>All men are created equal
* except women, and people without white skin
Why do we take these clowns seriously again?
>All men are created equal
* except women, and people without white skin
Why do we take these clowns seriously again?
>letting uneducated slaves and women vote
makes sense tbqh
also federalism is pretty fuckin rad
> Founding fathers of USA
>Faggot who didn't even kiss a
Why we should take you seriously?
>makes sense if you are a part of a class who benefits from their lack of rights
but that's what op is talking about
A girl
Identity politics? On my Veeky Forums?
>benefit from lack of rights
It's because poor uneducated people are retards who don't know how a country should be run and would just fuck it up for everyone, including themselves. Prime example: Trump and Brexit.
Should everyone in history who doesn't conform 100% with the politics of 2017 American liberals be ignored?
>thinking niggers are equal to whites
that way we don't have to deal with legal precedents and supreme court cases we don't like
>women, and people without white skin
I'm pretty, even as early as in 1776, women and non-whites were still considered humans.
>All men
>except women
Are you retarded or just a feminist?
>implying those two aren't the same thing
Founding fathers were fully aware of hypocrisy, but they had to appease southerns politicians.
>Women and monkeys are men
This (in regards to black people).
>All men are created equal
This wasn't meant to be taken literally. It was just an attack against aristocracy.
I agree fully, OP. That meme chevron text is ridiculous. Even the star text right after isn't good enough to make up for it. Maybe knocking some monuments down isn't such a bad idea.
Didn't you know? History started on January 20th 2013
Constitution doesn't say anything about minorities not having rights
Keep in mind that slaves weren't considered a part of the civilian population.
however, if a black was a free man, legally, he had plenty of rights
Jefferson, Washington, and Madison were southern politicians you dolt.
This is why the consititution is a racist text and should be abolished along with all the retarded amendments it had that cause thousands to die yearly. Knock down those racist mother fucker's statues too.
Because the rest of the world was even worse at the time you mongoloid
fuck off faggot guns are fucking sweet
Because they are the ruling class and culture and ideas always conform with the interest of the ruling class.
>Facts are bait now
Washington urged for stricter fugitive slave laws, get over it.