Your face when you realized there are actual people on this site who lift to get women

>your face when you realized there are actual people on this site who lift to get women



I lift to increase my tiny chances to get women


Prime Lindsay Lohan was too fine

>don't follow a routine/really lift all that seriously
>still get women
wonder what's going to happen when I start taking lifting seriously

Dumb mommyposter

>he doesn't get milf/cougar tail
Missing out senpai
God gifted you your 20s for a reason, and that reason is to exclusively take advantage of horny older women who desire young cock


I'm talking to some old slut at the moment. She wants to choke down my cock. It's wonderful.

Fuck. I forgot Lindsay Lohan was hot.

You will start getting men

my man
you hit that shit like no other. I salute you

Pre-druggie Lindsay was such a babe.


for real. i just graduated college and moved to a new city a few weeks ago. my neighbor is late 30s, solid 8-9/10, 2 kids, and divorced as of 2 months ago. its a nice change of pace with the bs games younger sluts usually play, this girl wants young dick and i'm fortunate enough to live 30 seconds walking distance from her. plus the first day we hooked up was basically a porno. would highly recommend.

i miss being able to fap to her, even looking at old pictures i end up remembering what she looks like now and go soft

I'm gay so I started lifting to get guys and it has worked out very well

what other reasons are there?

how do i get a mommy like this?


>tfw mean girls is the saddet movie ever

>mfw men who do anything at all for women

Maher nigga. Joined the Navy, ended up in WA after being in a while and somehow find myself in a relationship with a 36 year old and holy shit it's fire. She cooks every meal for me and wakes me up my sucking my peepee. Asian too, so it knocks like 10 years off her looks.

No idea how I got this lucky. Dunno how, or if, I'll ever go back to younger girls.

my nigga. i'm only about a week and a half deep into mine, and shes made it very clear that shes not looking for a serious relationship
two days ago she invited me over, we fucked, she cooked me dinner naked, then she sucked me off and i left. most satisfying night i've had in a long time.

>lift to feel better about myself
>girls like me more now that I'm happier

Worked out in a way I guess. I just needed to be more comfortable with myself and learn to be at ease

I don't care.
Dude spoilers.

Is this what I can look forward to when I 'make it'? Is there hope?

Prime Lindsay Lohan was the GOAT slut of all time. She was so hot that once she was ruined people latched onto a pig faced uggo named Emma Stone just so they could pretend Lindsay's ideal body still survived.





no, lifting doesn't cure autism. i should know, i used to spill spaghetti on a daily basis.
lift, have hobbies, do things, be an interesting person and then yes, that is what you can look forward to.

>tfw never been attracted to women
>but mentally ill tranny faggot

it's a mixed bag of things

>lift for several years, get pretty aesthetic
>acquire gf
>surely this one won't have deep seated mental issues
>oh for fucks sake
>leave gf
>lift more years
>acquire hotter gf
>surely this one will not have mental issues
>oh for fucks sake

I'm starting to give up on women holy fucking christ. My gf made a small arguement about cleaning the bathroom into a night long argument about why I definitely want to leave her and want her to die.

Why can't women just be fucking bros for fucks sake. I can't wait to be single again.

>prime Lindsey lohan
A shame

>cuckchan is full of pathetic beta teens
>they think if they lift they can get first gf
>even though they are autistic faggots that spaghetti

I blame /b/ and /v/ for the invasion of this place

>there are actual people on this site who think there are more important things than pussy

you have to be 18 to post here faggot

>my gf made a small arguement about cleaning the bathroom into a night long argument about why I definitely want to leave her and want her to die.

why do they do this, i fucking hate this, they literally want to argue and fight.

Don't forget those /r9k/ Omegas.


I ended up telling her if she doesn't sort her attitude out and stop being confrontational for the sake of it, I'm leaving her.

Of course, rather than be reasonable, she twisted and turned onto something completely irrelevant.

She's probably annoyed you don't show enough affection you autismo
She just let it boil to the point of being a cunt about it

yeah /r9k/ are omegas but they didnt contribute to the shithole this place has become. Thats all /b/ for the edgy teens and /v/ for the literal children and muh vidya gaemes shit

They go crazy because not because there's an actual issue that's truly concerning them.

They do this because they want to see how you react under duress. They want to see you keep your composure. They want reassurance that you have a level head, that you are 'their rock'.

Yes, women are like children.

>I fuck stupid 19 year old sluts
>muh subjective opinions on women

Is Veeky Forums the real omega board? This is pretty pathetic

>Thinks getting drawn into a petty fight til 3am with woman in hysterics is best course of action
>muh feminism

>fucking literal children that pull this shit

you have shit taste youngfriend

The insane/immature ones pull this shit of this severity, but they all generally are like that--as in, they create a problem to see how you react.

Have you found your unicorn yet, user?

>post yfw you realized women are 100% evil and also look disgusting past the libido meme

>they are ALL generally like this

ok anonkun whatever you have to tell yourself to make yourself feel better about being a lonley faggot.

You should just join a MGTOW club and be done with women

most women are too short for me anyway

>lifting for the meme gender

>hey kids, wanna buy some grass?

>You will never go back in time and warn her of the dangers of crack cocaine

Just screen your bitches, man.
It's one strike and out - but it's also up to you, to appear man enough that they don't feel like pulling that shit.

Sadly hot goes hand in hand with crazy.
I'm ok with my 6/10 and a sane life, YMMV.

>implying animals dont have natural behavioral traits
>being this delusional
>enjoy being cucked when your gf goes over to Chad's to "study"

Yep. You're right. They pull this kind of shit because they are unsure about you.

>my wife's son

this isn't even a meme. I reactivated my facebook the other day after not having been on it for 4+ years. Literally everyone from my highschool has a wife with a kid that's not theirs and their pics are like "omg how cute is this little guy? he may not be my son, but he's still my son!"

