Why is it okay to like Hitler but not Stalin in the year 2018?
Why is it okay to like Hitler but not Stalin in the year 2018?
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It is not.
Because communism at its most base face value is easier to defend than Nazism at its most base face value.
only on /pol/ its okay to like hitler and not okay to like stalin. in real life europe for example (germany, russia most of it) its quite the opposite
Stalin was a fucking badass and Hitler was a cuck.
communism had a lot of sense early to mid 20th century, nazism had not
because stalin wanted to do away with class and capitalism
hitler fucking killed his own party members because they wanted to share the wealth, just so he could grab power with the help of the bourgeoisie. so why, oh why? does the media prefer him to stalin?
Think of it like this user, would you rather pretend to work under an authoritarian government with little pay, or killed by an authoritarian government for being the wrong race?
Where exactly? It's the opposite here in Russia.
10 million emaciated hohols would've chosen the race option tbqhwy.
because stalin is a cuck for killing its citizens
and communism is spreading among liberals
What fucking planet do you live on? Try wearing a Hitler tee shirt and see how far you get, then try the same experiment with a Stalin tee shirt.
>Why personalities shilled by western academia and jews are seen as cool and progressive
Have no idea
What jews shill Stalin?
The ones who were from Germany. The ones who came from Russia ironically enough usually hate Stalin.
> does the media prefer him to stalin?
The media, academia and virtually anyone else hates both, but hate Hitler way more. He's the modern, secular Satan. You have to be an incredibly butthurt tankie retard to think Stalin is misrepresented by the media while Hitler isn't. A great deal of klids don't even know anything about Stalin while Hitler's bullshit is known by everyone since childhood.
People who hear only what they expect to hear.
Because Nazis lost everything right after extremely pissing almost everyone else off. One thing that Stalin actually, wasn't is a delusional retard, which is the core reason why it's not OK to like Hitler
Is it time to idolize another successful communist figure?
>pretend to work
>under fucking Stalin
lol good luck with that
you guys have totally false ideas about how stalinist russia was. this isn't the fucking cold-war USSR.
If you were more than 1 minute later to gulag work your prison sentence would be prolonged by 1 fucking year.
If you were more than 5 minutes too late, you would be fucking shot.
Stalinist Russia was brutal as fuck.
You toss newspaper in garbage bin with a photo of Stalin? Welp I hope your family likes prison.
You refused an order? Your entire family was shot. Pretending to work... yeah right.
Because one tried to save humanity and everything worth living for while the other tried to destroy it because he took some jewish utopian fantasy too seriously
follow your leader and kill yourself nazi cuck
I'm sure you have excellent citations for all of those things happening?
You will regain your spirit if you look hard enough
The Nazis killed more Catholic priests than the Soviets.
Both responsible for genocide, both 'foreign' nationalists (Dzugasvili became most reactionary Great Russian and his love for Ivan IV is no surprise).
Tsk, tsk. But what if he's a mutt, a Jew, a nigger, a sandnigger, a soyboy etc, etc?
Something that you don't understand about Nazism is its' social darwinism. It never even pretended to care about such things like "humanity" and "everything worth living for". It was an effort to completely annihilate most of humanity, because the supermen had the right to inherit the earth. If they failed to do that, than they really aren't supermen, and nothing of value lost either way.
The following quote is very much in line with that.
>If the war is lost, the nation will also perish. This fate is inevitable. There is no necessity to take into consideration the basis which the people will need to continue even a most primitive existence. On the contrary, it will be better to destroy these things ourselves, because this nation will have proved to be the weaker one and the future will belong solely to the stronger eastern nation [Russia]. Besides, those who will remain after the battle are only the inferior ones, for the good ones have all been killed.
'Tufta' was most prominent in society and in the camps during the most repressive era, simply because the quotas were unreal.
So yes, 'pretending to work' was most prominent during Dzugasvili era.
Because one fought for European civilization andf the second one was Zionist that tried to destroy it with his Hunnic hordes.
Educate yourself, almost everything you've said is false.
I already did. Almost everything I said is true.
What is false about what he said? Nazis was pretty much a death war cult.
doesn't work 1) with their ww1 butthurt at all. 2)And it;s not how they got their people's approval.
Because retarded jewish nazifags created the biggest war in history and killed 27 milions civilians in 5 years. soviet russia killed 20 milion ppl in 85 years, modernized the country, went into space, reduced the avrg working hours, created the trans-siberian railway , increased the avrg calories per day(they were higher than the amerifats ones) and made russia the second producer and exporter of iron after the communist china.
in the soviet union there where soviets that where democratically elected. in the weimar jewish nazifag republic city majors were chosen by the nazifag party
It's actually the opposite.
>Communists are this delusional
Well, in the case of Ukrainians for example, it's not that big of a feat to increase calories consumption. Starting at 0 calories, the number can only go up.
Also, Hitler was literally elected, Stalin wasn't.
And pretty sure work hours weren't decreased in the gulag.
Oh, and need I remind you about Poland being invaded by both Germany and USSR?
>And pretty sure work hours weren't decreased in the gulag.
Funny thing. They actually were, I think in 1938.
imagine thinking academia is pro-stalin
The gulags where full of criminals that deserved worse. gulags had also a mortality rate of 17%. They where working in building railwais. for me 4 milion criminals in the gulags for 20 years is ok. BTW russians wanted communism then and now
My bad, they were actually increased to 11 hours per day. Fucking Beria, lol.
It's the opposite
how the system worked in the beginning you'd better be out of this crap completely, asap apply for a proletariat re-education and do your supervisor thing in factories, helping with not necessarily that shitty little theaters and patriotic music meetings in Sundays and so, growing from here.
Most people want their empire back, especially the common, less politically educated folk. Most brits would want their empire restored until very recently, before they where shamed into thinking their country is awful and everything they did was wrong. Most russians are not taught that the USSR was bad or opressive, so they are not partucularly ashamed of their own history.
tell me when was USSR bad or opressive
Never. All hearsay of the USSR being bad or opressive is merely bourgeois propaganda. It was a perfect paradise of freedom and justice, and state opression was unheard of.
nice Zionist revisionism you got there senpai
>there are unironically communists browsing this board
iam fascist
nice tankie thred
Is this ironic, or are you the /pol/ version of a fucking communists?
This is even fucking worse. You're not a fascist either, you're just a confused "straussian" propagandist trying to be edgy. Tell me all about the jewish bankers and the Koch brothers, comrade.
To be quite honest, Soviets made a mistake of considering them human.
Polaks (and Krauts) were more right about them.
t. Half-hohol
Of course they do. Fucker actually started decimating (((Children of Arbat))) instead of doing it only for russian bydlo.
Antisemitism as well as anti-germanism is natural human nature
You dont have to be communist to acknowledge moral supperiority SU had
Solzhenitsyn, Solonin or some jew who was a high party official under Khruschev, kek.
That being said, doing a shitty job, with "lowered sleeves", as russians say, would not end for you just with the slap of the wrist for "negligence" like it's now.
At very best, you'd have VERY uneasy life.
At very worst, well... "Sabotage" and "Spying" are not the kind of words that would prolong your life.
And, to be honest, judging by the work of Russian government officials (and not only), Stalin's methods of, ahem..., rotation, would come very handy. At least, on lower levels.
*natural, common sense
Solzhenitsyn wrote letters to his friend in Jiddish, realy makes you think.
>the nazis were a zionist consipracy
>ironic moralism
Oh. You're trolling. Ok I get it now. No one could be this mentally retarded. 7/10 I guess, needs more reddit and facebook commie memes.
>Hitlerites werent Zionists
good goy
>Well, in the case of Ukrainians
Ukrainians can shut the fuck up. Their autistic screeching about "muh free marketz" was the reason Petrograd fucking rioted from hunger, which fucked the Provisional Government even more.
Yes, Ukrainian Kulaks, in their greed and autism, LAID FUCKING RED CARPET IN FRONT OF BOLSHEVIKS.
Therse faggots deserve everything that happened afterwards.
>Poland being invaded
Need I remind that Poland tried to make their geshefts with Nazi germany, but then fucked up and was partitioned, largely, by their own autism? Should I remind that Soviet war doctrine considered Poland their main enemy, who would have union with the Nazi Germany?
Should I remind that by the time of MRP, half of the fucking countries between USSR and Germany already signed non-agression pacts?
Quite behaving like a virgin wife who suddenly realised that her husband has a cock.
Sure they were. I guess the fact that most of the bolshevic revolution was organized by jews was part of it. Thank Christ papa Stalin got rid of them them when he had the chance. Too bad that fucker Hitler tried to protect those evil zionist jews from being rightfully purged by soviet justice.
>Tell me all about the jewish bankers and the Koch brothers, comrade.
Soviets told them to fuck off.
While Monarchists wanted to bend Russia down for the anglo-french banker cock.
In fact, it's one of the, IIRC, three cases, when somebody told banks to fuck off and it actually worked.
>realy makes you think
Really not, considering HOW this faggot got into the camps in first place.
>I guess the fact that most of the bolshevic revolution was organized by jews was part of it.
Yes Goy, YEEES!
>if you won't let me like Hitler irl without being called a racist then you can't like Stalin either!
sour grapes
But I was agreeing with you. We all know most SU comissars were jews until Stalin came to power. They were clearly working for the german monarchists. I mean, they had to spend all that post-ww1 gold on something after losing their zionist empire.
Doesnt matter if you like him or Hitler or Churchill or Obama. All ideologies and regimes are equally murderous in the long run.
Humans just need a reason to kilk and conquer. What that reason is really doesnt matter
no one can fit into that, u have to make it more wider.
not sure about the commissars, but here is NKVD
The fact that USSR won is my citation.
People have that image that the Nazis were disciplined, hard-working and strict people, but when shit hit the fan Russians proved to be far more hard-working and disciplined. Just read literature from that period.
You have no idea what a superhuman effort it took to turn the war around for the Soviets. Communism was shit and efficient so it all boiled down to pure strength of will. You have women and children working so hard (voluntarily) that they collapsed on the floor. You have that 1 Soviet agrarian professor whose name I forgot, who preferred to starve to death than eat the seeds for the future crops of the Soviets, even tough he could have gotten away with it. You have leningradians who ate fucking rats and even each other, rather than surrender etc... not like the Nazis who only in 1944/45 started to talk about total war and discussed how they should avoid going to restaurants and theatres to aid the front.
communism was shit and inefficient*
That's became Germany had a culture of conspicuous consumerism
>That's became Germany had a culture of conspicuous consumerism
That's because Germany was an actual developed country. The vast majority of russians were illiterate and completely uneducated. They were just used to hard life and to being serfs. I'm amazed you freely believe the propaganda of the time.
imagine being this retarded
>Sure they were. I guess the fact that most of the bolshevic revolution was organized by jews was part of it.
Except they werent
I don't know your appearence so it's hard to picture it. It's easy to imagine being so dumb you think calling people retarded proves your point.
>jews are 1% of the population
>20% of people in charge were jewish
>Lenin and Trotsky were jewish
>they weren't
Wew. Way to take it literally. Obviously most of the people weren't jewish, but the jews were obviously not only overrepresented but also the most important figures.
>Implying that enemies of the people were called 'comrades'
Even Ho Chi Minh violently purged his own party to consolidate power early in North Vietnam's history. Is there any fucking Communist leader in history who doesn't have the blood of his own comrades on his hands?
would you describe America's defeat in Vietnam as a "tactical retreat"?
No, it was a colossal failure and we should have never been in there or supported the French attempts to reclaim Indochina. Doesn't change the fact that Ho Chi Minh was an asshole personally. He was still a better leader for Vietnam than any of the puppets the US installed in the South, though.
american'ts just cannot admit they lost miserably SAD
Fascism in general made way too much sense with the aftermath of the Great Depression and the overall political crisis going on at the time.
What the fuck does the term "colossal failure" mean to you? Retard.
>Leninf was Jewish
He wasnt, Schlomo.
>20% of people in charge were jewish
It was about 60% in the menshevik party, realy makes you think.
His mother was jewish, which makes you a jew.
>b-but he didn't practice the jewish religion
Good goy
Of course, the Soviets were busy slaughtering Orthodox priests instead.
yeah, an ideology that's based only on the ultra genius idea blaming everything wrong on jews and commies makes sense
It's literally not, you fucking moron. In fact it's far more the opposite, especially in Russia. Delete this shit thread.
get new friends
Sure Hitler was a jewish asset and unleashed the eternal hun on the most of Europe, but saying that Stalin fought for european civilization is a bit of a stretch.
>it's yet another retarded commie (redundancy intended) doesn't understand the difference between nazism and fascism episode
Because Stalin was evil and Hitler wasn't. People are starting to realize that.
Stalin is a big no no when i was in Latvia and Estonia
So you seem to fail to understand the role the NKVD had in all this.
You want to know what would happen if you didn't volunteer to defend the motherland?
You were a traitor, you were shot.
What it boiled down to was the USSR could afford combat losses, were given gobs of equipment, and people knew that the Germans would just kill them so they had no reason to not fight to the death.
It has nothing to do with survival it has to do with charity, and the human desire to survive.
t. Sebag Montefiore
Becwuse of Amerimutt teenagers.
Hitler was evil. He destroyed labor unions. Such a capitalistic step.