>I do not do conventional deadlift, m'lady. You see, it puts too much strain on the back and I find the amount of ROM (range of motion, mind you) disagreeable. No, I perform the superior sumo deadlift. I feel the honor of generations of men with my similar bodytype when I lift the weights this way.
I do not do conventional deadlift, m'lady. You see...
The only time you should pull sumo is as an assistance lift or variant
>amount of ROM
>with my similar bodytype
this is why you shouldn't shitpost if english isn't your first language
I've only ever seen DYEL faggots pulling sumo. They all look like pic related.
Those are correct terms you double nigger.
My Jim has that exact bar
I see English isn't your first language.
>tries to call someone retarded
>is retarded himself
you can't make this shit up.
>some see a monster...
>some see a saint...
>some just call me fatty mcfatass...
My Gary has that bar too
he's not complaining about the application of the terms, but the grammar
"amount of range of motion"
"with my similar bodytype"
are not things that sound like proper english at all, and no native speaker would ever say that.
all me
native speakers say that all the time.
source: am a native
I use those terms all the time.
Well then you're educationally subnormal.
Great, you did it again. Faggot.
Lmao this.
I was doing 2plate dead x5, and this fucking show off faggot started pulling 3plate sumo straight after me
It was fucking obvious he was trying to show off, but I just started laughing to myself because if he did conventional like me I could easily fucking out lift him. He gave me a weird look after so I knew I fucking hit a nerve on that insecure prick.
sumo is making love conventional is fucking
do both