The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth...

>The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth. Humanity has randomly chosen people to enter an underground nuclear shelter with enough food and provisions for the next 50 years until the Earth is habitable again, luckily you were picked.
>You are allowed to bring 1 (one) fitness exercise with you.

Choose wisely..

Clean and jerk

That's the house from Teletubbies LMAOOOO

Back squat no doubt

bicep curl


death lifts

Are Teletubbies the result of a nuclear fallout?

how would you know that?

Id say more of a colony on an earth like planet where the crew lost communication with earth and had a brief mutiny, and that lead to in breedIng after a few generations and only the 4 Teletubbies survived

Id rather stay outside considering the isnt orbiting the earth and thus cant fall out of its "orbit"
>fuck if this is bait I fell for it

Cus I watched it as a kid while I waited for Arthur to air.

>>The Sun has fallen out of orbit

That would be the Earth falling out of orbit and the change in temperature would kill everyone way, way before we crashed into the sun, which would also take a long as fuck time to happen

>and is going to crash into the Earth

Earth would be absolutely decimated, the planet would melt, an underground bunker wouldn't protect you, there would be no Earth left to re-inhabit

>not knowing teletubbies was created with the sole purpose of preparing children for the apocalypse


No its from lord of the rings


No its not user, you're thinking of the Shire and it looked similar but each house was close to another. the Teletubbies house is completely secluded

Power clean
You can squat, ohp and curl from a power clean so it's still a power clean.

how would you not you stupid dyel underage faggot

Telly tubbies confirmed for being the outcome of the nuclear fallout

Prepare to grow tvs on our tellies and to become tubbies


woah user relax, not everyone can afford a TV B^)

Nah nigga. You think i dont know what a manlets house looks like?

Nah, teletubbies was a tv show for kids. That pic of the shire from the first Lord of the Rings. Its the Baggins' house where Bilbo and Frodo live.

B^) nice try fagget B^D

This. It's clearly Bag End.