Your starting bench press

>your starting bench press
>your starting squat

>how long it took you to hit 2pl8 bench press
>how long it took you to hit 2pl8 squat


>Haven't but close. 210 bench @4 months


>6 months
>like a month, if that

2 months for 2 plate squat 1 year for 2 plate bench

>120 pounds
>135 pounds

>10 months
>2 months or so

>65# bench
>115# squat

About three weeks for squat, maybe 8 months for bench (225x3)

>t-the bar
>like 100lbs

>going for 2pl8 on friday, hurt my chest so i've only been backing benching since march
>like 4 months

been lifting a year this month

>155 lbs

>7 months
>1-2 months maybe? I didn't do 1rm often for it

>an EZ curl bar that i think was about 15LB
>bodyweight squat

>i havent
>i havent

> 50kg
> 90kg

>12 weeks to 5x5
> 6 weeks to 12x4

1 week for 2 plate squat and still haven't hit 2 plate bench

How are people making like 40kg of strength gains in squats in only a couple of months?

They lie. Welcome to Veeky Forums.


>6 months?
>10 days

90-something starting, 137 current
60-something starting, 165 current
80-something starting, 88 current, 16mt lifting

Though i did bw training for a year before actually lifting

Always finding some old shit to tie around myself to make the exercise harder
>high rep pushups with 30kg in backpack
>dips with 40kg of rusty iron shit hanging off of me

I used to do rows with a piece of railway track i had in my shed
Thing was around 30cm long and weighted ~30-40kg
I used to tie it to my dumbbell (only had 10kg fixed one) with chains and 1arm row the shit out of

Legs stayed dyel during my bw phase although i did some improvised 1leg squats

Starting too light with an already slightly athletic background.

By not being a complete dyel faggot and actually doing legs more than once a month. Hit legs 2-3 times a week and get hyoog.

>50 pounds
>70 pounds

>working on it, maybe in the next couple months
>back injury, maybe never
I'm not gonna justify why it took me so long to get to where I am now

im doing SS :( cutting though so strength gains are shit

If you start light and run SS that's pretty standard.

I can bench 2pl8 (1rm).

I'm not even close to 2pl8 squat. (normally do 165 5x5, and I actually had to deload yesterday.)
Weird, I know. I'm not gonna make it.

What is 2pl8?

>been lifting a year and a half
>still only 80kg bench 1rm
What am I doing wrong? I bench for 3x5 twice a week. Meanwhile my squat is up to 125kg



On my 9th week lifting

Say you do what SS actually recommends in the first three weeks.

1. Squat 3 times a week, starting at a weight that's taxing but not /too/ taxing.
2. In the first week, you jump 5kg on the squat at each workout. If you're lucky, you might be able to do that on Monday of Week 2 as well. After that you drop down to 2.5kg jumps.

Say you start at 40kg for the sake of argument, your progress might look like this:

Week 1. Mon: 40kg Weds: 45kg Fri: 50kg = 10kgs added.

Week 2. Mon: 55kg Wed: 57.5kg Fri: 60kg = 10kg added.

Week 3. Mon: 62.5kg Wed: 65kg Fri: 67.5kg. = 5kg added.

Week 4 gets you to 75kg, week 5 gets you to 80kg.

That's 40kg gainz in a single month. Obviously, you can only make this kind of progress if you're a novice, but 95% of the world's population is, even if they've been going to the gym for years and just been fucking around.

i didnt squat my first year of lifting for fear of hurting myself because i didnt want to clean a heavy weight over me to squat since i had no rack.

i bench pressed the bar at start.

maybe 1 year to hit 2pl8 bench and another before i started squatting.

I'm similar to you
>1 year in
>65kg 1rm bench
>110kg 1rm squat

Thats normal, only CHAD can bench 2 plate within a few months, you will probably need 3-4 years

-Squat starting: 60kg
-Bench starting: 40kg

(I started lower than I could have done for form reasons)

4 weeks for 2 plate squat, 7 weeks 2 plate bench.

I have a history of sports and manual labour fyi.

I started too light and already had tons of leg strength from playing football

>>your starting bench press

>>your starting squat

>>how long it took you to hit 2pl8 bench press

>>how long it took you to hit 2pl8 squat

>hit 2 plate bench in 5 months
>hit 2 plate squat within like 6 weeks or something. Was more of an issue of form than anything else.
That's only because I started lifting at the end of middle school and our coach had us working like ancient Egyptian farm hands through the ninth grade.

I started at 185 though I hit 2 plates at my second workout once. Very hard.
Now I can do 2 plates for reps. I know I've gotten way stronger though because a month or two ago I had incredible difficulty with 210 and I can do 2 plates now easier than that.

My squat started at 95. Everything was very hard until I got to about 185. Then I did 2 plates about 2 months ago, hurt my hip and haven't squatted since. I just can't figure out squats.

All this is from late Jan to now. With breaks for work and I hurt myself before on squats too and took a break.

>60lbs @ 16 year olds
>265 @ 25 years
>Literally 8 years of fucking around

I seriously regret not getting my shit together till a year ago. I would have made it a long time ago.

Do 3 x 8, and incline. Grab really fucking tight too.

That helped me tremendously.

95 lbs 3x5
10 mos for 225 1rm bench

135 squat
about 4 mos

i weigh 160 at 5'7

from sedentary

95 lbs as 1RM
~1.5 years of on and off lifting to hit 2pl8 for 1RM

135 lbs for reps
took me ~5-6 months of focused lifting to hit 3pl8 1RM

bulked from 150-190 lbs

best advice that I can give for bench is as soon as you start stalling, get off SS and add more volume to build muscle. I wasted too much time fucking around with 3x5 for bench which wasn't enough volume

for squats, get your form down on point, follow SS diligently, don't get impatient with the progress. if elbow starts hurting, SWITCH FROM LOW-BAR TO HIGH-BAR

2 plates or 2 45lb/20kg plates on each side to total 225lbs/100kgs.