Post 'em, Veeky Forums

post 'em, Veeky Forums.











>biotin arrived today

8/10 not natalya

8/10 hair and style a bit boring

9/10 twink body looks dyel in clothes

6/10 i don't know this video game

8/10 never cared for bears

>He doesn't know what Quake is

9/10 taste though

My first console was a PS2, sorry senpai


we gotta winner folks!


6.5/10. Bruce is cool.


7/10. Not digging the style but the high test chicks are nice.

8/10. Digging everything but the beard.

7/10. Trying a little too hard to be Chad, imo. Cute girl though.

2.5/10. Pretty much everything is horrible but the physique. Super gay vampire goth emo faggot hair.



Ugly chick. Edgelord forever alone virgin style.

stole this from some other user but yeah

>meme beard
ass>tits imho
r u an archeologist
shiacore all day
meme everything
fit grills are ok but fake tits are unacceptable
you better be a trust fund babby with that style

>calling others a meme

>he doesn't get crispy low fade every other week

what's it like not having bitches?

Not a trust fund baby but being groomed to take over dad's company after college

>tfw I just want to join the military

I didn't ask for this


why do you want to join the military?

Not a fan of the corporate world/want adventure/been around guns my whole life/very Veeky Forums job

lots of reasons desu


the corporate world is more fun than youd think, what industry is the business in?

finance/wall street type shit

Based Brock

I seriously hope you're trolling
>wah my whole life is set as long as I'm not a complete retard but I want to be an ebin mercenary like in my computer games waaahh

fuck off kid

I can understand you not being interested in finance, how much experience do you have though? I'm able to follow my own path instead of my fathers but I would not consider joining the military today.

>implying financial success is the key to happiness

Fuck you dude

Some people would rather die poor doing what they love than die rich doing what they hate.

Not much experience at all, but enough to know i dont want to coast through life having stuff handed to me.

Intimidating af like Tom hardy in the warrior

>what is financial freedom

you won't be able to survive off your romanticized perception of life retards
you don't have the balls to join the army so what makes you think "embarking on new adventures" or whatever the fuck is gonna work out for you?
your dad already did the grunt work for you, all you have to do is not fuck up. save all your money till you're financially independent then go do whatever the fuck you want nigger

lmao @ all you delusional idiots taking brock o hurn as ideal hair
you wont be suddenly 10/10 and 6'7 just because you get that meme haircut
it looks like shit on normal guys

>you don't have the balls

Im literally joining as soon as i graduate college senpai

why not own it and put everything into it? go to school for it


>see top left
i can dig it
>see everything else
get off my fitness board you autist

The guys look like my ex. I don't really have a "type", I just want him back.

Everything else, fair enough.

Your ex was a fat neckbeard?

Post bod

>ideal is the same as active goal
wew lad


You need a better fitting bra

tell me about it

Pretty good desu

Props for delivering

Bro I go to basic in two months.

How often do you visit the barbershop, Veeky Forums? How much does it cost you?

if i get that hair style as a dude am i gay

He's trying to say your tits are too big for your brassiere.

Don't give a fuck about clothes t b h

I think it's the other way around. You see the material bunching up around the armpits?

I didn't literally mean tell me about it.

I do tend to get smaller bras in order to keep them strapped down. It didn't work well with this particular style of bra, but you know, waste not.


gook lover

girl is uggo body is dyel never gonna make it

I'm half gook myself so fuck you.
