Gunung Padang

Why does Veeky Forums refuse to talk about Gunung Padang located in Java Island, Indonesia?

>dates back to 20,000 BC
>Oldest Pyramids in the world
>oldest structures in the world
>oldest advanced civilization in the world
>had farming terraces like in machu pichu
>the whole complex lasted up until 5000 BC with some finds suggesting up to 2800 BC
>the people who built it weren't the modern day Malays or austronesians that actually originated from Taiwan who in turn orginated from mainland China
>exacavations stopped abruptly in 2014
>site team and people with claims to the area were offered 1 billion USD by native Indonesian interests but refused it


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I REFUSE to talk about Gunung Padang!

anyone know if it's legit?

Yes it's legit. Radio carbon dating place the site as old as 20,000 BC, the pyramid itself isn't as old but incredibly older than any other pyramid in the world.

Also excavations were stopped in 2014 without any reason whatsoever.

I told them to stop

They were nordic, ((they)) are suppressing our history

They don't want people to know about the antediluvian civilization that collapsed in two waves in 10,900 B.C. and 9,500 B.C., corresponding with the cataclysmic beginning and ending of the younger dryas.

nah they weren't even homo sapaians but probably highly evolved homo erectus. Modern day Indonesians descend primarily from austronesians from Taiwan who genocided the natives when they migrated in the Indonesian islands.

>20,000 years ago
>homo erectus


The "pyramid" is an extinct volcano cone. There's no evidence it's actually man made.

other homini have been living alongside humans for the last several thousands years brainlet. Homo Florensis tribes were still present at around 14,000 BC.

I was thinking it must have something to do with the young dryas.
Is it evidence of the civilization that created Göbekli Tèpe

there's carved tunnels, artifacts, hallways, etc.. all indicating the pyramid was man made and not natural.

Think of Gobekli Tepe as the site of the landing of the "ark". Some refugees reached southern turkey and began civilization again. Date matches up as well.

user homo erectus went extinct literally 150,000 years ago

Explains the sudden complex understanding of math, interesting how it's in Java, 20,000 years ago the sea level would of been much lower. I think that that's why we don't see much of these older civilizations, the ones that where by the coast are 400 feet under water


It's all fake, otherwise science would've already proven it's real

Where the fuck did native indonesians get 1bi USD? And who the fuck would refuse it? Sounds like bullshit

Natural gas ? They have a shit ton in Indonesia and natives leases out to companies like Shell

That just means that people went around in it, not that the pyramid itself is man-made.


yeah man, FUCK Gunung Padang am i right

What is that image from?


i refuse to excavate it!

>>oldest advanced civilization in the world

I was thinking about googling this "Gunung Padang" but cant take it serious after this sentence.

The Indonesian government is desperately trying to exaggerate the findings at the site for some reason, probably nationalist pride. Every actual, trained archaeologist (including tons of Indonesians) who has seen the site and looked through the reports has heavily criticized the survey methods and the narrative the government is trying to put forward. And they are being pretty shady about it; the methods they've used so far are awful, and they seem to be avoiding having actual archaeologists do the survey and excavation. If pretty much the entire country's archaeological community is saying something is up, and is begging the government to be involved, there's a good hint that something is wrong.

Until some actual research is done that Indonesian archaeologists aren't calling bullshit on, I'm going to keep assuming that the government is trying con everyone into thinking this site is more important than it actually is.

Stop samefagging, Graham

That is not at all moving the goalposts user

why is there so much hate for this dude? Its not like hes some fuckin loon trying to say the earth is flat, or something equally as stupid. All he is saying is,"lets look a little deeper into human history lol"

How did you get this information? Delet this thread immediately.

>Oldest Pyramids in the world
>oldest structures in the world
lol no the Bosnian Pyramids are much older

>somehow saying that tunnels can be dug into a natural mountain is inconsistent with his original claim

Go to bed, Graham

>First the drill cores contained evidence – fragments of columnar basalt – that man-made megalithic structures lay far beneath the surface. Secondly the organic materials brought up in the drill cores began to yield older and older dates – 3,000 BC to 5,000 BC, then 9,600 BC as the drills bit deeper, then around 11,000 BC, then, 15,000 BC and finally at depths of 90 feet and more an astonishing sequence of dates of 20,000 BC to 22,000 BC and earlier

Pic related , keep in mind though the drilling team have been heavily criticized by local and international geologist, while the government are kerping silent and shutting down any effort to investigate further.

If this shit is real though, our current historical timeline is going to need some serious fixing


Isn't that the archaeological site were some scam voodoo "scientists" turned some minor finds into a huge civilization by misinterpreting a volcano as pyramid?

wow so they found basalt inside a volcano. there is a reason no one is taking the guy seriuos.



Because they used basalt to built the structure at the top of it, its one of the reason geologist gave the drill result so much shit, they cant decide which level were manmade and which was natural

Regardless of this ancient ayylien 20000000yrs old shit this finding is still pretty significant, it is thought that indonesians doesn't have stone structure before the hindu buddhist came but this finding proved otherwise


Story goes likike this:
neolithic Megalithic site in Indonesia, pyramid shaped tip of an old volcano is riddled with natural basalt columns.
9k-7k years ago humans levelled terraces and re-arranged the columns in fancy shapes
1914 archaeologist found the site and documented it, work continues for the next decades.
2012 some geologist with excellent ties to the Indonesian President suddenly declares that the Volcano isn't a Volcano but a gigantic man made pyramid, the myriad of basalt columns are all man made and the whole structure is not 9k years old but over 20k and Indonesia is the centre of a ancient civilisation.

Funny thing is 'Indonesians' weren't even living in Java in 20,000 BC, it was all Abos before about 2000-1000 BC when Austronesians arrived. There was no agriculture before then either, so the 'agricultural terraces' are utter bullshit.

In all likelyhood this isn't older than 2500 years, seeing as there's no other evidence for complex cultures earlier than that. And even that date is unlikely, since similar megalithic structures in Indonesia are only a few hundred years old (pic related).

So I guess The alps are man made as they are full of road tunnels?

Some dumb homos confuse sapient men with erect men. Its not the first time I've seen it.

Did you get BTFOd in another thread, to feel the need to make this abhorrent post here?

Aye, he did get BTFO!

Seems like that pic triggers you, isn't it?

It's a recent trend in some countries to forge archeological sites in the hope to make them bigger and older than they are, there's like a race for Unesco labels.


The thing that gets me is that they declared the site off limits to excavation because its now a "sacred site".



Fukken Atlantis.

Don't worry m80 just the shills. If Hancock's books don't get you thinking then something is wrong.

In what way does that "get" you? Are you going along with Graham or whoever the OP is and assuming that means that the site is legit and "they" are trying to hide something big from the world?

Because I see something like that and it sends up a big red flag that whole thing is fake. That stuff only happened after a bunch of archaeologists said the 2012 report was wrong and that the government was lying about it. That. along with other examples of them trying to keep archaeologists away from the site, a huge red flag that the government is shutting down research at the site to avoid their hoax being completely exposed.

Graham Hancock's book magicians of the gods has a chapter on this. The thing about this place is that it's at least 14k years old. That's not up to debate this is a fact. Human history goes back much further than what is taught.

>The site was dated 6,500 years BP (before present)
>BP (before present)
What the fuck is this? Was BCE not enough for them?

>Its not like hes some fuckin loon trying to say the earth is flat, or something equally as stupid.
Except the things he says pretty much are equally as stupid. Fundamentally, he's putting forward archaeological theories with no evidence, and whether or not you would would like them to be true, that's just as valid as the fat earth theory. It doesn't really matter if something doesn't sound "crazy" at first glance, it's just a matter of evidence.

The reason he especially gets hate is that he writes books claiming some pretty amazing things have happened, and argues his cases by misinterpreting and misrepresenting data, which irks people doing actual research. And when he's challenged, he immediately gets defensive, refuses to engage with real researchers, and hides behind the "I'm not an archaeologist, I'm only asking questions" defense," which is incredibly dishonest. Really, any time someone needs to defend their work like that, you shouldn't take them seriously. It's okay to ask questions and wonder about things that seem a little out there, but you need to have some evidence to back up what you're saying, and be able to admit when you're wrong.

>The thing about this place is that it's at least 14k years old.
The thing is, I haven't actually seen anything about the site justifying that date. Just saying that they pulled up some "organic material" to date which was that old. And that could mean anything. The actual artifacts found at the site are all much more recent than that. The carbon dating is probably accurate, but it could also have nothing to do with human inhabitation; for all we know, they're just dating random bits of wood that happen to have been buried in order to specifically misrepresent the site's age.

Saying that a site has been "dated" is completely meaningless without context. Consider the government's other shenanigans relating to the site, I wouldn't be surprised if something was up with that, too.

It's just the way radiocarbon dates are given.

>archaeological theories with no evidence,
I am pretty sure he lines out all the evidence he can get, have a look at his work.

Hancock doesn't present actual evidence, just conjecture presented in direct opposition to mainstream archaeology (which he never fairly explains). Even though he talks about actual sites, he's dishonest about many aspects of them, and his overarching hypothesis has no physical evidence (by his own admission), so he gets around that by misrepresenting what actually constitutes proof of something. See:
(for a good breakdown on the flaws in his reasoning)
(yes, it's a blog, but it's written by a real archaeologist, and this series is a pretty through look into most of Hancock's claims)

I've read a few of Hancock's books; I used to be into all kinds of /x/-tier shit before I went to school to learn actual archaeology and realized how terrible all of the "evidence" and arguments are.

I used to be a Nazi, until I read history textbooks on the Third Reich.

Good job being sane, most people never leave the rabbit hole.


fuck off to you cunt!

Indonesian government probably thought it was offensive to Allah ir some shit

No, I will NOT talk about it and you should kill yourself.