Ramadan has started

>Ramadan has started
>Gym is SO MUCH more quiet now these days
>No obnoxious shitskins around
Good feels anyone?

back to /pol/

Go back to your country m8


>tfw all of my favorite Indian food trucks are closed this month

Consider: more books are translated into Spanish every year than into Arabic in the past 10,000. Also, weightlifting.

Your country IS my country fag

You better get used to me

Please don't use racist terms like shitskin

There are plenty of Middle Eastern Christians, Athiests, and Jews who suffer because of SUBHUMAN FUCKING MUSLIM BARBARIANS

I hope you know how to sew those moon crescent fabrics on your clothes friend.

My country allows freedom of speech so you better get used to me mocking your violent religion and pedophile prophet

>tfw you believe in peaceful religions like Islam

It's full of dyel Somalis now

I just don't understand why they can't talk to each other without screaming

my religion allows me to kill infidels who mock my religion so you better say byebye to your freedom of speech

>not wanting to live in complete and utter chaos
>not wanting to behead non-believers and put their heads on pikes on the street

>Of peace








>I just don't understand why they can't talk to each other without screaming
Did they pick this up while invading Europe?
My Italian and German roommates yell literally every fucking word that leaves their mouth.

according to islam, there will be world peace once all people are muslim

My country (the Republic of Texas) allows the right to bear arms

You might get away with that in Sweden, but good luck trying that shit here.

pick one
you cucks gave away independance for saefty

>Racists: the world will be peaceful if all people are white

What's the difference?

>>Gym is SO MUCH more quiet now these days
Oh dw we still come. It's only around after evening time now tho :^)

Kek. Sure thing Cletus.

At least we contribute to the U.S. instead of being a constant drain like commieformia

Yeah the shiite and sunni sure are peaceful towards one another

>Cletus as an insult

I thought Muslims would get along with hillbillies, you're both low IQ ignorant intolerant cousin fuckers

Or Sunni and people who aren't Sunni enough


Lol I'd rather have Muslims who lift on /fit than have a dyel fuck like you tripfagging this place into cancer


I got your back fellow Texan .

Fuck the mudslimes

That's because you are a Muslim

Your taqqiya won't work here

We don't tolerate muslims here Mohammed , now gtfo.

>low IQ
My IQ's pretty good desu.

> ignorant
I have great awareness for me and the world I live in bud.

I'm a very tolerant person irl desu.

>cousin fuckers

>not denying that your a dyel

Did a Muslim call you a manlet too?

>Cletus against a European
Nice maymay friend.

Muslims are the first victims of violent groups like ISIS. That's a fact.


Wrong board /pol

Literally none. But degenerate liberals would never allow you to argue that because there's no counter argument

Agreed fuck mudslimes

Oh fuck. I forgot my pepe.

Wrong country go back to terrorist land

Hemingway please go

kys aspie

>>it makes sense that everyone in the world has to travel to this magic box in the desert and do the rituals to appease God
You can nitpick the little things like that from every religion.

Then you should be aware that you're faggot

Muslims have to support a global caliphate and shariah law

That's why the majority are sympathetic to ISIS

>that trip
>that post

back to the desert raghead

Bolshevism is preferable to Islam desu

We should have let the soviets have Afghanistan

>terrorist land

What are you 12?

As much as I hate Islam I hate dyel tripfaggot /pol/ shitposters more.
Why do you still come here faggot?

>Your country IS my country fag

i can feel the sweet sound of a noose being flung over a tree branch

Because dumbasses like you take the bait

>ISIS literally controls large parts of the Middle East
>dun call it terrorist land!


>U r le pol

I'm a proud Zionist though


You're even fucking worse than /pol/
What I'd give to watch Jamal and 5 durkaburkas throw your twink ass from a building.

>I'm a proud dyel zionist though*

No fucking surprise
Gas yourself kike

>supporting the terrorist quasi state known as Palestine

Shouldn't you be strapping bombs to children and using a woman as a human shield?