Why does nobody remember the Dzungar genocide or call out China on it?
Why does nobody remember the Dzungar genocide or call out China on it?
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because it was justified and the Emperor gave a pretty good justification, unlike the T*rks and G*rmans
Because Chinks don't identify as Qing.
Also because the mass extermination of Chinese subjects at Chinese hands is pretty much accepted at this point.
Historic revisionism is a pretty modern, and entirely American entertainent
Because it happened like 300 years ago or something, I don't even remember because who cares
Like, are you fucking autistic?
>let's call out the PRC for a crime committed by Manchus forever ago of which there is no remaining cultural trauma!
Because the Dzungars were seen as/acting like Mongol Empire 3.0 and their demise was a sigh of relief among Russians, Kazakhs, and Chinese?
Half of modern Kazakh cinema depicts them as stock bad-guys.
>Because Chinks don't identify as Qing.
The Qing is considered the last Imperial dynasty. Ergo part of their history.
>Also because the mass extermination of Chinese subjects at Chinese hands is pretty much accepted at this point.
Dzungars weren't Chinese subjects.
fucking lol
>The Qing is considered the last Imperial dynasty. Ergo part of their history.
In a similar way to how the British government is a part of Indian history.
>Dzungars weren't Chinese subjects.
Because they rebelled, sparking the retaliatory genocide (i.e. they fit in with the mass deaths as a result of Yellow Turban and Taiping rebellions &c.).
The same way nobody except chinks cares about nanking
Non-white people killing non-white people while no white people were in control or even a position of significant influence. Who gives a shit? Savages gonna savage.
Same reason nobody talks about the extermination of the Wu Hu, or Guangzhou massacre, or the Sichuan massacre, or the Yangzhou massacre, or the Jindandao incident.
Why does nobody remember the Carthaginian genocide or call out Rome on it? Oh wait...
1. It's called Karma, Mongols and Han Chinese both believe it.
2. Dzungars asked for it. They started the war by themselves. Never start a war you can't finish.
>Because Chinks don't identify as Qing.
Yes, they do. I also do. Same as Americans, British, Frenches...etc during the same era.
>In a similar way to how the British government is a part of Indian history.
No, not really. Britain doesn't become part of India and identified as Indians, it's the other way around compare to China.
>In a similar way to how the British government is a part of Indian history.
Did Britain disappear and became part of Indian Culture? Because that is what the Aisin Gioro Clan did with the Manchus upon declaring posession of the Mandate of Heaven. Through the meme of Zhonghua Minzu (Chinese Races) they memed that their people were a part of Chinese culture all along ever since their ancestors, the Jurchens, were sinicized after invading Northern China in the 1100s.
They didn't even call their Empire "Manchu Empire" or something like what the Mongol Yuan Dynasty did (called both their realm a Chinese Empire and a Great Khanate at the same time). The state was called China straight up (in Manchu: Dulimbai Gurun = Middle State). The only other name for it was the dynastic name, Qing.
The Dzungars literally started the conflict and as many have already said, the Qing feared a return of the great Nomadic invasions and so genocided them.
Oh and I should add:
There are no more Dzungars to bitch about it. Qingz successfully wiped out an entire Mongol Subgroup via mass murder, scattering of survivors in the deserts, and the acculturation of survivors into the Qing Empire by distributing captive populations of Dzungars amongst Han, Mongol, and Manchu colonists in Qing China's Western Frontiers.
Tell me about the Dzungar people, their history, their culture, and why the Chinese exterminated them entirely.
>In a similar way to how the British government is a part of Indian history
I think you meant "In a similar way to how the British Empire was ruled by German House of Hanover"
>when your brain can only think in term of nations states
steppeniggers who chimped out in the usual steppenigger fashion and got put down
When asked to post images of 19th century Chinese uniforms, most Chinaboos are unable to do so. All they know how to do is criticize Osprey and whine about the inaccuracies, despite Chinese illustrations being even more dogshit.
Dzungars thought they could overrun the world just like their WEWUZ Ancestors, Genghiz Khan did.
Unfortunately, Russians and the Chinese had lots of guns by this point.
There are plenty of photos from that era so I don't see why bringing up Ospreys is relevant.