their physiology. If the world should prove to be too big for it, the python would die, with gaping jaws, having buried its sharp fangs in the soft surface, but lacking the strength to withdraw them. It is not only the Soviet python which is attempting to swallow the world but the other breeds of Communism, for all are tied inescapably to pure Marxism, and thus to the theory of world revolution. The pythons may hiss and bite one another but they are all of one species.
But you'll make the Cold War even worse that way. Trotsky wanted to pretty much enslave the working class.
>Putting the "permanent revolution" guy in charge would lessen tensions with the west
maybe with some diplomacy and no Stalin
but I think the Cold war was a good thing
>a Jew wants to enslave gentiles
More news at 11.
>jew is a race
>Trotsky wanted to pretty much enslave the working class
How exactly does that differ from Stalin? Or Lenin, for that matter.
Fun fact, during the Brest-Litovsk negotiations, Trotsky openly bragged about he was having his men propagandize the German soldiers present so that when they went home, they'd "bring the revolution with them!" He said this right in front of the German ambassador present. Ludendorff was so furious when he heard this, he considered military action to remove the Bolsheviks from power, although he eventually decided that it would have to wait until the war was over.
>How exactly does that differ from Stalin? Or Lenin, for that matter.
Trotsky was even worse than them.
We could have chosen the right side in the war and prevented the whole thing desu.
found the liberal
They should have declared war on us then.
Now that you mention it.
Well I'd say the two main crack ups were over Soviet control over Eastern Europe and the fall of China to the Communists, returning Eastern Europe to their legitimate governments (or at the least non puppet governments) would have severely reduced the tension, but that would require someone like Beria in charge and is pretty hard to achieve.
Realistically I think it would've been toned down had the communists not won in China, it would have completely changed the dynamic in Korea and Vietnam and may have lessened the US belief in global containment as a necessity.
oh look a dna test made by them to proof something
i can make dna test to proof dominicans are the same as tainos, retard
they arent semitic and not related to hebrews, they are all mixed slavic,germanic, iberian, armenian, greeks, latin(italy), etc
Jews rarely mixed with non Jews.
stop talking like if they are race
those people are just converts, they dont have any relations to hebrews
do you think pic related is semitic?
do you think hebrews were like this girl?
Actually Stalin wasn't the one who was pushing for a conflict, the west was doing just the same as now with muh Russian meddling. Even before the war was over, the west was preparing for a war with USSR
Getting awfully defensive about (((them))) are we?
what do you mean?
im saying those LARPers arent semitic and jew is not a race hence them shooting anti semitic make no sense
they were a turkic tribe
yes, they are converts
>implying goys go to heaven
I agree with you though that "antisemitic" is a dumb term in that it can be applied to Arabs and even Palestinians as well.
There is no such thing as "hyphenated Jews" because the tribe always comes first to them.
>Stalin wasn't the one who was pushing for a conflict
Yes, he absolutely was. He broke the agreement that the USSR would withdraw from Poland after the war. It had always been agreed among the allied powers that the USSR had to leave Poland as soon as Germany was defeated.
didn't they get an agreement where he'd put more noncommies in the government (not even the government in exile, just his pseudo puppet one) but didn't do it even after the agreement? He had a bit of a chiffon de papier moment
>because the tribe always comes first to them.
what tribe, dummy?
Half of the world was couped and raped, it was basically a new world war in the countries that didn't had suffered land invasions in the WW2.
Power politics
Maybe the US-supported coups wouldn't have been necessary, since the communist regimes ended up hating each other as much as they hated Capitalism. It's interesting to note how the Free World (US and western Europe) managed to hang together despite some ideological differences while communist countries quickly turned on one another despite professing the same ideology.
Brits trade Poland for Greece.
It's summer of 1945, we have a massive military build up in Central Europe. Air superiority and the ability to mass-produce nuclear weapons if need be. We tell them Communism is over and they need to lay down their arms or face the consequences. Alas, the ball was dropped. Enjoy your Cold War!
The USSR would have steamrolled to the Atlantic if hostilities began in 1945. Not only did they have a preponderance of force they had the immense advantage of their production coming from the same continent as the field of action, whereas the vast majority of allied warstuff would have to be laboriously shipped halfway across the world to the relevant theater.
Just go through with operation unthinkable and destroy the commies once and for all
Recognize that communism was the greatest threat to the world and ally with hitler to destroy them
>advantage of their production coming from the same continent as the field of action
Yes but how long would you expect the Moscow and Leningrad rail heads to operate under strategic bombing raids. Unlike the Germans, the VVS was in no way prepared for the task of repelling high altitude raids, that and not even the Germans were confident they would be able to intercept B-29s. IIRC the efforts to intercept B-29's in Korea was only effective with the MiG-15's.
Oh bullshit. The Red Army probably had more sheer offensive punching power at the time but in a defensive battle we could have held them. It would have been all fun and games until the B-29s started dropping A-bombs on their troop concentrations and staging points.