>tfw your genetics made you fat
Tfw your genetics made you fat
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delete this
hate when that happens aha :( x
His genetics came to his house and force fed him doughnuts
Veeky Forums is definitely the worst board. Kill yourselves, redditors.
>delivering pizza
>see something waddling to the door
>morbidly obese woman opens door
>see morbidly obese ~20 year old son behind her
>see morbidly obese father crossing through the kitchen to the hallway
>they all waddle
>genetics can make you fat
Quick, find a picture of a fat person found in a concentration camp.
You have to go back.
lol find a picture of a fat Polish person in the 1930s period. your argument is invalid. it's an American thing, not a genetic thing.
>tfw my genetics keep me thin
I mean, if I spent the effort then of course I could bulk up, but goddamn, even thinking of eating that much makes me feel sick
In all seriousness, your p-ratio is definitely genetic and I believe appetite is also mostly genetic. That being said, you can control your weight through willpower and body composition through lifting
Guys, I beat my geetics and finally I'm under 100kg for the first time in seven motherfucking years.
I made it.
> muh genes
>tfw parents gave me frozen pizzas for breakfast almost everyday during elementary
why would you do this mama
spotted the feminist landwhale
Nice of you to drop by, wasted potential.
>tfw eating a shit-ton of food made you fat
>tfw my genetics made me a spooky skeletal
I don't understand how that could happen, i'm eating shit tons of food :^)
Nice brand you got there. Have you ever try MyThyroid milkshake?
Thyroid is a thing but my father has it and it only makes him gain fat on places where most women would as well, not make him go on food rampage for all his life. He's not fit but far from obese or even overweight. A friend of mine has it as well and he is indeed quite fat but lifts and eats like a motherfucker and never blamed his thyroid.
It seems that some people gain weight easier than others but NOT AT ALL to the extend that fatties want us to believe. Obviously peoples body work different but basic science will always be at least 90% and the understanding of calories and stuff will always do the trick.
stealing this kek
What does the thyroid thing even do specifically?
>delivering pizza
>judging others
Before you ask I'm fit have a 12 inch cock and make 300k a year.
>tfw will never be a qt asian girl taken by her teacher
I suggest eating every two hours even if it's only a small amount. If you're like me it's missing mealtimes/opportunities to eat which keeps you thin. Once you're in the habit of eating at regular times you'll end up eating more overall if only because you regularly think of it. I was always underweight and now I've added 10kg in less than 6 months.
>said, you can control your weight through willpower
Is willpower genetic?