How many lives did communism take...

How many lives did communism take? I have always been interested in the matter and have always heard a lot of different answers ranging from 700,000 to almost 80 million. but what is the exact number?

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It took no lives. Those people would be dead now anyway so it doesn't matter move on.

None. Ideas don't kill people.

Communists and communist regimes directly killed maybe 10-20 million.

>Political executions: 800k
>Gulag conditions: 1.7m
>Resettled kulaks: 390k
>Holodmor: 3m
>Counterrevolutionary suppression: 2m
>Great Leap Forward: 38m
>Cultural Revolution: 1m
>Cambodian genocide: 2m
North Korea:
>Executions: 100k
>Prison camps: 1.5m
>Famine: 500k
Derg Ethiopia:
>Qey Shibir: 500k

This is a compilation of all major executions, exacerbated famines, and deaths as a result of policy that occurred in explicitly communist nations as a result of policies that were in line with their teachings.
This leads to a total of 51.49 million. This does not include nations with relatively small death counts (e.g., Cuba, Vietnam).

IDK but I would say at least 20 million just from the Holodomor alone.

All of them. The entire human race is extinct thanks to Communism.

Stalin Reign killed 120million people

>Holodmor: 3m

> implying that the Holodomor was intentional

>50 million
>40 million is in China alone
>it's still like 1% of their population

And this is just a fraction of the people killed by communists.

180 million at the very least.
>72 million in China
>61 million in the USSR
>30 million in Nazi Germany
>5 million in North Korea
>5 million in Ethiopia
>3 million in Cambodia
>3 million in Vietnam
>2 million in Afghanistan
>1 million in Yugoslavia
>1 million in Mozambique
>less than 6 million
Hello leftypol

>jewish leader
He used to be a priest in training and was anti-semitic as fuck.

>Hello leftypol
Modern communists hate the USSR, dummy and its proven with census that stalin killed less than 5 million people

You stormtards just cant accept the fact that hitler killed 20 million people

>its proven with census that stalin killed less than 5 million people
t. leftypol

The way you phrased this question is dishonest

>hitler killed 20 million people
[Citation needed]

>How many lives did communism take?
This is pure propaganda. Such questions would only have rational meaning if we could have alternative history simulations that we could study.

Since we do not, you need to have some reference points. Like, how did the Soviet Union compare with Imperial and Post Soviet Russia? Hod did China fare compared with its' neighbours and India? And things like that.

>This is pure propaganda
Russia/Russian apologist pls go. Every fucking satellite state that has gotten out of your fat, greasy clutches is scared to death of getting Crimea'd

Over 120 million


>Russia/Russian apologist pls go. Every fucking satellite state that has gotten out of your fat, greasy clutches is scared to death of getting Crimea'd
If there ever was not an argument, it's right here.

>Stalin killed 70% of the population of the USSR and no one noticed

You can say the same about European colonies, though.


Everybody noticed except you

...and that's why Stalin is the most popular national leader right fucking now in Russia

How? the population went from 167 003 000 to 290 938 469

that's bullshit and you know it

>what is demography

*revisionism intensifies*

>Ideas don't kill people
>"I have an idea on how to kill soandso"
>Said idea is literally used to kill soandso
Checkmate Tankie

>kill everyone that doesn't like you
>everyone likes you now

Wow, what an amazing coincidence

Oh yeah because Stalin really killed literally everyone who didn't like him, and continued doing so after his death.

They like him because Russia was powerful when he was in charge. If you asked how many people would actually want to live under him, I guarantee the number would be far smaller, which is why the Russian communist party is polling so badly.
>people stop having babies
The fact that you have to use the most extreme estimates to even make the millions they actually killed look small fry in comparison is beyond laughable.

>>people stop having babies
so Stalin killed 120 million people in the USSR, then the 30 odd million survivors had 9 children each to make up for the people he killed + WW2 casualties, all while they were still starving to death?

It wasn't like 120 million dropped dead suddenly, it was a gradual process.
You're not accounting for grandchildren and shit like that.

>leftypol autist unable to take things any way but completely literally

Stalin infamously purged most of his detractors, and had millions of farmers killed or starved to death because he was unpopular with them. Without any organized group to oppose him, and a gigantic propaganda machine set up to glorify him that existed until the fall of the USSR, he was guaranteed to be more popular than leaders who you could actually criticize.

so in the ~30 years of Stalin's rule, there were multiple generations of children that added up to over 120 million people (remember, tens of millions of Soviets also died independently of Stalin in this time)? Stalin must have been the greatest leader of all time

No the children would only consist of part of the 120 million you fucking retard

all of them had to be children at some point, unless you think Stalin was such a genius that he invented cloning

Most were children prior to his rule and even to based Nicky II's death.

The fact that there is no clear consensus should tell you something.

A good way to come up with a honest criteria for “excess mortality” is to try to come up with a system for measuring it in your own country, and if you think you have a reasonable system, then apply it to whatever regime you want to look at. Communist death tolls are often massively inflated because historians with agendas apply critieria which they would never apply to their own society.

Questions like;

Do all executions count, or just ones which are committed against people for dissent? Is military desertion reasonable grounds for execution historically speaking?

Where do you draw the line when considering excess mortality from mismanagement? For example, what percent of death for Katrina are just the result of the hurricane, how many can be ascribe to government mismanagement of the response? Or the refusal of southern governors to accept that Pallegra was caused by dietary deficiencies, with over 100,000 people dying before it was finially accepted?

Is there an acceptable background rate of prison mortality, from which we can calculate an ‘excess’ mortality?

Do we ascribe deaths caused from wars, especially aggressive ones? Should Bush be ascribed a million or so excess mortality for Iraq, should Johnson and Nixon get 4 million between them for Vietnam?

What is the legitimate amount of force a government has to quell rebellions and inserections? What is legitimate or illegitimate mortality in maintaining order and control by a sovereign?

I think these are questions that once you can answer, you can get a better grasp on ‘victims of communism’.

communists are not human

>61 million in the USSR
>Nazi Germany - communism

Shadilay, fellow kekistani XDDD

It's the power of the mass shootings.
Without mass shootings... well... you can look the demography of post-soviet Russia (and not only) yourself.

I would add that you have to compare communist actions with the morality of the time and what was deemed acceptable for the government to do in the 20s-30s. Also compare the governing of neighbouring right wing dictatorships like Antonescu, Pilsudski, and Ulmanis.

Vietnamese communism was white supremacist, and nobody claims with evidence Iraq war killed 1 million

>The fact that there is no clear consensus should tell you something.

>And there is the resulting number: 7 millions. For whole soviet period. But public opinion says that we have about 12 millions only during 1937-1939. And I belong to this public, I am part of it. Not part of soviets, not part of democrats - part of these people. I knew for sure that, firstly, they won't believe. Secondly, for my circle of people that I consider myself belonging to, it would mean that everything that RESPECTABLE people were telling us about the numbers before, was not true.
>So I put all that statistics aside... Years later I could publish it, but couldn't find free time. Yet.

Arseniy Roginsky. Memorial. 03.08.2012.

7100 thousands. Arrested by the "state security". And it includes the non-politicals as well.
But it was not in line with the "muh gorillions shot by Stalin", so the guy politely shoved this research in his a... err... somewhere further.

>not socialism

Like I said, Shadilay, fellow cuckistani.
Now fuck off to /r/the_donald.

I just hope that "net neutrality" crashes down, so there would be less idiotic burgers in the Internet.

He's popular decades after his state fell and his propaganda machine was dismantled. You must be delusional if you think he simply killed everyone who didn't like him.

WW2 retard, not just the genocides.

>people die in wars
NO WAY, what are you going to tell me next? That water is wet?