How do i save my little sister from being a fat ass? She's 7 and weighs 103 lbs almost as twice as any kid her age...

How do i save my little sister from being a fat ass? She's 7 and weighs 103 lbs almost as twice as any kid her age. It's because of my parent's shitty care, they feed her 10-14 meals a day which consist of 3500 - 4000 calories each day. I really want to help her, because i know how it feels to be raised as a fatass, i used to be 180 lbs when i was 13. Until i got sick of being fat at 16 then lost 70 lbs in 5 months by keto and running. And everytime i bring up this issue to my parents they either ignore me or act like they're hearing me then continue to feed her shitloads of food, saying that she needs it for her growth and that she'll lose the weight like i did.

>Pic related she looks the same but 20-25 lbs heavier

Any help would be appreciated.

i know the feel bro
but i have a younger brother in this situation, the only thing i can tell you is if you help her find a fitness related activity that she loves

Everything lies in your parents, man. She's seven, there's no point of convincing her to lose weight by going to the gym or some shit. But, you can try to urge your parents to stop feeding her so much. Do it while you can OP; after a while, she may be too far into her weight to be saved.

Maybe try to point out to your parents about how her weight will probably affect her perception of herself, and might make her feel inferior to her classmates. Especially when she gets into older ages, she's going to be especially concerned with beauty and what she looks like.


>blaming the parents

don't be a disrespectful cunt

it's your sisters fault for eating all that food, they aren't shoving a tube down her throat and force feeding her you know

fatties gonna fat

She's still at the age where what parents say goes. She'll begin to break away once peer pressure becomes a thing. Until then, she probably thinks the world of you and would like to do whatever if it meant you'd show her attention. Be the cool big brother and spend time with her away from your parents, or doing something active. Everything is interesting at this age

I'm trying really hard to take her with me when i go for a run in the park, walking, or some shit but she always end up getting a heart attack when we do then goes home and eats ice cream while watching T.V
>Implying she even knows what's right or wrong for her
Also i'm not disrespecting my mom and dad, I just have a different way of viewing things

dude i did the same exact thing with my younger brother and he was dying from small shit you have to introduce them to sports somehow
for girls id think maybe shit like dancing or basketball or soccer, going for runs isnt fun for a 7 year old

put your fucking foot down OP. because in 5 years you will regret not helping her. at age 13 kids are brutal and will bully her til she cries. no one will want to hang out with her just because your parents are fucking stupid dont punish your sister. I was in the same boat when my sister was 8 and i got home. i stopped my parents bullshit quik.

Why should you respect them? They don't respect you.

She's even fatter than this? Do all you can to help her, that's sad. Are your parents fat themselves?

This is b8 don't mind it

Don't force her to do anything or she'll hate it for the rest of her life.

OP, try to explain to her why it is so bad to be overweight/obese, kids are not so dumb as we think. Explain in a easy manner the benefits of a health life and how good she will feel once she loses some weight. Tell her about bullying, how it's gonna be hell to see all the other girls getting attention, buying clothes and doing sports while she can't when she is in her teenager years.
Don't need to tell her all at once, but do tell her every day. Keep trying to get her to do some outdoor activity with you and, as others have said, find something she enjoys doing, like dancing, swimming or whatever.
Please, don't give up.

I might take her for some dancing, she seems to enjoy princesses and shit, I might arrange something fun for us
That's what i'm scared of, I really hate seeing her get hurt . But my parents won't listen to me , they telling me how they know how to raise kids better than me, saying "We raised your brother and now he's a doctor" "We raised you and now you're a dentist" i don't really know what to do they're just too dense
My dad used to be a bodybuilder, but got fat now even though he still goes to the gym and is bulky as fuck. He's 285 at 6'2. My step mom on the other hand is a Cow. She's 180 at 5'0.

I had a kek then felt real bad

I really want to help her, i can't stand looking at her even though i love her so fucking much
I tried doing that many times, but she ends up saying my parent's words, "I'll just lose weight when i get older, like you user and your big brother Anon2" When she says that i feel like crying, because i know she won't do that.

Try to convince your parents to see a nutritionist to talk about her diet. Maybe try talking to them about your experience being fat and try to convince them to change their ways. Be firm about it.

Even with that though your family will probably not change. Maybe you could try making your little sister see fat as a bad thing. Don't pull the it's unhealthy card because she won't really care. Try explaining to her all the things she will be missing out on if she is fat. Maybe help form a diet plan to keep her healthy and teach her to refuse some of the food given to her.

I was a fat kid too and you will be saving her life if you can get her not to be fat.

Fucking parenting a shit
This "let your kids watch tv to pasify them" generation of parents have fucked more shit up than any generation before.
And its always the moms who cant handle raising a fucking child, like its so difficult. Why do single fathers have no issues with kids but a single mom, fuck the world ended.
Maybe because it takes a fucking adult tk raise a child.
Fuck this fucking generation.

This is serious being over 100 lbs at only seven years old. She'll never get to experience what it's like to have a normal body if this keeps up since women can't fill out like men, the fat goes everywhere and the breasts will usually be doa by the time she'd lose the weight older. This is all going to be extremely difficult to get a child to understand and I doubt I would have cared either if anyone tried to help me when I was little.

I'm not saying she'll get as bad as me, but I wonder if showing your parents pictures of women after extreme weight loss and what will happen with it affecting her entire life and her happiness as she gets older will make them understand how much they're hurting her. Your parents need to realize it isn't the same for women as it is with men and you were a strong enough person to figure things out and help yourself at a young enough age, but it might not be something your sister will get and it also could be too late for her at that point with how large she is becoming.

I wish I could help you more because I don't want to see another child have their life ruined before it even starts. My body was just wrecked by the time I could take things into my own hands and it's a terrible thing to constantly wonder what your body would have looked like if you hadn't been obese to start with.

Explain to her parents they are literally killing her. Sit them down for a serious talk and go over basic nutrition, healthy diets, how our bodies work, and the childhood obesity epidemic. Have answers ready and solutions - changes they can make in shopping, meal prep, maybe introduce them to a calorie counting app to track what they feed her. Get the kid interested in hiking or riding a bike. Get her a tomato plant or something to take care of. Get her interested in real food, get her connected with what she eats.

Thanks for the support brehs, I'll keep on trying to convince them to stop fucking her up no matter what it takes. And i'll get her into some sport/hobby so she could stop watching T.V so much. I'll report back in a couple of weeks, Cheers!!

My brother was obese from about the age of 9-13. I led by example and he saw how great my life was, mostly the fact that I could engage in fun activities without nearly dying and how people treated me significantly better. He eventually got into physical activity more and more and now really sticks with wrestling and boxing.

With a girl it'll be trickier, but just lead by example and show her the benefits of being shape. Maybe get a pretty, active gf who can serve as a bit of a role model. Most importantly though, be there for her and develop a good relationship with her. Kids and girls in particular will only stick with something if they associate a positive emotion with it. Make the sports you do fun and don't ever force her to the point that it's no longer fun, otherwise she'll associate negative feelings with the activity. Building trust and a good relationship is perhaps the most crucial factor for her to listen to the advice you give her as she gets older.

Fuck man this shit makes me sad. Bad parents can really ruin a childs life dont give up on her dude even if it takes years.