How many calories are you eating per day?
How many calories are you eating per day?
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I don't read the nutritional info on your mums pussy so I don't know
on cut
>Counting Calories
See that's where you went wrong. It's all conditional and based on what I'm doing. Counting grams of protein is different alltogether.
1750 on a cut currently 162lbs
1500-1600. cutting.
Feel like im catching up to my sedentary tdee, though.
May have to drop lower, soon.
>bulk big or go home
1500 - 1700
how can i eat this much with a skelly stomach. i could literally eat 1k calories and be full for the entire day
hell ya
i lift 6 times a week and do cardio 4 times so i need the cals if i wanna put on weight. i normally put on about .5lbs a week like that
practice and eating really shitty food
I was cutting on 1800 a day last week but I decided to give myself a break for a couple weeks and eat 2500 at maintenance
>tfw can hardly handle 2500 kcal anymore
quit being a little bitch.
Aiming for 3500 a day since I'm bulking
keep practicing. i was in the same place as you.
I did GOMAD for a couple of months. i wouldnt reccomend it but liquid cals are your friends. Eat til you feel like youre gonna throw up, then eat more. if you do throw up, that sucks but at least you tried. keep pushing yourself to eat more and more.
>peanut butter
>olive oil
>fatty foods
>whole milk
what said, put a couple table spoons of olive oil in your food. It's very low volume and super high in calories and it'll allow you to eat more if you're consistent.
2600, I'm bulking.
Think I should go up? I'm around 5'9.5" and weigh 161.
How can someone eat less? Everything below 3.5k kcal means i'm hungry when going to bed, even when i keep to pic releated. Whenever I really releasethe kraken I easily end up with 6-8k kcal...
eat a lot of vegetables, and drink plenty of water.
The real trick is to never be bored. when youre bored, you think about how hungry you are.
>tfw you'll always be fat
>tfw you'll never get to eat all those delicious foods in one day
eat more quickly. you probably "graze" meaning that you eat in very small portions, and eating more slowly makes you feel more full
>olive oil
furious pete drinking an entire bottle of olive oil (6k calories)
Around 2000 cals, some tips for people saying they can't cut properly:
- Flavored low cal water (satiates hunger well)
- Push your first meal back further into the day
- More cardio = more to eat
- Keep busy and keep hydrated
-Plan when you are going to eat around your day, don't just wait to get hungry
this is a call for help/suicide attempt imo. o rmaybe he's trying to lubricate his internal organs
Eat like shit for 23 years.
It's worked for me. It was very effective. Maybe too effective.
this guy has to vomit it up after right? furious pete doesn't throw up after his challenges, but at 24k calories i don't think its possible to not immediately vomit
4K. 6'4" 275 @24%bf. I'm never really ever hungry.
he said he "leaked" on the toilet for the next 9 hours
Holy shit
U wot
between 700 and 800
gotta reach 10% BF by July the 1st
Right now I'm eating like 2600. 500 calorie surplus. Doing some cardio with that. Going to just keep at this level and ramp up the cardio until my lifts stall. Then I'll eat more. Former fat kid too scared to lose my abs.
On a related note. Added 15 lbs to my OHP last week. And added 15 pounds to my squat today. The last time I squatted I did 5 reps of 145. Tried for 155 but could only get 3 out. Squatted 160 for 5 reps today.
Still not strong but I'm on my way to 1/2/3/4.
We're all going to make it guys.
>former fatty, but check out these mr.skeleton lift numbers!
Bulking. I eat 5500 when cutting
Hey man fuck you. I'm making progress. Shit takes time.
good vibes ur way user. proud of u
come pra porra hein tiozao
it sucks
>just threw up 5 minutes ago because drank too much mass gainer shake
im trying to make it but it's hard.
He is my spirit animal...
Bulking and cutting is for chumps who like to be fat half of the year, you can get big and lean out at the same time
You have an entire day to eat. You don't have to shove a funnel down your throat and force-fill your gut.
Once you hit protein/nutrient goals, you can literally use plain canola oil to get to your caloric goals.
>2 scoop of ice cream
>scoop of whey
>2tbspn peanut butter
>2 tbspn oil (canola, olive, grapeseed, sunflower, vegetable, corn, peanut, whatever you got)
>tbspn sugar
>whole milk until it's as thick or as watery as you like
that's like 1,000 calories in a single drink
Trying for 1800, I did it for a year and lost a ton of weight. Decided to bulk up a little cause I was feeling weak and depleted but might have gone a little overboard. So now I need to cut down like 20 lbs again.
800 calories.
PCOS means you don't get to eat like a normal human.
I'm on a cut so usually 1700 calories, but it's refeed week so I'm at my maintenance of about 2500 calories.
OP here, everyone here needs to learn2read, the guy said calories, not Calories, so up until now, you should mulitply every single one of these answers by 1000 and you'll read a correct thread
1600~ for about a week or two.. Lost 5 pounds so far
1800, on a cut
>refeed days
I thought it was a meme too, but it works. I've done it twice, when I got stuck at a certain weight for more than 2 weeks, and when I went back to the deficit I was back to losing 1.5-2 pounds a week for a month or 2.
You build muscle while lowering your bf% at the same time? You just gotta train hard and eat good, Eat what your body needs to grow and not pig out on shit
I'm eating around 1800, but I think I should eat more. I'm a former fattass, still have some body fat and I'm trying to gain some muscle. Can somebody help me here? Should I ear more or should I mantain? I'm 92 kg and 192 cm tall
smoke weed
I would say aim for around 2.5k honestly, just throw in about 15-30mins of cardio a few times a week and u should be ace.
Womanlet on PSMF
J-just 3 more weeks.
Thanks man
Good luck, senpai. It's 21 days - you've got this.
I bet your vagina smells like shark shit
Thanks :3
manlet detected
nigger how the fuck would you know what shark shit smells like
Eat carbs before bed
Definitely. I'm the exact same height and was 162.5lb after my first cut and had to eat around 3400+ to gain weight. I did that starting at the beginning of November and am now 184lb and cutting again
290 calories, im on the broccoli diet.
your cut is just a less severe but still hard bulk wtf
He's 15 feet tall
Peanutbutter and ground beef will you get you strong lad.
Despite the land whale who posted against you, I'm proud of you bro. We're all gonna make it. Just don't give up if you ever stall, just reset and push on. That was my main problem. Way to go
>inb4 someone calls him a manlet
~1700. tryna take it to ~1200
>tfw been bulking all my life
>tfw maintenance is ~2500
3k bulking
Are u tards estatting bulk calories ir what? Im 5'7
is this actually good advice? ive only smoked weed like 2 or 3 times and it just made me retarded
3260 on a bulk. Gained nearly four pounds in two weeks. I guess this is what I need for my skinny ass (6'0, 151).
5'11 130lbs here, youre like my goal weight lol
im gaining about a pound every 2 days though, superbulk. dont care if most of it is fat i just need some meat on my body
well it does make you hungry, especially if you're not a regular smoker
Holy fuck lol. Bruh I feel your pain. I was like 120 at 5'11 but that's when I was like 16. I'm 19 now and I'm normal weight ahaha. My goal weight is 165.
TDEE is ~3000 so I'm cutting on 2500 right now
Cutting for summer I had been down to 1900/day.
Now that I'm maintaining for summer and rowing training is on again I'm up to 2600/day, and it feels so fucking good. Come August I'll be hitting 3100/day.