Reminder that if you dont do something with your muscles asides lifting, you're a total faggot and you should not be lifting at all.
Why the hell would you want those muscles for if you're not going to use them for anything besides gaining more muscles?
So tell me user, which martial art do you practice, which sport do you play? How physically demanding is your job?
Again, if you dont do any of these things, you're a faggot and you should stop lifting right now and get a more fitting hobby like book reading or crochetting
Jason Gomez
rock climbing is good way to build muscle and reason to stay lean
Cameron James
James Hughes
I use my quads to squat on dicks
Henry Allen
Beauty is a good reason to lift.
Lifters are artists. Never truly satisfied with their creation but feel satisfied when people appreciate their work.
Jacob Brown
Because lifting feels good and it's a great release?
Dylan Anderson
denying your ego is another form of ego albeit more subtle
ya bish
Jonathan Watson
this. There is something poetic in creating something aesthetic for its own sake. Enjoying getting stronger and gettting mires is a bonus
Dominic Allen
Miss kimbo already
Hunter Ward
vice versa. you do it for mires u liars
Henry Reed
I practice dirty boxing and work as a home remodler so it just helps with those function>aesthetics 9/10
Wyatt Martin
Fuck off, lifting for a practical purpose is miles worse than lifting just for lifting's sake.
Kayden Robinson
Beauty itself is pointless. So you're lifting to get more sex, thats a good goal, thats a good use for your muscles. but you should get into a martial art or a sport, if you're so into the speech of "turning your body into art", know that these things also help a lot, and not only that, but like I just said they serve an actual PURPOSE, its not just something pretty but also something functional.
I'll never forget the day I kicked a lifter's ass when I was weighed like 30 kilos less than him, because he spent his time putting up plates on the squat rack while I was kicking concrete bags at a muay thai academy.
If you respect your body so much, you should learn basic tools of defense for it.
Jordan Richardson
They get them money, through gay for pay(yes, it's real), by getting rich women that would gift them anything they want and many other options.
Noah Moore
How old are you? Tbh i'd rather run away than try to fight someone, that's how my friend got a knife to his neck.
>I'll never forget the day I kicked a lifter's ass when I was weighed like 30 kilos less than him, You sound like a loser
Adrian Campbell
>I practice dirty boxing 90% of the time this is code for "I watched some youtube tutorials and have a bag"
Ethan Evans
Old enough to know that strenght without purpose is meaningless.
I'm a loser who could probably kick your ass because I was smart enough to learn something useful to do with my muscles. And that time was long ago, I'm no longer that 70 kilos muay thai dude, you would 'mire my aesthetics for hours and I'd still be able to kick your ass afterwards.
Jayden Wright
Landon Sanders
Kek, you are basically women
Wyatt Price
And why you want to kick everybodys ass? Did your father beat you or something? I've never been in a (real) fight and im proud of it.
You're a disgrace for muay thai, and the worst example why someone picks a martial art.
Dominic Carter
>i'd rather run away than try to fight someone Been doing martial arts for almost 20 years and even taught part-time for beer money. This is one of the top 3 best ideas for self-defense. The other two being "don't live in a shithole where self-defense is a realistic concern" and "don't be a cunt so you won't be in a situation in which you'll have to defend yourself".
Michael Mitchell
Kek, you're basically a cuck
Noah Hill
I play earinfectionball aka water polo
Justin Rodriguez
>Implying I started the fights.
Mr lifts tried to hit me in a bar after his intimidation attempts on me failed. He thought I was flirting with his shitty girlfriend
Adrian Carter
>doing something you enjoy with a range of benefits >must be a women KEK
Benjamin Rivera
My White trash alert is beeping
That guy surely didn't know who he was messing with, right tough guy?
Luke Ross
I train BJJ and shoot criminals for a living. I wish I could shoot leftists too but my superiors won't let me so I just get to pepper spray them sometimes.
It's physically demanding, especially the overnight shifts, they fuck up your sleep pattern for the rest of the week.
Austin Williams
say it to my face cunt
Alexander Garcia
Don't lift at all muscle serves no functional purpose Don't learn martial arts, do conceal carry Don't buy a fast car the speed limit is 65, 200 serves no functional purpose Don't get a dog they aren't people it doesn't count as a friend Don't buy a machine gun, it serves no functional purpose. get a hunting rifle and a tiny conceal carry gun If you do choose to lift (I don't know why you would it's useless) don't take caffine, and get your protein from boiled chicken, no protein powder, no curls or bench press, only clean and jerk
Why do people on fit have this attitude it's like they hate having fun
Sebastian Morris
nice b8
Mason Morris
There still are some smart people on this board. Good to know.
Jaxson Cooper
Gavin Smith
I do calisthetics so the whole point is to increase the performance. I kind of quit on martial arts. Theyre fun but when you lift its just you vs gravity, no one is trying to break your arm or punch your teeth down your throat. Its very peacefull in many ways.
Chase Cook
Just so you know, if someone feels value out of crafting their body to he way they wish, it is worthy of saying that there's a purpose to it. To many people it is a hobby in itself, and most lifting enjoy both getting reactions to their body and seeing their own progress.
You are basically saying there's absolutely no point in anything unless it performs an objective function. That would be completely lifeless and stupid. All forms of media, art, and fun must mean nothing to you. We're not machines.
Bodybuilding in on par with all of the above activities. Some people like to dress nice, others like to have the bodies of ancient Greek statues. You honestly just sound incredibly insecure because you probably look like shit and are tired of lifters getting all the female attention.
Aaron James
Why is every martial arts faggot a neanderthal who got some karate lessons? >you lift weights? I could beat you up! >you make 120k a year? I could beat you up! >you have a hot girlfriend? I could beat you up! >you're better than me in any way? I could still beat you up! It would take me less than a second to pull the trigger and end your life while you're trying to beat me up. Welcome to current year where your fighting skills are worthless.
Jordan Thomas
>""""""men""""""""" who don't work manual jobs
Jayden Diaz
Same here user, 2nd dan Judo, been doing it for nearly 18 years. Best self defence is your 200-400m sprint time.
Luke Stewart
>""""""""""Men""""""""""" who have shitty jobs for average pay
Landon Ross
Everything about your post tells me you're brazillian.
Caleb Price
I don't lift, I do gymnastics. I also cycle, run, swim or hike. Being more flexible and stronger, as well as having more endurance is actually helpful in everyday life, while working in the garden for example. I workout to feel better and to get stronger because I'm weak as fuck, but I also want to look better.
Alexander Perry
That's not Kimbo, but some random synthol freak.
Connor Nelson
Indeed friendolino
Jeremiah Foster
It's less to do with martial arts culture and more to do with /asp/ and Veeky Forums "rivalry". Last year, /asp/ was constantly being baited by "I can bench 4pl8, tell me how you'd beat me up faget" threads, and now that /asp/ is basically /wwe/, us martial artists have nowhere else to go.
Aiden Cruz
bruh this cringe shit is now pasta, thanks
Levi Martin
Martial arts fag here. I do it because it's fun. I don't hang around in ghettos so self-defense is very unlikely to ever be a realistic concern for me. The few times and manlet has got aggro I just said "yeah okay" and walked away.
Colton Hughes
>all manual jobs have average pay Enjoy your weak hands and woman's job, faggot.
Parker Hughes
Ennoying having back problems when you're older. After all, not everyone can make it to college.
Andrew Cooper
Oh wow, I just learned, that he died. RIP. 42 years - that's too short.
Caleb Wilson
Im a bouncer.
James Miller
Rugby Strongman Cheerleading
Colton Jackson
Any good bjj or boxing coaches in Dubai?
Lincoln Sullivan
>via 9gag
Isaiah Richardson
> le functional strength meme Been a long time
Daniel Williams
>why can you write if you're not even an author
Gavin Hall
I don't have a physically demanding job, which is exactly why I lift - I need to do some exercise to stay in shape and lifting is the most enjoyable to me
Anthony Evans
I lift to one day compete in BJJ Tournaments. Obtaining lean muscle is the best route. Not being a mass of muscle, not being a tub of lard.
Michael James
Stay away from IBJJF tournaments, they're shit.
Charles Adams
wtf thats barcelona's metro
Brody Taylor
How so?
Owen Nelson
This is considered slamming and gets you disqualified in IBJJF. It's literally for children.
Nathan Nguyen
delete this
Jose Peterson
This user gets it. It is the peaceful way.
Ian Diaz
>>doing something you enjoy with a range of benefits, yet doing it only with the purpose of looking good >>must be a women KEK A women or a faggot
Julian Lopez
OP is a DYEL jelly faggot
Mason Cox
WoW that was really fucking lame.
Ryder Murphy
This guy gets it.
“Besides, it is a disgrace to grow old through sheer carelessness before seeing what manner of man you may become by developing your bodily strength and beauty to their highest limit. But you cannot see that, if you are careless; for it will not come of its own accord.” Socrates.
Ryan Martinez
I use them to intimidate nerds and fuck bitches. Does that count.
Jackson Cook
Confirmed for underage martialartsfag with huge inferiority complex
Matthew Morales
Wanna get into calisthenics but >Too weak >Wanna lay a bit of groundwork, aesthetics wise
Ryder Wilson
Dylan Kelly
>lifting for a practical purpose is miles worse than lifting just for lifting's sake I've met many faggots, but you are a special one
Isaiah Gutierrez
>Wish I could shoot all people with dissenting opinions
>I fear the bantz
Bentley Price
Holyshit kill yourself
Jose Collins
Just read Convict Conditionning and follow their progression chart for each exercises, man.
Lucas Perez
OP here.
Its good to know that a lot of you faggots are giving 2nd thoughts to your priorities.
You need to do something with your muscles, respect your body, give it the tools to defend itself against primitive beasts. Buy a gun if you want, but if you ever get the chance to fight in a true man's combat, do it. And because of that, you need to learn how to fight for real.
I have honed by body to perfection for years, and my body has repaid me well in kind. I own guns, but im also confident on my skill to finish a threat without them.
At least play some rugbi faggots, you're laughable if you just lift weights for the sake of lifting them
Jeremiah Campbell
>dissenting opinions
Pretty sure bringing economic ruin and widespread starvation/shortages to a country is a little more than just a "dissenting opinion". Leftists are a fucking plague. I assume you're some western eurotrash or american and you never lived under socialism, makes it easier to defend them.