While you're SHIT POSTING on an Iranian Fine Rug Forum, JARAE I'd in the GYM eating PIZZA
What should I Say to her Veeky Forums?
While you're SHIT POSTING on an Iranian Fine Rug Forum, JARAE I'd in the GYM eating PIZZA
What should I Say to her Veeky Forums?
bro she hiding something under all that makeup. Look at those godawful teeth and that chin
You look like house of horror concept art
Ask her what happened to make the bottom of her jaw recede like that, I want to avoid it if at all possible.
We will see how it goes. She'll probably unmatched me
Is this a "dubs dictates what I say" thread?
She is cute, but her chin is absolutely lacking.
It is now
Send her a pic of your Dick in a hot dog bun.
average girl
Absolute madman
please deliver!
Hit it and quit it my man
You look like a broad that could suck a golf ball through a garden hose
>Check em
If I get her number I will.
Dubs or 69 decides what's next
Did you use a shovel for your chin job?
Czech Em
"I want to give you a whey enema."
Attach a picture of a protein jug, a hose and a funnel.
Suckle me?
"I think i saw you on FakeTaxi once, but i don't remember"
Wanna fuck in a portapotty?
"Is Jason Blaha your favourite bodybuilder?"
Whats your favourite height on men?
Send a picture of a huge dick and then say lolol I thought it said doNg
You tryna get the pipe or nahh?
Jesus. Does such an image exist?
Looks like you need to do more chin ups
What a waste
Fucking gold. Breaking my own role and using this
>falling for the women meme
use a copula nigger, bruh
wanna see a movie tomorrow qt?
Babe, I wanna drink your bathwater
You're gorgeous. Let me take you out on sometime.FYI I like to fuck on the first date.
Damn, you look like you could suck a golf ball through a hose.
First message: I'll pay you to sit on my face
Second message: shit*
I would drag my dick through a mile of glass just to hear you fart through a telephone
If dubs this
Oh check em. I used the chin ups line, but this is going to a different match
You have to its Trips
Oh shit waddup
>gurl I wanna scrape the shit in betwixt your queenly toes and rub it on my erect nipples. Pls respond ;_;
Thats a good one.
>drink your douche
What happened to Jarae?
Not same girl
Rolling for this
OP post a pic of your profile, block out your eyes if you want to. Just curious to see what your tinder profile looks like.
JARAE hasn't responded
Can you post a pic of your profile? Blank out your eyes.
Here you go boyos
Get me pregnant senpai
Is the astronaut part isn't it?
any other pics? like body shots? Also is this a fake profile? Because I'm ugly as sin, and scared that tinder will result in my an heroing. I worry lifting is a the ultimate maymay
It's a Persian rug you fuck
Aren't you that bald guy with the weirdly shaped head?
post a pic, I wanna see who this dude is.
I'm like a solid 5 in all honesty, but if someone has saved pics of me that's cool
Probably. I'm not bald anymore and I don't think my head is too weirdly shaped
bro, I'm ugly as sin, I need to know if getting a good body helps. Post a full body shot with your eyes blanked out. Pls, senpai.
wtf, that's repulsive, ewww
I've heard if you have two it's good. I have the height 6'1 and frame
Yeah bro I'm fuckin super DYEL (thank you hungry skeleton), just started going to the gym about a month ago. But I still pull.
Send her a pic of your cock saying "look at this puppy"
mirin' Jaw
bro, put my mind to ease and post a full face pic or body shot with your eyes blocked out. Pls
Forgot picture
thank you hungry skeleton
Felt gross looking at this
She ugly as fuck
Because I'm so small? I know user. I feel gross looking in the mirror every day. If it wasn't for my FACE and HEIGHT I would probably become an hero
what's the top of your head look like? Also, post more tinder slootsssSs
dubs again.
Fucking deliver OP
>thinks he has a decent face
LMAO delusional skelly
Why havent we fucked yet?
>you're so ugly you could be a modern art masterpiece
>sending pics
Tinder in general