Azaña, massonic internationalist

>Azaña, massonic internationalist
>"Republic", bolshevik puppets
>anarchists, militia patrolling against dissidents
>José Antonio Primo de Rivera, would most likely join Axis

without any doubt, Franco was the lesser evil during the Spanish Civil War

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What if Franco had joined Axis?

Franco was nothing more but a murderer. Because of him Spain recovered from the civil war LATER than Germany from the WW2.

He'd have to have been a complete fucking retard (see: Rivera) to do that.

The Spain would have been a Us puppet in 1943 instead of 1959

Germany falls faster because D-day happens two years earlier and starts in Spain.

Germany had its debt forgiven, a brand new currency and massive investments

Spain had Franco and his meme autarky.

The lesser evil was Azaña, the only one there that had any idea of what a republic was about and didn't try to constantly impose himself everywhere, this also made him the weakest of them all so he was pretty much put aside after the orgy of blood that happened after 1936.

If Sanjurjo didn't start the rebellion, the Leftards behaved like fucking civilized human beings Spain would have been simply conquered in 1941/2 and liberated in 1943/4, with most of its population intact and this applies for the industry and infrastructure too, which would have meant that Spain could have taken a better economic position after WWII.

But nope, we had autist in both sides that felt the need to satisfy their 300 years old acumulated frustrations(from Andalusian almost feudal landowners, to the whole ordeal with Ferninand VII or the total lack of respect to the hard conditions of industrialists) just before a great war.

And even paint me surprised if the side with the professional army won a fact that didn't seem to stop the several degrees of selfdestructive autism that the other side didn't see but still wanted to keep it on for "well let's try to live free as much as we can" at the cost of a bloodbath.

But to some extent, Franco might have been actually the second lesser evil, he only had to do one thing; not to align with the axis, and short of pulled it off in time, he only faced 20 years of isolation and being on the verge of another civil war before pure luck saved him and Spain too.

The rest of the socialists/commies would have created a soviet satellite in the middle of nowhere, anarchists would have been wiped out by their own retardness, carlists where too autistic to be left on their own and falangists were mere usefull idiots with options of managing to actually lose the war or make very retarded political moves.

Now wait a couple of hours once you have reached a couple of hundreds of replies, you´ll be able to show you mother how cool you are.

¡Arriba España!

catalonian independentist detected

Broken detector you have.

Just remembered, aabout these

Franco did nothing wrong. While you could argue for the motives of some Republicans, fact is that NKVD and Stalinists ended up running the show.





I wonder how a soviet satellite Spain would affect WW2 and the Cold War.

> and being on the verge of another civil war before pure luck saved him and Spain too.
Tell me more.


Before 1953 and the liberalization of the markets, the autarky system imposed after WWII was crumbling, not even all the hard represion managed to stop several strikes and other acts of civil unrest of a very desperate population that felt pretty much like after 1939, still reconstructing a country, also Azaña and the republicans in exile were quite sucessfull in their plan to politically isolate Spain from the rest of Europe to force a regime change in their favour(also, the Aran Valley thing but that was solved quickly with a few divisions), all of this was putting Franco in a hard desition; either keep things as they are and hope for an improvement or change and change fast and drastically.

He chose the latter, since the US was looking for strategic positions in Europe and Spain was most definely one, he used that in his favour along with the the fact that Spain could be considered a comunism-free haven to struck a deal with the US(obliterating all the plans of political isolation of the republicans that had to watch how 2 decades of work went to the shitter in one year) so the US could stablish as many bases as it pleased, this along with the liberalization of the markets through the famous Opus Dei treasury ministers resulted in the spanish miracle in less than a decade and the stop of all the social unrest around except for the 2 or 3 tards that didn't realize that people don't care about who is in power or his ideology, people only care about having a safe house, an assured hot meal and satisfying work.

But if the US had any vision and imposed more conditions on its deal or simply said no and waited for Franco's Spain to fall on it's own weight history would have been very different, so it was seer luck in the end what saved the situation at the time.

This is the first time I ever heard of Franco borderline about to get rekt and I'm a Spaniard. I only knew that from 1945-1953 this country was a huge pile of shit.

Why not restore monarchy earlier?

If the republicans/commies won would they have set their African colonies free

the good colonies were already lost because of Napoleon and the Spanish-American War

>I wonder how a soviet satellite Spain
There would, obviously, be no such thing. Spain would be sovereign. Spain would most likely stay neutral in WWII still, and do pretty much what independent Reds did in Cold War.

>without any doubt, Franco was the lesser evil during the Spanish Civil War
Being a communist myself, I tend to agree with that. Not the so called "evil" part of course, but Franco being most competent and productive leader on the Spanish political scene, as well as the only one like that among the fascist leaders.

He didn't have access to the Marshall plan

Sounds to me like Anarchists were the right choice.

>anarchists, militia patrolling against dissidents

yea, that was during a civil war caused by a failed coup. read about the Battle of Belchite.

>"Republic", bolshevik puppets

top kek implying Franco didn't win the war and crossed the Mediterranean thanks to Hitler and Mussolini who also helped him with soldier, tanks, aviation and so on. Stalin did shit compared to the later called axis powers.

This was Spain's last chance to be a modern country but Franco sent us backwards again.

how can you be so brainwashed? did Steven Spielberg tell you this?

Franco's regime oversaw Spain's ascension to a first world country, leftycuck.
"Republican" Spain would be misery-ridden like every other communist-controlled country.

kek Stalin actually won the war for Franco
>sends NKVD commisars to observe the war
>gets butthurt over POUM and anarchists, the forces that did most of the fighting, just because they don't bend over for him
>orders NKVD officers to spread propaganda about POUM and anarchists, trying to picture them as fascists and francoists
>NKVD tortures and kills several of their leaders, the republic now has to fight those two alongside franco
Good job commies.

that's a retarded argument and it has been answered already, Spain didn't evolve at all for 20 years after the war and after that it was thanks to the US and Paca la Culona opening up his ass to tourism. Spain has no industry whatsoever thanks to him and we're a country of waiters.

Talking about ascension to a first world country, check out the history of the Soviet Union and what Stalin accomplished. In 1917 Russia was an even less developed country than Spain and in the 50s they went to space. Here in Spain well, we got the 600.

Wow, it's almost like a war-torn country that was embargoed would take years to recover.
Also, Spain's industry grew, so you're spewing bullshit.
Regardin USSR, industry grew but there were people literally starving to death. Compare Spain's living standards to Soviet Union's.

>Wow, it's almost like a war-torn country that was embargoed would take years to recover.

lmao during WW2 twenty million people died in the Soviet Union - 20 000 000. what shitty argument is that? what embargo are you talking about? the Soviet Union didn't have even have an open market so that comparison it's just stupid.

>Compare Spain's living standards to Soviet Union's.

yet again you remain ignorant, just check any data comparison between both countries in the same year and the Soviet Union wins.

you twist your stupid argument but keep getting burnt, do yourself a favour and read some books before you splurge more shit on the interwebs

>didn't try to constantly impose himself everywhere
He stopped the recount in 1936 to give the left the goverment. He made 2 coup d'etat in 3 years and killed thousands of people with his autism and incompetence

>crossed the Mediterranean thanks to Hitler and Mussolini
He had cross the med way before that. You people are just parroting 80 years old propaganda. All current historians agree that Franco landed kn the peninsula way before a single Italian or German dime was used to support the war effort

>Spain has no industry whatsoever thanks to him and we're a country of waiters.
40% of Spain's GDP was in industry in 1978. Deindustrialization happened during Gonzale's 3 legislatures of terror

that is simply a lie, Mola, Franco and cia were stuck in Northern Morocco without means of getting to Spain through sea without Benito and Adolf's help.

>yet again you remain ignorant, just check any data comparison between both countries in the same year and the Soviet Union wins.
Nope. In the 60's Spain alredy had a GDP per capita that tripled that of any communist country and after Franco's death it was closer to 10 times bigger than that of any communist country

The African army landed through sea with the Dato destroyer. Again you are spewing 80 years old republican propaganda that no academic takes seriously anymore. Do you realise how logistically impossible was for an army as big as that to cross the straight completly with planes in 1936? Keep being deluded you are wrong

>He stopped the recount in 1936 to give the left the goverment
>He made 2 coup d'etat in 3 years

My source is Carr Raymond, the spanish civil war book, whats yours?

why do you lie?

sorry meant to quote it's not even true for a banana country like Cuba lol

You juat need to type in your computer convoy de la victoria and Battle of Cape Spartel. The German aviation wouldn't bombard a republican ship (Jaime I) until two months after the convoy de la victoria landed on the coasts of Cadiz. All the old historiography is based only on republican propaganda


>using gdp to compare communist countries with capitalist ones

You dont know what gdp really means do you

USSR never reached living standards as those of the western powers so if you think USSR's case actually renders the argument invalid, you're not very bright.
It's funny that you should tell anyone to read a book considering that you are ignorant of the international isolation that affected Spain's economy, you're discussing a subject without knowing a basic fact of it, retard. Go with that typical "read a book" phrase you leftards love to use somewhere else.

And USSR had a way larger amount of resources than Spain not to mention their imperialism, stupid commie.
Regarding their living standards, you've been called out on it already.

>primo de rivera brings back the spanish inquisition like originally planned
>doesn't accept 30000 jewish """refugees"""
>implements an edict of expulsion for the existing jews in spain
>spain doesn't disintegrate into the commie shithole it is today
What's the problem here?

>western powers
>Spain under Franco


I know the subject first hand, I am Spanish and I've heard plenty of testimonies of how life was under Franco. Don't get me wrong, I'm not praising the USSR here I'm just trying to point out how stupid and untrue your argument is.

About the living standards, you haven't said a word about it, and the Soviet Union beats Spain and most western powers by far.

how the fuck is spain communist

You didn't even know about the economical isolation Spain was subject to. Being a Spaniard doesn't preclude you from being a communist who unsurprisingly is ignorant and makes bullshit up.
Millions of people didn't starve under Franco, that alone dismisses your bullshit about Soviets having better living standards than Spain.
And how many westerners left toward USSR and viceversa? That should be pretty telling too. Also Spanish commies didn't exile themselves in mass to Cuba and USSR as far as I know.

I think you use the word embargo but don't really know what it means. Spain at the end of WW2 simply had no allies, which is a completely different thing. I mentioned the Soviet Union since they didn't have an open market which as I am sure you can understand results in the same case as Spain's.

About the famines, it wasn't millions just because of statistics - the USSR had way larger population than Spain. Lots of people died the years after the war, you can even ask grandpas about it, rationing cards etc... almost every family has a relative that died during those year because of poor living standards.

You can twist it as much as you want, this is the truth. Franco's regime sent Spain backwards and the only improvement was thanks to the US' imperialist desires. During Stalin a lot of people died but most of the population was able to live a better life than the average Spaniard under Franco.

>About the living standards, you haven't said a word about it, and the Soviet Union beats Spain and most western powers by far.

substanciate your claims

thread's theme:

if the right didnt start the war then the communist and the anarchist would have started their own in the name of a revolution. We were doomed to this crap from a long time and azaña-franco-anarchist/communist. This was the right order, the best case escenario is the republic winning but shit hitted the fan when they coudnt control the commies and the anarchist and started killing eachothers. Second best case scenario Franco wins. Worst case scenario is this becoming a soviet hell hole.