Are stormfags brainwashed?
>muh northern europeans
>literally all contributions to civilization before the 19th century are the product of roman, greek, ancient egyptian, chinese, japanese, korean, jewish, persian, arab, armenian and indian thought while germanic, celtic and slavic people were literal barbarians
>in modern history the non-mediterraneans get a taste of civilization and all the resources to thrive
>they still don't contribute as much as the "shitskins" I've listed above
Seriously, how tdo they argue against this? This is a literal "we wuz"
Are stormfags brainwashed?
Other urls found in this thread:
All those people are retroactively stated to be "Nordic" or rule by a Nordic minority.
I do wonder if the Chinese had a similar perception in the Middle Ages. Is this something every civilization, in this case northern Europeans, gets up to when it's their time to shine? Because in the scheme of human history northwestern European dominance is a very small blip on the radar and has already almost disappeared.
Medes are white anyway, americans are just retarded and think that italians and greeks aren't because mexicans are half-native.
It's just plain ignorance. Northerners usually depicted as slow thinking brutes through most of European history.
>implying the first signs of aryan dominance don't begin as early as the Indo-Europeans.
>as far back as 3000 bc the 'snowniggers' were conquering most of eurasia.
you can look at this yourself, european names began to predominate as early as the 16th century. that's 500 years ago.
You have to remember, wewuzing is the epitome of American culture; pretending you're a stereotype of another culture. American culture lack depths so they're prone to attach themselves to anything like ticks, no matter how silly it is.
That's why you only find this shit among American stormfags while a Nordic white supremacist obviously know this isn't the case. Even Hitler knew Germany had a past consisting of brutes being brutes.
Greek and Romans were "whites" from "hyperborea", it's literally in their founding myths.
you forgot nativeamericans
the bombardment of Berlin
>roman, greek, ancient egyptian, chinese, japanese, korean, persian, arab, armenian
Proto-Germanic warrior caste
Already debunked.
Fake news
Not really. Indo-Europeans didn't speak Proto-Germanic.
>pure blooded german king.jpg
Did they have anything but architecture though?
cry more pedro
Guy on the right looks nothing like classical phenotype. He looks like some effeminate inbred bitch.
blind nazi detected
t. swarthy med
The Mongols could have dominated Europe as well.
No, I'm actually from a "Nordic" country. But you're deluded if you think that this inbred Habsburg ape looks anything like pic related.
Blonde hair and bright eyes have nothing to do with classical phenotype.
Also, classical phenotype woman. Guess where you can find the most of them? Greece? Italy? Or maybe Scandinavia?
the man in your pic looks significantly less like the bust than the "Habsburg ape" does though.
No, look again at the pic you posted. Guy's chin is a typical example of a Nordic inbred, just like Habsburgs.
Stormfaggots are deluded bunch. You honestly think Italics and Minoans and Mycenaeans were Nordic? No one says that they looked like modern day South Italians with fat egg-faces. But for real, fucking stop, they weren't Scandinavians either. They were their own thing, hence classical phenotype is an actual thing.
They had some impressive engineering, chinampas, the city on the middle of a lake, flood regulation, herbal medicine and were cleaner than the europeans.
I'm a different user, an impartial bystander.
Fuck off we dont want to be associated with you
I just find it hilarious that Scandis can't simply accept that they were nothing but a bunch of savage shiteaters when compared to Mediterranean Civilizations, hell not to mention Fertile Crescent. Even the Celts were more advanced than Germanics. Germanics only catched up when they absorbed Celts and some Roman citizens.
>be Nordic masterrace
>invent a fucking cheese slicer
lmao and that's coming from a Slavshit.
You really need to stop thinking Veeky Forums is an accurate representation of anything, including itself.
I know, people here are genuinely retarded.
Habsburgs were never Nordic
>calling yourself a "Slavshit"
According to retards here, every Indo-European was Nordic. Therefore German noble houses were Nordic as well.
at least he's honest unlike wewuzzers. this website is full of them.
yes they are. thule society is the biggest larp ever
>face-blind autist detected
I notice you med supremacists like to make a strawman and say that we assume romans were nords. Literally no one says that, its just your insecurity.
--however-- if you are a dark little med mongrel who could pass for a north african then you are NOT the descendent of the romans. There is a middle ground, the r1b type person who has fair skin that can tan, brown or black hair, sometimes other colors, and varying eye colors. This is the true master race of europe and they are everywhere in the western portion. But if you have dark curly hair, dark brown eyes, and darkened skin even in winter, you are not, I repeat, not a roman. Get over it and stop posting these threads.
The roman emperors phenotypes
How is that font on the right called?
You can find people with straight noses, oval faces and Not weak chins anywhere in Europe
Honest about what? Calling your own ethnicity shit should get you shot.
dumb germanic subhuman begone
Uh what? You just helped prove my point. Its clear the romans were far more akin to the modern northern italian than the southern.
I have no problem with northern italians, you guys are great. The problem is the southern italians and mestizo posters
>John Malalas, sometimes spelled Malelas (Greek: Ἰωάννης Μαλάλας, Iōánnēs Malálas; c.491 – 578), was a Greek chronicler from Antioch.
Makes you wonder how he knew most of it.
Also, for many of these the only source is a Nazi "historian".
He lived some 300-400 years after those emperors. I just wonder how reliable are his accounts.
It's a book from 1935 Germany. So yes, he was a Nazi historian.
You're a literal idiot.
The Romans actually were very proud of the fact they were Turks from Troy.
Hyperborea was an obscure mythological footnote memified by the kings of wewuzism, the Nazis.
Why am I an idiot? Please explain why do you think an account by a man who lived 400 years after said emperors is reliable?
According to Wikipedia:
> Except for the history of Justinian and his immediate predecessors, it possesses little historical value; the author, "relying on Eusebius of Caesarea and other compilers, confidently strung together myths, biblical stories, and real history."
I was talking about Sieglin you clown.
Was he against the Nazis?
He was apolitical.
Well-preserved frescoes from places like Pompeii and Tarquinia in central Italy depict mostly curly-haired, dark-haired, dark-eyed, olive-skinned people, with a few people mixed in with lighter hair and eyes sitting right next to them (which presumably became less common the further south you went). Much like modern Italy. Which goes along well with DNA tests showing little to no change in overall Italian genetics from the last few thousand years. Can this autism please end?
>b-but muh muh cherrypicked samples
>b-but muh white supremacist website citing a book that reputable academics say "has no historical value" due to being pieced together from myths 400 years after the fact
Fuck off.
Anyway dumping Roman frescoes.
>Anyway dumping Roman frescoes.
Add to the fact anyone could become a citizen as long as they accepted Roman rule meant that the Empire was actually pretty diverse. Could explain why you had a couple of Germanic and even a North African born Emperor.
>Could explain why you had a couple of Germanic and even a North African born Emperor.
I don't think Rome ever had a Germanic emperor. Dacians and Celts don't count.
>while germanic, celtic and slavic people were literal barbarians
Not Celts even, just Germanics and Slavics.
The darker woman in this pic is probably wearing a wig, I recall reading that those were popular in ancient Italy.
>mfw most blue-eyed. blond-haired mythological beings were women or young boys
>big guys such as Zeus, Poseidon or Hades weren't described like that
>Blond twinks were actually fuck toys for big Mediterranean brown bulls
Women and children consistently tended to be depicted as lighter.
(half Punic, but also half Italian and still relevant as one of the only surviving frescoes of a Roman emperor)
I'm sure those paintings and mosaics with blond hair guys that look like shit come from Byzantium.
Most of them are women and children as well. Hair and skin tends to darken as you age (unless you're really old; anyone with eyes can attest to it), and women having lighter features was idealized.
Nope, Sicily
Rarely seen but still very much existent blond hair rears its head again.
It's from the Villa Romana del Casale.
Literally the living incarnation.
This is from Sardinia, not a full blood Roman
Nobody takes these people seriously, the theory that Greeks had become Albanians or mixed with Turks was spread by a German historian called Jakob Philipp Fallmerayer who was an anti-russian and pro-Ottomanist German. His theories had zero genetic basis but rather his basis was that the Greeks did not look like Aryan whites.
Today these theories are peddled on fring sites like Stormfront, and as result are leaked by degenerate autistic freaks on Veeky Forums, like that Albanian poster who spams Veeky Forums and /pol/ with his OC theories, that greeks aren't white.
It's really ugly. I guess it's the Christian influence.