I finally got a girlfriend guys. She is 4'11 and qt but ...
Every time we meet I smell perfume coated over body odor..and it's just a hint so I force myself to ignore it, meanwhile she hugs her face into my chest and talks about how amazing I smell.
>yeah i'd like to feel the same about you
So, I went to her house today and sat next to her on her bed and she hugged me and I smelled the worst most vile body odor on this earth, good god, how can something so small and cute be so fucking smelly. I sit there and phase out trying to smell something else without her noticing and she eventually looks at me phasing out and asks if I am thinking something mean about her, I told her no but I really was, that fucking smell.
When I left she tried to get me to make out with her but that smell ... jesus christ, I told her I couldn't kiss long and I had to go.
Now here I am, sad that I am so close to such happiness that I am no longer single but fighting the struggle of having such a stinky gf, how does she not know? How?!
What do I do?
James Martinez
stop dating a poo in loo
Samuel Perez
how about you man up and surface the issue up and tell her to wash herself or you're gone. do it in a manner that wont offend her. The best part is that there is no manner in which you can bring this issue up without offending her. best of luck m8
Dylan Long
you don't know each other that well yet. Next time you see her, ask her if she just finished working out. Clues her in without having to be too direct
Gavin Young
Learn to love it
Brayden Morgan
>qt >smells bad
You know what to do with these 2 options
Wyatt Evans
had a chick like this, i was wondering what it was then she mentioned she drinks like 1 glass of water a day.
I shit u not, she just didnt drink water, no idea how she survived.
if u wanna keep the qt, tell her to drink more fucking water.
i didn't wanna keep this one because she was just too dirty, slightly overweight, had some kind of fucking bone problem lmao, hit it once more and told her i was done.
Michael James
buy her exfoliation scrub, loofah, and variety of those bath and body works lotions that you can smell in 10 fucking feet, she'll take the hint and this is subjective, but a woman's body odor when she's clean and has those lotions on smells like fucking heaven, not lying, body odor as in the type you get when you shower before bed.
Benjamin Morris
>are you thinking something mean a out me
Fucking hell Abandon ship She fucking KNOWS this is happening.
Jordan Garcia
Tell her to take a fucking shower dumbass. That's how relationships work. Jesus you've been inside her what are you afraid of
Matthew White
Hasn't been mentioned but could just be a bad pheromone match. Try to get her to shower with a body wash or something and if it doesn't clear up you're SOL.
Leo Taylor
So many red flags. This will end up in failure and just hurt you the longer it goes on. Should leave it brah
Thomas Sanchez
>cute, intelligent, nice girl >sweats 24/7 and is always nervous
Joseph Russell
Endure the smell ONCE. Fuck her then afterwards ask her to join you in the shower to rinse off. There after... compliment how the smell of the soap smells on her... borderline obsses over it.
She knows from now on what she needs to do.
Joseph Reed
We all have problems , man up and tell her she sometimes smells.
Cameron Murphy
>Trying to manipulate her instead of just straight up telling her If she can't handle fixing something so simple then she's not long term relationship material anyway.
John Wright
It's a warning sign
you guys are not compatible via pheromone signatures
is it you that only smells it or do other people smell it?
Luke Jackson
After my mom met her she was like >did you smell the body odor?
I was like >y-yeah haha .. she probably went running
fuck I was so humiliated.
Zachary Sullivan
>4'11 >hugs face into chest
Hello manlet
Christian Ward
It's more into my abs desu.
Chase Wright
is she indian/pakistani? it's kind of a cultural thing, but get her to shower more (gift her a basket with douche, assorted body washes etc). and maybe adjust her diet. all the spices they eat come out
Easton Cruz
>she eventually looks at me phasing out and asks if I am thinking something mean about her,
sounds like she knows that she smells, and was trying to delicately broach the subject
she probably has some kind of reason for smelling bad, and would've told you if you'd been more open
Caleb Kelly
It's like you like to hear women whine and bitch. If he tells her straight up and expects her to not be butthurt, he will be get an earfull.
pick your battles
Jacob Robinson
my current gf pretty much never drinks water, even after exercise or sex or anything. no idea wtf is wrong with her. the only time she actually drinks water is when i force her to. she smells like roses though, so i think he's just dating a girl thats nasty
Brody Bell
If you can smell her in a hug, imagine what her cunt smells like.
Alexander Thomas
My gf still smells nice even when she hasn't showered after jogging and going to the gym, I'm inclined to think that either there's something wrong with your gf or you're genetically incompatible and her pheromones are repelling you
Isaiah Sanchez
>do it in a manner that wont offend her >The best part is that there is no manner in which you can bring this issue up without offending her. kek
Jack Turner
exactly the same here. maybe it's his sister :^)
Bentley Evans
>tfw really bad funk stays on your dick for weeks. Even after scrubbing hard to get rid of the smell
Hunter King
>bringing a smelly pig to your parents
>l-look mom...im not gay afterall
Joshua Harris
Be honest with her. Tell her you love her, but that she smells.
If she can't deal with it then you two won't make it. Eventually a couple needs to be honest with eachother.
Carter Hill
Heres what you do op. You give her a good dicking after a long sweaty day. After you get you get your dick nice and lathered with her vag product you make her give you head. That should be enough to make her repulse and realize what a pig she's been. Then ask her how it tastes. On the bright side if it doesn't work you know shell be down for whatever and can prob get her to rim you and shit.
Tyler Collins
>give her a present with a douche with in
When you do this, please fucking record it for us
Levi Taylor
>pick your battles m8 if my gf complained about me not enjoying her permanent, unwashed, powerful body odor then I'd dump her right there.
Jackson Stewart
>I finally got a girlfriend guys!
>tell her you love her
Hudson Rogers
This senpai
Aiden Morales
When ever I get anxious or nervous i sweat heaps and it always has an immediately bad smell. Should could just be nervous. Just ask her man
James Scott
what the fuck are you even saying?
Connor Martinez
>gf likes to lift up my arms and sniff my arm pits >all i an smell is gfs shampoo
Easton Murphy
If you cant tell your woman she smell up a storm and she cant be mature enough to take it then she isnt mature enough for a relationship #realtalk
Logan Thomas
Can you post a pic? I'm genuinely curious
Alexander Baker
She's a Muslim right? An Arab?
Matthew King
Yknow, a gift basket with body washes that don't fuck with your PH balance down there (google girl stuff) and a nice mild scented lotion would be very sweet. Be kind about it. Maybe she doesn't know she smells bad OP. Maybe she has a bad sense of smell. Maybe she can't afford anything better? Cheap shit stink. If you like her a lot, talk to her. If you can live on without thinking of her twice, leave her but still, you have to tell her.
Juan Lee
She's white.
Blue eyes, blonde hair.
Luke Kelly
How do you like your first day on Veeky Forums so far?
Zachary Ross
Fucking kek
Michael Baker
I rim as a part of foreplay anyway, am I doing it wrong?
Tyler Carter
I do this with boyfriend after we jog, mainly because I like the smell of his deodorant though.
Liam Gutierrez
>My girlfriend stinks
that's your chemical instincts telling you that you need to ditch her because you are not genuinely attracted to her.
Dominic Gray
This. All of this.
Be a fucking adult and have an adult discussion with her OP. Literally all you have to day is:
>Hey, we need to talk about something. I want us to have a relationship where we both feel comfortable talking to each other about sensitive things without getting offended. That said, I like you a lot and I'm extremely attracted to you, but your hygiene is not pleasant. It's off putting. Is there some medical reason for this or...?
And let the talk flow from there
Mason Price
This is a new one to me.
Just tell her straight up. But try to be nice about it.
You could tell her to take baths not showers. For women baths can really help get the soapy water everywhere, particularly inner parts of the vagina.
Crazy bro. Good luck with this shit.
Nolan Nelson
Muslims wash 5 times a day (before prayer), usually shave body hair, and use superior bidet technology. She'd be less likely to have this issue if she were one
(no muzzie)
Lincoln Williams
Is there some sort of disease that makes you really smelly? Maybe she has that disease.
Like halitosis, but for the body
And medbros want to comment?
Jose Kelly
Not sure if i would lead with "is there a medical explanation for how bad you smell?"
Julian Robinson
lol. everything else was quite solid tho
Ian Allen
There is medical grade anti-perspirant or deodorant that you can get from the doctor. Also I don't understand why this is Veeky Forums related.
Grayson Turner
Fuck, that's happened to me... Fucked a cute chick that had kind of a smelly pussy .. Thought it won't be so bad I'll just shower later.
It took 3 months before I got the stank off my dick
Charles Scott
Charles Powell
Josiah Thomas
>she smells >asked me if something is wrong >told her no theres your problem you spineless beta she smells of CHAD's pizza and JIZZ and wont shower for you
Thomas Ross
as said, female body odor (and pussy odor for that matter) smells like fucking heaven. my ex smelled amazing even if she didn't shower for like a week. something weird is going on here. also what said. either that or your facial expression gave something away.
Bentley Hernandez
1. Buy some fancy expensive soaps 2. Take a steamy shower with qt3.14 3. Tell her she smells nice afterwards 4. ??? 5. PROFIT
Nicholas Wilson
Hudson Campbell
Just told her
>She said sorry 100 times and she is so embarrassed >she said brb >we usually text 24/7 but she has been brb for an hour
I know she's sensitive. I feel bad m8's...
Jace Young
This is the best fuckin thread, cheers OP
Elijah Hall
I am going to bed, make sure to update us.
Xavier Brown
How did you tell her?
Colton Collins
hey, I don't want to hurt your feelings or anything, I really don't, I've thought this last few times we met, and this time it happened again but a little worse. I really really don't want to hurt you or your feelings but, you kind of have a bit of body odor going on.
>Omg I'm so sorry, I had no idea...omg in really sorry.... Gross
>It's not the worst thing ever, it's just it kind of gets to me. I really didn't wanna have to bring it up.
>I'm so sorry... >Brb
>Been an hour
Benjamin King
>Brb Yea that's a suicide for sure
Carson Moore
Probably scrubbing her skin and putting on deodorant. Go going Op.
Josiah Davis
Hope you like wrist scars
Ethan Sullivan
If this is really OP you need to call her now/go to her place now. Honestly leaving things for longer will just make things worse.
Jayden Nguyen
Damn son this happened to me last month, instead she's not my gf.
>be me 25 >knew this girl long time ago on Myspace but haven't met her because she stays in other state >not fat but juicy >decent tits >always flirt with me and talks about how drunk she is >later on she moved around here bcoz of job >finally had a chance to meet her >meet her >straight away go back to my place with her
and this is it
>when we arrived she wants to shower first >that's okay, nothings wrong with that >after shower she asked me whether I have deodorant >"Yea.... but it's men's deodorant..." >without hesitate she just use it >SurprisedKoala.jpeg >2 hours later we already on bed hugging each other >decided to sleep after long talks >hide my face on her tits >smells something weird >move my head to her armpit >fuck this shit >smells like illegal immigrant construction worker I swear >fuck her like 5 mins because she's horny as fuck >and also her pussy also feels weird and it hurts my dick >cum on her but and decided to sleep >never ask her to come here again even she keep on saying how nice is my place and fun to hangout with me
Why is it so hard to keep your body fresh and smells good. I mean, she's from the rich family, drive sports car and shit and I'm just a poorfag who couldn't even afford a car license but I manage to keep my body smells good. Should I tell her or just leave her alone?
Daniel Gonzalez
listening to other no gf bros was probably a bad idea op...Should have been more subtle with it because she wont be able to forget that her bf called her stinky
Joseph Perry
>Maybe she doesn't know she smells bad OP. Nah, she does. that's why she asked if he was thinking something mean. She is awaare of it at some level but is choosing to ignore it until someone forces her to confront it.
Why was she single? I'm not talking about the smell. She may have unresolved, non-obvious mental illness issues. She probably does, unless this is just a really uncompatible couple and the pheromones will never work. I doubt that.
Adam Cruz
Shower with her, make an excise that you want to kiss in the shower or some shit. Rub her with a body lotion and make reference to how amazing she smells and how it turns you on. Hopefully she'll continue to shower and use the spray.
If not I suppose you'll have to tell her in as nice a way as you can
Brayden Gonzalez
>I really really don't want to hurt you or your feelings but, you kind of have a bit of body odor going on. This thread, I fuckin lost it.
Luke James
That's still a thing?
Jordan Fisher
>pheromones >broscience
Pick two
Wyatt Reed
They 5 times a day from swampy shitty rivers and creeks.
They throw dirt on their genitals when theyre done pissing/shitting
Ive seen it
In person
In the desert
In iraq and afghan
They are filthy shit tier people.
/pol has a few good ideas
Brody Robinson
She used a goddamn mens deodorant, you thinkcshe doesnt know?
Joshua Mitchell
Good news.
She told me just now she went to shower and said she gonna shower tomorrow too, and that she doesn't want to stink.
Thanks guys. I think it's all good now.
Blake Lewis
If she smells that bad her pussy must be awful. That is quick to smell rancid as fuck. I had a girl who smelt fine but her pussy was atrocious. She would try and force me to eat her out and she would pull the covers over me locking me under the duvet. I would literally gag and have to just start fucking her as I couldn't take the smell.
Dylan Howard
Imposter alert
Isaiah Gonzalez
Post text conversation please or green text if it was a phone call
Austin Sullivan
um, shouldnt she shower tomorrow regardless of her now knowing she stinks like a bastard?
Brody Myers
>men's deodorant >armpit smells weird >pussy also feels weird You fucked an MtF m8. You probably picked up on some remaining male pheromones.
Adrian Powell
How long is her hair? She probably doesn't use any conditioners if its long, its a hassle. You can either run the gauntlet of daily shampooing and conditioning to have fragrant and good looking hair, or just rinse it and keep the natural oils for the look. The latter is easier but your hair will develop a strong odor.
Samuel Brown
I have long hair and I condition it, shit excuse.
Nolan Parker
Hi summer :)
Jason Evans
I dunno man. Any of the girls I've been attracted to I have loved the smell of their BO, it made me horny. So if her pheromones smell bad to you, maybe that's a sign. If she's just unsanitary, then tell her.
Isaiah Taylor
This cant be real.
Fucking come on.
>implying she wasnt showering??????
Nolan Rodriguez
>mens deodorant
So what? Lots of women ise mens deodorant.
My wife stopped buying womens deodorant this year and started using mine. She says it works better
P.s. confirmed biological female. I watched a baby come out of her
Luke Johnson
soap should never enter the vagina it'll fuck up the ph and make any smell worse
Jason Howard
why would you want a gf who doesn't perform basic hygiene unless told to?
Julian Howard
Ask her if she wasn't planning on showering in the first place
Caleb Cook
Men can give birth too you sexist bigot.
Levi Sullivan
>have gf of 3 years >love the smell of her hair >pussy is a mixture of onions gone bad and dirty socks What the hell, what is the sign of this, goddamit? Once I fucked her right after a shower and it felt so clean, but after around 10 minutes it's dogs of the underworld down there
Evan Thomas
Isn't desert sand sterile?
Kayden Torres
Only thing you have to know about body odor is that you smell like you eat. Since I eat clean >like a fucking hipster minus starbucks and few hipterish things. I almost don't smell even if I exercise. >Also backing soda can be used to kill bad breath and arm pit smells.