Why were the tercios so powerful during the XV century?
Why were the tercios so powerful during the XV century?
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Spaniards stop. Your swordplay is much more renowned
flexible formation that could fend off cavalry charges .. hold the line .. skirmish with gunfire
In large part because they were a professional standing army. Tercio wasn't some magical formation, it was down to the quality of men.
Look at Rocroi, non-Spanish tercios were beaten rather quickly, while isolated Spaniards stood their ground until they were allowed to retreat with their weapons and banners.
>Long pointy Spears
Combine the proven swiss-style pike formations with new arquebuses, realize that combined-arms is actually a pretty decent tactic and have a core of highly-trained and experienced troops and you suddenly are invincible
>XV century
>1340 finally rolls around in TW Medieval II, gunpowder unlocked
>can't field a combined-arms musket-pike/spear unit
>best you can do is sort of gamey micromanage a musketeer unit to fire one, maybe two volleys and run behind a spearmen unit where they will draw swords and do encouraging hand-wavy motions while being ass fucking useless
For what purpose CA. For what fucking purpose. Picture unrelated I just wanted to deus vult with the devil's own black magic soot.
Because the troops were well trained and cavalry couldn’t get close enough to rout them
Thus shogun 2 is the best history TW
>Be Creative Assembly
>Create an entire game focused on a single country because muh Katana
I mean, the game was great but I wished they atleast added the two other countries right next to them. It got quite bland looking at the same aesthetics after a while.
Because tercios and mixed gunfire/pike units were not medieval tactics
Because they had the fearsome AR15
>XV century
Because TW games are utter shit at depicting battles. They are dumbed down for their audience.
>musket warfare with automatic rifles
I wanna see that shit in action.
You may be in luck at some point soon. The next historical Total War will apparently be set in "a whole new time period we've never been to". In my opinion that narrows it down to three options: Bronze Age (before Rome), mid-late Victorian (after Napoleon), or 16th/17th century (in between Medieval and Empire). The picture they've given us wouldn't fit with the first or second options there, so it's likely the third. And I think if they make a game about such a heavily 'pike-and-shot' focused period, they're not going to be quite stupid enough to omit those mechanics from the gameplay.
>15th century
>He doesn't pike-fix
>He doesn't fix the unit files in the Data folder to remove fire_by_rank and make Muskets 100% effective.
Fucking Child.
I always wanted a tw game in the period, they better not fuck it up
Imagine warfare really does obey Total War/fire emblem-tier scissors paper stone mechanics.
The tercio combines the scissors, the paper, and the stone.
Your big weapon is the gun. It shoots people. But, unfortunately, cavalry and infantry can tear into them, stopping them from shooting people.
So you give them pike bodyguards. Now, when cavalry shows up, you just engage them with pikes. And when they're busy lancing themselves on a man-made hedgehog, you also shoot them (with guns).
You also have cavalry at the sides.
When the pikes inevitably engage with pikes (fuck you lindy fuck you fuck you) you bring out the rodeleros/halberdiers to break up the horror-filled shitshow you've created. The guns keep shooting.
Basically, the guns want to be shooting whenever possible, and everything else is all to this aim.
Well no shit
Play Shogun 2, unironically.
Wasn't it the DA British one?
>The next historical Total War will apparently be set in "a whole new time period we've never been to".
Isn't that about thrones of britannia?
>'Everyone fought, from the Duke of Alba, a Spanish grandee, to
Pizarro, a swineherd.
They all fought: noblemen and labourers, shepherds and burghers,
scholars and magnates, clergymen and rogues, clerks and knights. Every region
of Spain sent its sons to fight. Garcilaso, Ercilla, Cetina, Alcázar, Cervantes,
Lope de Vega, Calderón fought. An entire people fought, without differences of
class, loyalty, duty, profession or wealth.
‘They fought over the Andes and in the Alpine foothills, on the plains of the
Po and on the Mexican plateau; beside the Tiber against the Pope, and beside
the Mapocho against Arauco; on the banks of the River Plate and the Danube,
the Elbe and the Tagus, the Orinoco and the Escalda; at Pavia and Cuzco, in
the Alpujarras and in the Amazon jungles, in Tunisia and in Amberes, in the
Gulf of Lepanto and off the English coast, at Navarino and Terceira, in La
Goleta and La Habana, in Algeria and in the Philippines, in Lombardy and
in Naples; at all four points of the compass in France, from Provence to
Brittany, from the banks of the Bidassoa to the banks of the Marne and from
Rousillon to Normandy; in the Netherlands, in Portugal, in Africa and in
At the start of november they said they had three projects on the go. A campaign expansion for one of their older games, a FotS-type spin off game, and a fully standalone historical title.
The expansion was Empire Divided for Rome 2. Thrones of Britannia will be the FotS style spin off based on Attila. The standalone hasn't been announced yet.
150 Swiss guard of the Papal States user
Although the last master killed himself after killing his wife and her mistress
That's a proper Vatican way to go.
The next Total War game will be China during the War of the Three Kingdoms.
Screencap this.
God I hope so.
Tang is better though.
A based Castillian is worth more than 10 French men and 20 Englishmen. A pity there was so few of them
>tfw the tercio of flanders never got to ravage the british isles
fuck this gay reality
>a whole new time period we've never been to
The question is if they really meant time period or a setting. Because the Shogun 2 FOTS is set in Victorian era.
>At the end of the campaign a traditional Catholic mass was held on English soil and, on re-embarking soon afterwards on 4 August, the Spanish commander promised to build a Catholic church on its site once England had been conquered. He then left all his prisoners ashore and evaded a fleet sent against them under Francis Drake and John Hawkins.[2] On 5 August Amesquita met a Dutch squadron of 46 ships, sinking two of the Dutch ships and causing much damage to the others but also suffering casualties (20 men killed) before the rest of the Dutch ships escaped. He then stopped at Penmarch for repairs and finally arrived back at Port Louis on 10 August.[5]
I want /v/ out of my board
>From this to one of the biggest shithole in Europe
What went so wrong
Losing all of your gold resources thanks to both Habsburg retardation and Latin American independence and 130 years of constant civil wars, political unstability and unrest.
you're an idiot, user
French pirates
Napoleonic invasion and Fernando VII is your answer
that's sick as fuck. Same with greeks in the ancient world
>play warhammer
>Can do all of these.
>Can make a tercio fighting with giant dragons.
>off the English Coast
But never on Anglican earth
>and Riego
Fernando did nothing wrong
And you did it again a couple of decades later. Though in both cases those were regular Navy fleets, not pirates.
The only ones in those 2 centuries that managed to capture/destroy a Spanish convoy fleet.
>game is based on sengoku jidai
>historically the Uniter got killed straighter after unifying
>twice in fact
>it’s an upstart general which causes the Korean invasions
It got modded in user shut up
>mfw Chinese modders actually have created a great mod for the Asian Continent for Medieval II both for "early medieval" asia and the 1500s.
>Its inaccessible because they didn't translate it.
Missed an I. Do you have to sperg out about a fucking typo?
Chinks literally do paid mod bullshit.
fuck them.
Hello, angry Taleworlds employee.
I can do the same thing in CoW: BotET, only with actually enjoyable gameplay
Fucking kikes of the east
>XV century
are you dumb op?