What are good ideas for a 2nd or 3rd date with her?
Weather is okayish nothing stellar.
Gonna meet her on friday.
To keep it more Veeky Forums related are physical activity dates just a meme or are they actually good?
I don't live in some hipster shit city like LA or NYC so don't suggest shit like horse riding on a beach you fucking faggots
Aaron Gonzalez
I really like this picture. Who is she?
Joshua Barnes
Is there anywhere you can do rock climbing?
>getting to look up at qt ass from below while she gets sweaty
Lincoln Harris
theres this meme mountain here you can like walk up, kinda climb up and chill on top and mb watch the stars or something but the weather isnt that great so it might turn out badly
Jace Sanchez
>I don't live in some hipster shit city Sounds like someone's got a case of the ol' sour grapes.
David Butler
>meme mountain For god's sake I hope you don't say shit like that in real life. Check the weather forecast, so long as it's not pissing it down it'll be fun. Physical dates are good shit.
Jayden Carter
>For god's sake I hope you don't say shit like that in real life.
i obviously don't
Oliver Price
Take her horse riding on a beach.
Take her in a nude beach and put on your horse mask.
Jaxon Carter
Take her ice skating and make her hold your hands a lot if she doesn't know how and you do. Works every time.
But I live in the north, Idaho.
Physical activity dates aren't a meme just be smart.
Mason Garcia
ice skating is kinda out of the question cause she told me her best friend met her now husband while they were at a foam party ice skating or something
and he recently proposed big time in this old ice skating venue they met over 10 years ago soooooo idk it wouldnt be that good
Nathan Richardson
it sounds like a fun idea, thb. just take her ice skating like "haha just wanted to do it since you said, haven't been in ages", like does she know you have been taking lessons, impress her, release the foam, and in synchronicity with the now blaring power ballad complete your routine and propose
Robert Wilson
Are you autistic?
Just pop out your Lego set and build shit with her at home then.
Ethan Sullivan
rape her headless corpse 4 maximum gains squats & oats
Austin Murphy
>tfw 18 and my hobbies are lifting and legos im not alone here am I?
Eli Adams
Josiah Harris
Yes, likely.
David Lee
Dude legos are fun as fuck. Just don't tell girls that you do it
Elijah Morgan
not that far on the spectrum amigo, don't worry
Aiden Ross
>picnic >star gaze >watch sunset >hike up a mountain in the morning and watch sunrise >Buy a cook book and make a day out of cooking one meal from there >Walk in park while holding hands and talking >visit a cheap zoo
Girls like anything remotely romantic and stupid you just have to make it more romantic and put effort
Austin Morales
do minigolf, fun and competitive if shes decent or if shes bad u can use for advice to initiate flirty contact
Benjamin Taylor
I'm really self conscious about working out and doing physical activities around people (especially guys) I don't know well. The most physical date I've had with a new guy is golf, and even then I had to have a beer or two before I could relax.
I also don't like going out to eat cause I'm self conscious about eating around new people. If I do I'll just get finger food until I'm more comfortable. I think that is actually pretty common for girls. Dunno about the physical activity one though. Is imagine it's not uncommon though for girls to not get sweaty and put them self in awkward exercise positions and whatnot at first.
Of course I have anxiety so I probably take it to an extreme.
Zachary Richardson
How do I stop being such a bitter, angry, needy mess when it comes to women?
Joshua Sullivan
A treetop obstacle course or something.
GoApe if you're in the UK, they might have them in your country too i dunno, but theres lots of them everywhere and they are fun for playful competition and stuff.
David Wright
Stop browsing Veeky Forums.
James Kelly
I would also like an answer to this
Justin Jones
Become a fit mechanical engineer. Your autism won't show in that crowd, and you can do what you love, manipulating things in threedimensional space, to create other things. Also, that's not Spurdo.
Jacob Wright
lift more
Daniel Garcia
Realize that no relationship is about filling any void in your life, or solving any problems you can't solve alone.
A healthy, happy, functional, long-term relationship is two people going "y'know, I don't NEED you. I'd honestly be fine without you. But you do make my life better and I don't want to be without you."
If either party NEEDS the other, it's not healthy, it's dependent, and becomes toxic. So you've gotta learn to fill your own voids by yourself, so you don't keep relying on women to do it for you.
source: screwed up bad in the past, fixed my crap, now happily married
Tyler Gutierrez
Tyler Campbell
What is this from again?
Ryan Ross
get off Veeky Forums. probably also stay away from reddit. basically stop listening to people who unironically say things like "degenerate" and "alpha/beta" and "Chad." That being said, there could be a million different answers to this question and nobody here knows your specific situation.
Hunter Evans
Thanks nigga
Isaiah Hill
FUCKING THIS I can't tell you guys how much happier and healthier you will be in and out of relationships once you embrace being satisfied with yourself and not deriving self-worth from your interactions with others.
Grayson Williams
I always do way better around women when I'm relaxed. Just chill out and let the conversation flow naturally. You'll have girls gagging on your dick in no time
Carter Nguyen
Assuming you guys hung out or went out to eat for first date.
2nd date, do something physical >hiking >skating >playing a sport she likes >frisbee >even bowling If she isn't an active person just skip to date three plan and try to fuck her and dump her. Physical time gives you a chance to show off some special traits that males are good at >your body >your confidence >your skill even if you suck, play it aloof, it's all about looks/fun at first.
date 3, something intimate a late night date, a hang out, something to put you close and do the opposite of of date 2. This time you want to show her your intimacy. Be someone who is sweet, but confident. If you feel she is going for it, be physical with her. If not than suck it up and watch her shitty movie, as long as you're there with her. also I just used movie as a generalization, it could be a drive around to someplace you think is romantic. I use a lake that I live by.
Parker Bennett
>higher cost of living >more crowded gyms >can't find qt cowgirl easily >having to deal with more niggers
Yeah, no.
Ethan Collins
Whatever you decide next, this is a quality first step.
Also, imo it's all about considering that women are just like men in many ways, most are douchy and some are pretty kick ass. It might take you some time but keep a look out for some kick ass ladies.
Andrew Bennett
crop from a picture of some fat fuck furry mlp-fan leftist in public ... something like that.
Lincoln Jones
Some fat fuck waving a gay pride flag with his gut hanging out of his XXXXXMedium T-shirt.
Asher Anderson
How do you move from one type of conversation to another?
Like from normal, friendly to getting her number or from normal date talk to sexual?
Cameron Nelson
Best advice on this thread.
Nicholas Baker
Think of questions that are slightly related to the conversation but it's its own thread.
Like this: *talking about food* *cheese is casually brought up* *make a reference to the french* *now you can talk about travelling*
Goes on like this, and you can talk about anything non-stop. Pic close there are more important t factors at play too, such as tonality, confidence, if you're listening, and all this other sub-communication. Aka be confident and trust yourself when you talk.
Nathan Kelly
>keep looking for signs if qt azn girl likes me >waste my time every day wondering about this >decide to say fuck it and stop being a faggot and ask her out >hopefully finally get an answer >she says she needs to focus on studies and stuff now but it would be cool if we hung out at the start of next semester >tfw still don't know if she likes me
Grayson Williams
Oh shit, a North Idabro! Where you at, motherfucker?
Gavin Hall
move the fuck on there is never, NEVER a reason to wait around for a bitch.
if she was attracted to you, she'd give up some of her time with friends or other guys. Or if you are giving out signals that you are looking for a relationship instead of just some fun, and she doesn't want a relationship, she'll tell you this.
either way, get to a place where you can make a move, or move on. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. getting girls is like applying for a job. it's a numbers game and you gotta play up those numbers.
Brody Gray
You better be asian too
Isaiah Reyes
Veeky Forums help me out I'm autistic af and basically a virgin
Lucas Smith
I will have to settle for exploring your caves, dora
Evan Morgan
she had kittens in one pic hence my first message
Charles Butler
Ask her if she'd be interested in seeing some puppies...
Jaxson Jenkins
damn i would hit that ass so hard earthquake alerts would pop up in the news
Jaxon Diaz
breh tell me about it, this is from her insta
I'm thinking I could say something about her kittens needing a father figure. Or maybe bring up how it's finals week and she needs to de-stress or something.
Wyatt Lee
She is a rather quiet and shy type so I doubt she's chasing after other guys. That being said, you're right, I shouldn't be waiting around for her. But I haven't made time yet to meet anyone recently so she's all I got at the moment.
Grayson White
>talk to grill online >everything going great >she's laughing, calls me funny and crazy in a good way etc >talk about something a little bit more and ask for her number >she replies to the initial part but she doesn't respond to the number asking question >she then stops responding alltogether