

i don't know



chicken salad


the middle one

The natty one

left is rich piana tier, while right is lance ross tier pic related

Would rather have right desu

Left is actually fucking disgusting.
Right looks freakish, but the silhouette is alright.


Thankfully I have low insertions like right.

Takes a lot more work to make noticeable though, I'll say that.

I have the left, I believe rights more aesthetic though.

That feel when have right bicep and left tricep

thats a great feel desu

i'd rather have right. looks thicker, more solid and condensed. right makes me squeamish when I think of an injury happening to muscles that stick out like that.

huh, surprised so many people pick the right one.
Out of these two i prefer the left. The high tricep creates a much better horseshoe shape which to me is much more AESTHETIC . pic related.

fking armlets

That dudes arms got so big he forgot that you can't cook your protein powder on the stove.

I have high bicep insertions and make my arms feel really small. then again I'm below DYEL

Sooooooo... you're saying your arms don't "feel" small, they are small.

So high or low insertions. Right on tricep, left on bicep would be preferable.

> having extreme right on both, absolutely 0 tricep up high, overdeveloped near the elbow

how to fix guys ?


"That dude"
Get the fuck out.

Pics plz.

Calm down chuckles, your tism is showing.

yup basically. gimme your bicep exercises

>mfw i have an arm of each

If only someone would give a resource on that. Maybe they could sticky it to the front page. Maybe we could call it "the sticky."

That doesn't sound right. The body is systemic and as a system works to grow in proportion/symmetry with itself.

insertion points aren't.

You got any resources to back up that claim? I took a quick look and see no research/articles stating that what you said is true. I'm not trying to be confrontational, just trying to get the best information possible.

are you under the impression that your half your body is a mirror of the other half?

grok with me brah

thank you!

No, and that's not what I said either. I will assume you have made a baseless claim. Thx

You don't even know what your insertions are like. You can't see or feel them yet.

It's better than overdeveloped on top and barely anything near the elbow

dem natty gains


>select all the food

The second one. Xyllaphone.

inb4 everyone picks what they have ...

spotted the plebittor

Both sides aren't necessarily in proportion but the insertion points will be basically the same. No one has a high lat on one side and a low one on the other. Are you retarded?

I have a high bicep peak on one side and basically no peak on the other. The arm with no peak measures larger.


I'm on the left

Dudes right
The fact that there are people on Veeky Forums who don't know Ronnie Coleman is sad
Calling him autistic doesn't mean shit

That looks disgusting, mate.

right looks stronger so i'll pick that one

I have the right and strangely enough my lifting buddy has the left
> tfw no peak

The right ofc

Respect the Cole train's names motherfucker.


left is what a beast looks like. why is Veeky Forums full of emo pussies that are scared of intimidating fat women with blue hair.

btw i have arms like the left and people are literally scared, especially the men

hahaha haha I just saw some pics of disgusting fat girls from my high school having blue, pink, and red hair hahahahahahahahahahaha

>mfw one arm is left, the other arm is right.


Sounds like a muscle imbalance more than insertion differences.

mine is exactly like the one on the right
probs smaller though idk

bullshit, i have really high insertions (LEFT) and while i have a bigger peak while posing I look DYEL as fuck on my arms in t shirts.

Pick one

About tree fiddy.