Which one of you is this

sorry for the german screenshot, but which one of you faggots is this? who of you fell for the mothermilk meme?
title says:Jenniger is breast feeding her bodybuilder boyfriend (36) every two hours.

>from the article:
Auch psychologisch bringe ihm das Stillen viel: Wenn er an Jennifers Brust sauge, sei er wie ein kleines Baby und könne sich von seiner anstrengenden Alpha-Männchen-Rolle erholen, sagt Jennifer.

In short, that way he can feel like a baby and relax his mind from the alpha-male role he has to fullfill all day long.

to keep it fit related, does mothermilk has any real benefits for bodybuilding over normal milk?

Looking at this DYEL faggot, there does not appear to be any benefit to this.

Does he even lift ?

>bodybuilder bf
>that guy

he's probably the dude from the cracked article kek

>reading Bild

Untermensch detected

Nope, try again

was zum fliegenden fick alter

>not drinking baby milk
Its like you don't want to make any gains.

How do you even milk babies?

Molest them and drink their tears

Wirklich neger?

Ever heard of the phenomenon called witches milk ?

Breast milk is laxative, this fag probably has to wear a diaper too

>implying blick is any better

I'm going to drink my wife's milk.

I love sucking on her titties.

Can't wait until actual milk comes out


she has a very bovine appearance so i'm unsure he's aware of what he's doing

>not kwark
This is why you're still a twig.

>this ugly fuck has his gf breastfeeding him and I'm sitting here drinking COWS MILK like a fucking CHUMP
What am I even doing with my life

Fuck off with your durka durka muhammed jihad speak

Back to the steppe, fingol.