Anyone Lifting n Fasting?
If you wanna post degenr8 shiz go to >>>pol
Anyone Lifting n Fasting?
If you wanna post degenr8 shiz go to >>>pol
I'd do fasting for the experience but I'm too damn close to 1plate press
entire mudslime cult is degenerate, so what the fuck you on about, silly cunt?
>child molesting "prophet"
>not eating bacon
>fucking goats
Fasting can be good but holy shit, not drinking water for 10+ hours depending on where you live can't possibly be good for you.
>muh manleh bacon
Fuck off reddit spy
This is a hezbollah board
>child molesting "prophet"
What is the issue here? that was the norm in Arab society, Jews and Christians did it as well.
fuck off goatfucking moron
Go trim ya beard ya hipster fuck
whats wrong? many western states have sheep fucking , like Australia and Wales for instance.
The issue is that I'd fuck your asshole with a toilet plunger until you bleed out to death, nohomo
>no degenerate stuff
>posts about degenerate habits of fucked up religion
>not eating for extended periods of time
>making it
literally kys
Fuck off Mohammed. Go blow up another mosque. You want gains go eat some fucking food.
"these people did it so it's okay"
>tfw my gf cheated on me with with a fucking sandnigger
Fuck you and your backwards fucking cult you bunch of retarded cucks
that's the go-to argument for them.
There is no defense for their actions.
how is this not fucking bait? this are just as stupid as the vegan threads
Holy fuck that's what they do every every time
Are you literally retarded? If things are socially acceptable at the time they happen then "okay" is its actual fucking definition. What about the western culture where prepubescent and forced marriages happened for thousands of years? At least Muhammad's marriage was out of love and not a forced marriage for land and power. He also didn't lie with her until several years into their marriage. You still love your western culture retard?
He was in love with a pre-teen?
Sick fuck
In today times it bad. But so is slavery. Like Homosexuals were viewed with utter disgust now today in western countries you are proud when you son is a homosexual. Its good progress.
lmao check your privilege. Most people were in love with pre-teens at that time, because they could of died at any moment. Is Veeky Forums that dense that they forget all of this happened before modern medicine. Survival of the fittest boys. That's why all of you are here today
i just reported every muslim itt
Why are trying to improve your body if your mind is stuck in medieval times?
Based hezbollah
fuck off pol, muslims that lift are bro tier unlike indians who always stink at the gym
>entire point of fasting is to abandon the material and achieve a higher level of spirituality
>worrying about your physical form
If don't care about the religion why do you choose to follow such a retarded one?
They have been for years. They just keep taking out city blocks with them each time.
He's the ideal man? He was also a polygamist and advocated jihad, especially towards the end of his life.
And because of abrogation the later verses override the earlier more peaceful versus.
It's still not right. If he was truly a prophet of God, God would have told him not to do that. God's morals are absolute, not relative, they don't change. God is not subjective. Let me remind you again, Muhammad is seen as the ideal man in Islam.
he's ur role model lmao
>? At least Muhammad's marriage was out of love
a 6 year old girl was surely in love with a 40yr old bedouin XD
fucking pedo scum, look at your shitskin "culture" where forced marriage between a child and filthy old wanker is still a thing, western society doesn't tolerate that you silly cunt
homos aren't that bad, as long as they don't act all feminine and flamboyant, hate that type of faggots
muzzies can all go get fucked for all I care, parasites come to civilised countries for help and try to enforce their cult behaviour, fuck the right off
OP here,
>post if theres anyone here lifting and fasting
>attract poltards
>tfw Veeky Forums really is degen now
What does religion have to do with lifting? Muslims lift the same iron you lift do the same movements you do, but yet Muslims get slated for their beliefs.
I should really leave this degen site once and for all.
You stupid fuck that is CULTURE nothing to do with religious beliefs, fkin retarded numbskull
Educate yourself please ameriburger. Read about Al-Kwarizmi, MUHAMMAD IBN MUSA AL-KHWARIZMI, THABIT IBN QURRA, if it wasnt for these "muzzies" you wouldnt have the computer to shit post about Muslims.
fuck your goat too while you leave, filthy cunt
sure thing sweetheart :^) and maybe shitskin was first in space?
Fuck of islamotard. A gay white Anglo invented the computer. You bunch of kiddy fucking turds stole the number zero. You are nothing but a plague and the fact that /pol/ tier hatred has filled this thread is proof that were all fucking done with it. No one likes you, we are tired of your shit, fuck off back to your perpetually crying, ugly women. Everyone knows you sand niggers are going to kill a bunch of people over your holy month. Eat dicks, savage.
this is a bait thread
>Everybody just ask the questions they need to ask
>We don't even know if they're a girl, or guy, a christian, a buddhist or a pedophile for all I care
>"Hey guaiz, as a mudsliem"
>"Fuck off goatfucker"
>OMG guaiz, so intullerant of Islam, Allahu Snackbar
Just like tits or gtfo, except you don't have tits. Go get blown up somewhere else, Ahmed.
>f it wasnt for these "muzzies" you wouldnt have the computer to shit post about Muslims.
>He think goatfuckers invented the computer
Jesus H. Batholomew Christ, how retarded does one have to be.
pls just stop spamming this kind of thread. Ramadan/Fasting general always devolve into /pol/ tier
Was gonna try and do my first full 30 days of fast but chickened out last minute. Just gonna continue being haram I guess.
Sorry to hear that man. But you can't really blame the rest of us for that. Really you should be blaming that slut of a girl.
Theres no way fit harbors so much arab dudes and desu all the guys and girls i know who grew up islam hate it unless theyre loaded with cash aka they have endangered servants slaving away for them.
I swear i wrote indentured
>"What is the issue here"
She wasnt even confirmed to be a child. That bullshit is spread by fags like you. She was said to be old as 20