What the fuck was Hitler thinking when he declared war on the USA? Sure, the Japs had already declared war on them, and the USA was sending lend-lease to the Brits and Soviets, but surely having them directly invading and bombing Germany wasn't going to help him win the war?
What the fuck was Hitler thinking when he declared war on the USA? Sure, the Japs had already declared war on them...
I find it funny it's the only promise he kept
>What the fuck was Hitler thinking when he declared war on the USA?
>I can only be grateful to Providence that it entrusted me with the leadership in this historic struggle which, for the next five hundred or a thousand years, will be described as decisive, not only for the history of Germany but for the whole of Europe and indeed the whole world.
t. Adolf Hitler
Well I mean, he wasn't wrong...
Hitler didn't listen to his advisors.
>break promise with japan
> all the allies start shouting about how he's a backstabbing traitor
>mussolini turns on him fearing that if he doesn't the allies will win and rape italy which fucks hitler in the ass as ut causes a three front war
>die because you have no allies and america jumps in anyway
>die because you have no allies
Japan provided almost no meaningful assistance to Germany throughout the war and Italy was literally a liability.
I thought he liked the Americans for being the descendants of German immigrants or something
Why did he even have advisors?
>If a man is supplying your enemy with bullets you should leave him alone because he isn't the one actively shooting at you.
>declare war on him
>now he's supplying your enemy with bullets AND actively shooting at you
Welp, that didn't help the situation.
>not realizing you're now forcing him to double his expenditures
Hitler didn't think much of the US because "muh Aryan Ubermensch vs degenerate race-mixed mongrels".
> I don't see much future for the Americans ... it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities ... my feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance ... everything about the behaviour of American society reveals that it's half Judaised, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?
t. Adolf Hitler.
>now he's supplying your enemies with bullets AND actively shooting at you
>but it's okay because you just got him out of the Great Depression by forcing him into the war
Practically a prophet.
>out of the Great Depression
>literally crashing everyone else's economies while setting up banks to plunder them
>now he's supplying your enemies with bullets AND actively shooting at you AND he's out of the Great Depression
>but it's okay because he's "cheating" by having banks and a global hegemony over the world
You gave a postwar example, not a precursor. America was fighting two fronts in a depression, no one expected such an effort. Then again Americans aren't the brightest or most aware people.
Because he was a low IQ drug addicted degenerate
>America was fighting two fronts in a depression
America fighting two fronts is what got us out of the depression. Our enemies literally managed to fix us so we could then go on to destroy them.
>America fighting two fronts is what got us out of the depression
Nah, America fighting for a bunch of nations while they threw them IOUs then Morgenthau setting up the IMF and World Bank while the US used Japan and Germany as their cheap goods source is what brought the US out of the depression. The war did it, but not because of the war but afterwards, the after effects.
Either way it was fucking stupid for the Germans to declare war on the USA.
I agree, but thats 20/20 hindsight.
>don't declare war on USA
>USA declares war on you anyway
Honestly at that point I’m pretty sure he just said fuck it.
The USA would've likely waited until after they defeated Japan to declare war on Germany, assuming they even had the stomach for war at that point. Either way that's another couple years that Germany gets to fight without having to worry about strategic bombing and a western front.
It was inevitable, perhaps Roosevelt would have used a false flag, but at that time the US had loaned billions worth of equipment to the UK and USSR, had they lost the US would have never recovered economically, likewise Roosevelt had Greenland and Iceland invaded with bases set up there to prepare for an invasion, which was part of the reason why Hitler declared war.
Are you kidding? He saw america as part of the reason for the degeneracy of Germany in the 20s. He absolutely hated the US, probably 3rd on his list of hates after jews and slavs