Lee, my allegiance is to the Union, to democracy!

>Lee, my allegiance is to the Union, to democracy!

Then you are lost.

>From my point o' view, the Union IS evil!

>It's over Lee, I have the high ground!


I hate niggers. They are coarse and rough and irritating and they get everywhere.

*massacres every black in his sight*

Nice samefaggotry.

>eventually founds the KKK postwar out of butthurt.
>in old age, begins to regret his actions
>tries to give speeches promoting reconciliation
>gets ridiculed by "ex-confederate"-groups

I have brought peace, freedom, justice and security to my new empire

I still do not know if the man was actually a raging racist who regretted his actions or was just an opportunist who saw the way the winds were blowing.

>deny confederate veterans their pensions
>surprised when they succumb to radicalism and join paramilitary groups

He wasn't the founder, he was elected as the first grand wizard

no you didn't.

Wrong man. Caesar is Sheev. Octavian is Anakin

Southern state government ran their own Confederate veteran pension programs.

we should have tried them all for treason and let the former slaves have their wives and property.

That quote was from Anakin

Pensions are gibs.

>soldiers on the losing side deserve a pension

Okay Justin Trudeau

>deny traitors their pensions and let them live
>surprised when they keep being traitors after the war is over

You're traitors to the Crown.

>giving pensions to traitors
what kind of bitch nigga nation would do that? That's some like India shit or something

You're absolutely right.

I think he was more confused about who the statue depicts, not who gave the quote.

Any country that does not allow secession cannot call itself a democracy.

Any country that allows secession cannot call itself a nation. They agreed to the Constitution which clearly established in the Supremacy Clause that the Federal government trumps state gov. Especially butthurt Southerners who are solely fighting so they can continue being the biggest pieces of shit on the continent.

>Any country that allows secession cannot call itself a nation.

Hence why democracy is incompatible with statism

You're the one that seems butthurt over property rights.

Too bad that so far your wife is the only one former slaves got

We won

Only a Confederate deals in absolutes!

And no one expects the crown to pay our pensions

Yes property.

Well I guess I'll just take your subhuman, Southern property.

Sic semper tyrannis

We dun did it
*violates constitution*
we saved duh union from duh ebil southern aristocrats
*loots washington's former residence*
now theys be civilized like us
*places boot on irish throat*
gov't of the people, by the people, for the people, now shall never perish!
*ignores supreme court rulings*
at least we still have the rest of the constitution hyuck hyuck
*imports millions of foreigner against the wishes of even the leftmost states*

>Says the dude who supports slavery


>Americans don't have a right to own property.
fuck off commie

>All people were created equal
>lol except nigs cuz we like using them so we can be lazy

>fight a far inferior foe
>still struggle
>leader hides behind thousands and thousands of troops in dc
Outside of the North, no one in the world considered an heroic victory or honored the Northern generals.

Apparently, the founders thought so. Take your half-literacy up with them.

>all free whites of good character are to be treated equally under the law

>no one thinks that sherman is an influential general
He was far more influential and reliable than your meme generals like lee or the namefag.
You southniggers got brutally clubbed and if anything the north should have stayed to beat out the insubordination out of you.
The rest of the world considers the union to be unironic good guys because they fought to outlaw slavery.

Yeah, just like Scipio Africanus isn't honored by the Romans. or how Zeng Guofan wasn't honored. or how Zhukov wasn't honored. riiight?
The founders even argued about that shit but decided to put it off because they knew how contentious an issue it was.

What is this trend now of quoting things that were not said?

>no one thinks that sherman is an influential general
Stopped reading there, no one said this.

You said that none of the Northern generals were honored outside of the North.
said you're wrong because literally everyone outside of the US sees you bumpkins as the pieces of shit you are

>Yeah, just like Scipio Africanus isn't honored by the Romans. or how Zeng Guofan wasn't honored. or how Zhukov wasn't honored. riiight?
They fought an easy battle and not particularly well. Why should that merit them "honor?"
>The founders even argued about that shit
Yeah, they had the wisdom to support deportation,.

>said you're wrong because literally everyone outside of the US sees you bumpkins as the pieces of shit you are
Is that the best you can do? I don't much care what the imbeciles of "the world" are taught to think about this or that. The fact is that, at the time of the war, Grant's memoirs fell flat in Europe because, in the words of Matthew Arnold:

>So far as the general European reader might still be attracted to such a history, in spite of its military details, for the sake of the importance of the issues at stake and of the personages engaged, we in Europe have, it cannot be denied, in approaching an American recital of the deeds of “the greatest nation upon earth,” some apprehension and mistrust to get over. We may be pardoned for doubting whether we shall in the recital find measure, whether we shall find sobriety. Then, too, General Grant, the central figure of these Memoirs, is not to the English imagination the hero of the American Civil War; the hero is Lee, and of Lee the Memoirs tell us little

Provide an example of Northern generals being honored outside the United States.

>n-no one honors union generals.
Except everyone honors them because they were clearly on the right side. They fought for their country, fought a war to outlaw slavery and they won the war and brought their country back together,
you dixieniggers get laughed out of every civilised place when you bring up the war of "northern aggression"

>Why should that merit them honor
because no fight that goes on for multiple years is an "easy" fight and their use of numbers and tech was unironically pragmatic since it used the biggest advantages of the North.
Also when did anyone of influence support deportation? Jefferson was too busy fucking his widow's half black sister and Washington was busy making sure some random slave bitch ddn't leave his property. Do you really think they supported deportation in any relevant capacity. The back to Africa shit was mostly in the 19th century.

How are you even quoting now? Did you mean to reply to me?

Sorry "who"

>greentexting means quoting.
what a waste of quads.

Literally 20 seconds on Wikipedia
>But when comparing Sherman's scorched-earth campaigns to the actions of the British Army during the Second Boer War (1899–1902)—another war in which civilians were targeted because of their central role in sustaining an armed resistance—South African historian Hermann Giliomee declares that it "looks as if Sherman struck a better balance than the British commanders between severity and restraint in taking actions proportional to legitimate needs".[108] The admiration of scholars such as Victor Davis Hanson, B. H. Liddell Hart, Lloyd Lewis, and John F. Marszalek for General Sherman owes much to what they see as an approach to the exigencies of modern armed conflict that was both effective and principled.

>le right side of le history
>when slaves weren't even freed until it was strategically necessary and lincoln declared that he had no purpose interfering with it
>you dixieniggers get laughed out of every civilised place when you bring up the war of "northern aggression"
DIxie? Most of the people in this thread are from the North, and most of our sources are Northern books, written before simpletons like yourself were told to believe this nonsense about kind wars in which 600,000 young men were killed.
Here's what one British general had to say about things:
>The unprejudiced outsider will generally admit the sovereign right, both historical and legal, which each State possessed under the Constitution, to leave the Union.

>a few innovations against a numerically inferior foe
>le honored war hero

You can stop replying now.
>the state of Veeky Forums
I said, "honored" as in venerated.

>"actually we wuz fighting for freedum from a tyrant federal government"
>creates a far more centralized government almost immediately after declaring secession.

>British general advocating secession
Sup bro, I'll take Scotland now. I think Wales wants to talk to you too

That's a direct quote from a reputable source you dolt. Wikipedia as a means to find other sources is fine.

>I meant venerated.
>The biggest honor for a military general is having concrete statues built of him, instead of putting his ideas into practice.

Can you name a war government that wasn't centralized? So was Lincoln's.

He wasn't advocating anything.

>"w-we would drop the centralized government a-as soon as we became independent"
>doesn't allow the outlawing of slavery.

The CSA gov was a joke. It was just a shitty, disorganized version of the USA government. Even Jefferson Davis reluctantly agreed to be a part of it

Lel, you people are desperate to defend the image of "your" (>implying you're not a foreigner whose family is fresh off the boat) northern gov't that you fall back on the same nitpicking and non sequiturs every time.

>doesn't allow
I think the word you're looking for is "infringe" instead of allow.
Wasn't making a value judgment. Try again try hard.

>implying I am american
kek, nice try 56er

>half literate posts
>poor bantz
Definitely a europoor. Sorry about those "universities."

>amerimutt in charge of bantz
Its alright though. Your dogshit "confederacy" was a laughingstock and the north let you continue your LARPing because they found it entertaining.




>after 6 minutes of butthurt, the poster tries again the same old meme

kek, go easy on them. It's hard to think of anything else.

>d-don't mock our heritage of fighting against tyranny

I just wish the "le 56%" meme was actually funny.

This here is just unpleasing to look at. It's on the same level as gore. It's like pepe if you made it worse.

It is funny, though. They have their hard drives clogged with images about our country and we don't even think of them.

btw here' s a rare Calhoun

When did he regret his actions? I've never heard of this

>Tfw there will be a BLACK monarchy in your lifetime
DO IT AGAIN PRINCE HARRY! (until she is pregnant owo)