How can meat eaters justify their life decisions eating meat daily!?? Is eating meat the diet of choice??
How can meat eaters justify their life decisions eating meat daily!?? Is eating meat the diet of choice??
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Gonna go get a hamburger whatre you gonna do about it
When I go hunting, I don't like wasting the meat. So I eat it
I don't eat meat
Vegetarian master race
it tastes good.
What a shocker, an annoying tripfag is being a faggot
More like "cute faggot who refuses to eat meat like a normal ass human being"
I eat all sort of meat products daily because:
I like meat much more than any other vegetable and or fruit.
I don't have to worry much about minerals and or vitamins.
My ancestors ate meat and somehow managed to survive and reproduce even against all the odds.
I live in well developed country so I can afford to waste money on delicious meaty things.
My mom told me it is good thing to do.
Even fanatics from Veeky Forums approved chicken.
However I agree that some problems in meat industry needs to be solved. The animals are much much much abused than most people would admit. Also all the hormones, medicine pumped into them can't be good.
Still you vegetarians are like the Jehovah's Witnesses which I have to shoo away in the streets when they are asking me if I am happy...
Also forcing kids to go full vegetarian / vegan should be regulated / banned because it has great potential to fuck up them.
>appeal to ridicule
nothing, but justify killing animals if you want a serious convo
no justification for you to hunt unless you have an actual need like you will in the coming war
>humans taste good
funny how that is not justification to kill humans
>le eating meat is normal so it is morally right
slavery was once normal, does that justify slavery?
>your enjoyment does not justify killing
>you can get everything by not eating corpses
>our ancestors also raped and kept slaves and did many other immoral things, dont base morals on ancient men
> not an argument
>your mom told me she likes my cum on her face
>not a justification
Except vegans are nothing like religious people, unless you wanna tell me how going against social norms is in anyway like religon?
Not true, humans can easily not eat corpses and be fine, however plenty of young children already start having fatty streaks in the aorta
>funny how that is not justification to kill humans
no one eats humans dumbass.
That's why you look like a 12 year old girl.
Say what you will about the LE VEGANS VS US MEAT EATERS XDD "debate," but it's an absolute fact that the world needs to ramp down it's obsession with meat.
Regardless of whether or not you eat meat, the meat market is an environmental disaster that needs to be checked.
Agriculture in total only accounts for 9% of the US's total emissions. You saying stupid shit on the internet does more damage.
thats not my point and you know it, you intentionally strawmanned me you donut
>no sauce
I don't see human life as being equal, I don't think anyone truly views human life as equal, likewise, people don't view all animal life as equal for example loving dogs, hating rats.
Heck some people value certain animal life more than human life.
I personally don't view animal life as being remotely equal to human life, couple that with how easy, tasty and useful animals as a food are, i eat meat.
none of that justifies eating them
i agree with you on the equality...not every human has the same morale value and animals are not equal to us, that does not justify killing them
>name the trait absent in animals, that if absent in humans would justify killing them
It's not about the MORALS of our ancestors, it'a about giving your body every nutriments it need to get from the food groups. You are an omnivore for a reason. Yes, it is good for your body to go on a vegan diet sometimes, but you can't do that forever. It's your choice if you want to do that for life. But stop being so triggered when whe choose to say our opinion too. You have that right, so do we have it.
I don't think it really has anything to do with traits, simply own group preference.
Why do we value our friends and family over strangers? why do we value some lives more than others? IMO, a lot has to do with own group preference.
power rankings go as follows
from closest ties to farthest ties, i have more in common with humans, hence we are part of the same group hence value human more than "outsiders", I have more ties with my nation hence more ties with my countrymen than with "outsiders"
Please, you have the internet
Humans get sick from meat eventually,
>hurr eating fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, grains, legumes will fuck humans up
Im not triggered, im replying to you in a calm and logical way.
also nothing you wrote justifies killing animals.
You're right mate. Following a strict set of guidelines in your life in order to adhere to a predetermined morality is nothing like religion.
Also, nobody ever said humans taste good
Also, hunting is good fun
Also, there's no objective morality unless you follow a religion that says there is (which brings us back to the veganism/religion thing)
Also, thanks for giving me something to do while I take a shit
yeah man i agree
but what i meant (and thought you meant) was morale value, as in comparing humans to animals
if you feel im not making sense, its probably my fault, im dead tired.
My point is simply, if i don't care about a human stranger dying, i definitely don't care about a cow being killed.
I hope all you vegetarians crying for animals' rights are also pro-life.
> not killing without justification is like religon
i said that, humans tasting good does not justify killing humans, same with animals.
Yes hunting is fun to you, that does not justify killing
i believe morality is subjective, but saying humans have morale value, it follows logically that animals do as well
no worries mate, maybe you can provide an actual argument in your next post :)
How did I misrepresent your argument?
You claimed that killing humans because they tasted good isn't an adequate reason to kill humans.
For that to be a relevant statement, there would need to be cannibals.
Which there aren't.
>How can meat eaters justify their life decisions eating meat daily!??
I don't need to justify myself in front of anyone. Fuck off.
>Is eating meat the diet of choice??
Fuck off.
because humans tasting good does not justify killing humans. I dont have to show you a a cannibal for that to be relevant
>i said that, humans tasting good does not justify killing humans, same with animals.
Yes it does.
exactly what do I need to justify
so you feel you dont need to justify killling and causing suffering?
because humans by nature are omnivorous creatures?
you'll need a proctologist to get that head outta your ass, OP
holy shit, people in here think any life is so important that it cant be ended? what the hell, every single animal is 100% worthless along with humans. We are worth nothing. unless you are religious, any sort of reasoning that we shouldn't kill is merely some meaningless thing you decided on. in 1000 years everything that happened, all the murder and killing will be nothing. meaningless. no one or thing will care
so if i was to murder humans and eat them i could justify it by saying i like the taste?
Why are vegans so insufferable?
so what, you can thrive without it so thats not justification
yes, and then others will kill you, its simple.
You can survive without flooding Veeky Forums with your shitty threads.
They're not sentient
Well. Let's take ISIS, they kill people and cause suffering. They have their justification for it. But does it matter how they justify it? No. It literally doesn't matter because it's wrong either way, and they will continue doing it regardless.
I can see how from a vegan's perspective, us meat lovers are literally ISIS, but so what? We will still continue doing it, whatever the justification is.
>Assuming killing animals is wrong?
>Assuming People wouldn't murder frequently if it were lawful
>Killing animals is not against the law
Maybe if you have a fearful predisposition or a domineering left-wing peer group it would be somewhat beneficial to go vegan. Not sure why people have yet to make the conclusion of guiltlessness as long as you remain obedient to the law and have an understanding of common decency.
its the way of life op, take it or leave it.
sorry if our dieting habits interfere with your vegetable dogma
Easy... it is natural to eat meat.