How the fuck do I stop binge eating? I'm 5'8" and weigh 250lb...

How the fuck do I stop binge eating? I'm 5'8" and weigh 250lb. Do any of you have advice or tips you used to stop fucking eating so much? How can I build up self discipline?

For example, in the span of 2 hours of TV I've eaten 2 rice krispies, 4 handi-snacks cheese n' crackers, a small bag of lays and a liter of dr pepper.

How do I stop fucking eating so goddamn much?

It's as easy as not putting food in your mouth, thank me later

Did they make the nest then poo and pull it up or did they put it up and poo into the nest?

it's simple, just stop being a fat disgusting fuck and don't eat so much, no one forces you to eat, don't you have at least a little self control, you fat pudgy faggot?

yea guys thanks for cyberbullying me about it. bullying is the reason I'm like this u guys are no help

I also wonder this

I hope u all choke on your protein powder and get crushed by weights

most animals lay their eggs directly into the nest and don't move them until the babies hatch

Help yourself fatty

That is a personal journey my fat friend. First you need to realize you have the problem. Realize the behavior pattern that comes with binge eating. Then I want you to write down all the reasons you should stick to a diet and why you should enjoy yourself with a tasty reward. Look at the list everytime you feel hungry and realize that progress will happen but it's slower than you think. Expect to lose 3-4 pounds a week at that rate and stay on a solid cut for about a year and you'll be 170LB. Ready to become Veeky Forums. Gotta just put up with the cravings until you hit that weight, then find a nice mantainance diet that suits you. Train trough the pain buddy

that won't happen, because we're not some weak fat disgusting cunts

I've done this to a much worse extent for a very long time, I think i may have over come it tho, all I can tell you is just not to do it. If you need more motivation, just remember that it won't be worth eati ng all that food and you'll just feel bad. And if you do give in, don't go all out and remember that it's not a big deal.

Basically this. Quit being such a dumbass OP, why do people think it's hard to lose weight? It just takes long.

read the sticky you lazy bitch

don't buy this kind of food
go biking or for a walk instead of watching tv
worked for me, and it's easier not
to buy then not to eat shitty food, once it is at home

also, snack on vegetables

Deal with the fact that you will look like shit forever. Any girl you ever fancy will think you are a lazy and ugly piece of shit, not even worth walking in your direction.

Deal with that fact, or change it.

This; have discipline when you're shopping for food and you won't need as much for the rest.

Don't by prepackaged snacks that can be inhaled, instead buy something you'd have to get off your ass and cook first.

The thing is, I'm never hungry for it. I just get bored, wander to the kitchen, eat snacks that could feed an army then realize what I've done.

Still live at home and parents buy all this shit, in bulk at Costco. I just graduated hs and college and want to get my shit together.

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

I know how you feel, OP. People aren't being helpful but they're right. Whenever you want to eat something, close your eyes and think 'will I be happy an hour from now if I eat this'?

If you feel like you won't, just walk away. Don't change your mind.

It takes time

I have a pretty long "guide" on how to manage eating. Idk if i want to post it here though just cuz its in reddit format

If you want the gist that would help you, you need to just avoid putting yourself in positions where you practice discipline. always avoidance over discipline. the reason why is because when you make a choice and practice discipline you use glucose, this lowers blood glucose, and in turn causes people to make poorer decisions after theyve already practiced good discipline. This means people who practice discipline over avoidance tend to eat the food they fought not to eat anyway.

if you have all that junk food around you its because youre buying it. quit it.

You need to do something to keep yourself busy, or to curb cravings. Regrettably, the thing that curbed my cravings until I decided to build, was smoking (I've since quit-- long span we're talking here.)

I don't recommend anything where your mind won't be completely occupied. Get a hobby. Learn some shit. Keep your hands busy.

You can also snack small, which is what I do now if I get an insane craving. Tuna/deli meat on a fucking saltine will do, just something to stop my mouth from watering

1: Don't keep snack foods in your dwelling.
2: All meals are to be eaten by the dining room table, exceptions made only for protein shakes
3: (optional) consider intermittent fasting
4: (optional) stop watching the broadcasted Jew

Intermittent fasting helped me get out of a bad snacking habit, but what did the most for me was keeping busy with something I liked doing - I'd get lost in it for hours on end, not even thinking about food. If you can't find a hobby, just go for long walks and leave your wallet at home.

Counting calories also helps.