>History With Hilbert
>History Buffs
>Sargon of Akkad
>Historia Civilis
Post youtube historians
Other urls found in this thread:
Pick one
not really
what the fuck I'm reading?
Fucking Angloboo, who dares call the MG42 something else
Barely heard of 'em
>History With Hilbert
Name too long, probs another weapons channel
>History Buffs
Good shit
More of a political ranter than a historian
>Historia Civilis
One of my favorites
>Sargon of Akkad
What is a joke: the post.
This is an accurate representation of his views, yes.
Lindy will always be the best!
t. Angloboo
None of them is a historian.
They are absolutely pathetic and even 12 year old girls with no history knowledge shouldn't watch "history" yt videos.
Jokes are funny
Why does Lindy always look like he's on the brink of a breakdown?
the joke
your head
Wow, what an epic meme my dude!!! Upvoted!!!
Why do so many butthurt Frenchies always crawl out the woodwork whenever Lindybeige is mentioned? Are you that angry that exists a guy out there that doesn't support your Anglophobia?
The Great War channel
The only person on that list who is an actual historian is Scholagladiatoria
>English won the hundred years' war
>napoleon was hitler
>market garden was a sucess
>british ww2 tanks were superior
>brodie helmets were superior
>English accents are superior
>English is the best language
>Normans weren't French
>imperial system is better
>dunkirk was a british victory
>british officers don't duck
>the bren gun was like a full auto sniper rifle
>boer concentration camps were refugee camps
Metatron has such a pure, child-like autistic obsession he's endearing, if only he could go deeper in his expositions he'd be a top tier Romaboo/Weeaboo
>English won the hundred years' war
Still mad about Agincourt, eh Pierre?
>napoleon was hitler
He was a mentally ill tyrannical dictator manlet hell-bent on destroying Europe and creating a "Greater France" by carving out great territories to its east, only being stopped once he tried to invade Russia and the winter dismantled his campaign, and had his entire country occupied by Russia and Britain in the end, killing over six million people during that time (sound familiar?). In the terms of foreign policy, at least, the Hitler comparison is apt.
>market garden was a sucess
That's debatable, but hardly an "Angloboo" position to take.
>british ww2 tanks were superior
Superior to the Italians and Germans, at least.
>brodie helmets were superior
They were, unless you believe superiority comes from the number of spikes on your cap.
>English accents are superior
Completely subjective, but a common sentiment, especially across the pond.
>English is the best language
It is the most widely used one, and the lingua franca of the world, so yes.
>Normans weren't French
They weren't, you dolt. They were Norman.
>imperial system is better
Name me one other system of measurement that has survived metric and then we'll talk.
>dunkirk was a british victory
A strategic victory, yes. 90% of British forces were evacuated from a pocket formed prior, along with a good chunk of French forces, and a great deal of equipment that would otherwise have fallen into German hands was made useless. Given the background situation, it was beyond the best anyone could've hoped for.
>british officers don't duck
>the bren gun was like a full auto sniper rifle
It was a machine gun, so it's a silly comparison to make, but again, hardly "angloboo" in nature.
>>boer concentration camps were refugee camps
>Oy, jy liefen engelser, my opa vas gassed three times at Bloemfontein
Fuck off with your anti-British nonsense. Those camps were indeed for refugees diven out by Boer guerilla warfare.
Oh shit, what's up Lloyd
He's linnked to Veeky Forums archives, so it's not unthinkable he'd be on Veeky Forums. He also has a big ego and won't back down or admit mistake.s
>Still mad about Agincourt, eh Pierre?
Pure Anglo propaganda. They lost the war, so they then focused on the battles they did win. Imagine if Germans took this approach to WWI and WWII and only focused on their victories, then were very silent about the actual outcome of the wars.
stooopid Nigel, so stooopid rosbif
>Those camps were indeed for refugees diven out by Boer guerilla warfare.
came here only to post this
Lindybeige is fucking garbage
Trust anglo brainlets to “learn” history through YouTube videos made by a retarded dance teacher lmao
Why does it have to be about handicapped people? Cant I just have sex with drug dealer for drugs?
He's passionate, and that passion is infective. He actually got me into Greek-Roman history. He's quite sloppy when it comes to facts. I would hire him to be a presenter for a history doc though.
You are mentally insane
>"Napoleon was litteraly Hitler"
>defended France for 5 coalition wars, only declared the Russian war after they backstabed him and the péninsular takeover
>So hated the civil code was kept in every european country
>So monstruous the French conquests were to be confirmed after Leipzig on the intercession of Tzar Alexander, but Nap thought he could still turn it around against despotism
>So hellbent on creating a greater France that he gave sovereignty back to old cultures such as the poles, the various illyrian states, and finally united Italy.
>Such a destructive despot that thr situation improved where his family ruled, such as the Netherlands and Naples.
> Put an end to the >>>
>Traumatized the European people to such an extent, that plays glorifying him and the Épopée were being performed in the UK five years after his death, as well as around Europe.
>His family of inhuman bastards inspired sympathy from the brits when they visited London, and were beloved by the Italian anti austrian societies, with whom the young Louis Napoleon fought side by side.
>Left such a bad impression on the petty states he proped up that the poles still mention him in their anthem.
Very entertaining, people take him way to serious around here. Content has been getting a lot less relevant.
Interesting guy (ex military) kind of goofy that he wears chainmail everyday. Content becoming very shitty lately.
>History With Hilbert
Nice guy, tries very hard. Memes are a bit forced. Content is getting better but he is still essentially an amateur.
Dont really watch him.
>History Buffs
A bit of a normie, dont like his humour and historians review format isn't really that interesting imh.
Basically Metatron without the personality.
>Sargon of Akkad
Ancient Recitations are nice, he has a good voice.
>Historia Civilis
The best content creator on this list, he knows what his channel is about and gives very lucid explanations, he never wastes your attention with anything besides the history.
Like what?
>Those camps were indeed for refugees diven out by Boer guerilla warfare
Don't lie, removing the Boer vermin from Gods earth is something to celebrate
>Feature History
I feel like he gives out nice, somewhat brief videos about history. It's good to listen to if you wanna relax.
A channel more or less dedicated to some minor alternate history, he does make a good amount of videos detailing the origins of certain races and how their history.
>after they backstabed him
Kill yourself ouiboo
Sargon used to be a history channel
Great production and concise videos. Subjects are very clickbaity and factoidish however.
>Baz battles
Overviews of historical battles also with great production. Picks battles more or less at random and doesnt give much context.
>Kings and generals
Baz battles clone.
>Extra credits
Random entry level historical factoids.
>Overly Sarcastic productions
Cringely presented random entry level historical factoids.
>Crash course
Cringely presented entry level generalized historical overviews.
>Real Crusades History
Single subject allows for a lot of depth, gets a little political from time to time.
Post links please
Ok, Talleyrand and the Russiand backstabbed him, better?
This guy is sort of an American Lindybeige
>south africa is better off black!
Good goy
Yeah, no. He used to offer his completely ignorant and retarded views on historical topics, but he was no more an historian than he was a spaceman.
Time to get extinct'd, subhuman.
I'm not a boer, and my people (Nigerians) are enjoying a boom in population and economic strength.
>Defended Germany for 2 World Wars, only declared the Russian war after they backstabbed him
>So hated anti-smoking laws were kept in every European country
>So monstruous the German conquests were to be confirmed after Fall Weiss on the intercession of Molotov, but Adolf thought he could still turn it around against bolshevism
>So hellbent on creating a greater Germany that he gave sovereignty back to old cultures such as the Slovakians, the various Yugoslav states, and finally united Hungary.
>Such a destructive dictator that the situation improved where his party ruled, such as the Netherlands and Austria.
> Put an end to the Weimar Republic
>Traumatized the European people to such an extent, that documentaries glorifying him and the Nazis are being played in the UK to this day, as well as around Europe.
>His party of inhuman bastards inspired sympathy from the british crown prince when they visited London, and were beloved by the Italian fascist societies, with whom the young Hitler fought side by side.
>Left such a bad impression on the petty states he propped up that the poles still have record numbers turning up to Neo-Nazi marches to this day.
Emperor tigerstar
have an extra (You)
Is Historia Civilis /ourguy/?
How is he an historian?
He has a history degree and has written several works of academic literature
>sartard of akkuck
fuck off with your political bs
>He has a history degree
protip: he hasn't
>has written several works of academic literature
funny way of spelling drivel written by an amateur. All his academic 'experience' consists of some volunteering work no one gives a shit about
His thesis was about late medieval armour
And my thesis was about aircraft design. Does this make me a qualified aviation historian?
>protip: he hasn't
You're right, he has a bachelors degree in archaeology. By itself, that degree doesn't really mean anything, because he isn't a professional archaeologist.
>drivel written by an amateur. All his academic 'experience' consists of some volunteering work no one gives a shit about
This is completely exaggerated. Matt was one of the people who pioneered HEMA as an applied kind of experimental archaeology. He and a friend made the first English translations of Fiore's manual, and he's had tons of experience working with other historical treatises as primary documents. Yes, this was all done outside of academia and technically amateur volunteering, but if Matt would have done his work as a form of graduate research, it definitely would have enough to at least produce a Master's thesis.
The guy's life work has been all about studying historical documents, and applying that information as a way of reviving historical practices. In doing that, he's done tons of actual, original research; and I mean that in the academic sense of the word (contributing new knowledge). Most other youtubers just repeat information people like him produce. I agree that he's not really a historian (but only because I don't think that label is really an accurate description of what he does), but he's still one of few popular youtubers that can accurately be called a "researcher."
Absolutely. Only decent one out of that list.
Woops you were talking about Scholagladiatora, i thought you were a Lindy fanboy because of your image and me being retarded
Yeah i'd have to agree Matt is fairly decent. I don't really follow him but from what i've seen he cites his sources, doesn't make shit up and applies CONTEXT
Can we not call these people historians? At all?
Lindybeige is absolute fucking trash.
>British officers don't duck
Honestly what's with all this lindybeige hate?The guy does have some bias indeed but he's also made a lot of good videos.
You're not wrong, but for me, the guy who produced 80% worthwhile history and 20% speculative drivel is almost more troublesome than the propagandist producing 100% garbage.
People out there worship Lindy. They think he's an academic source. He's not.
Because a huge chunk of Veeky Forums litterally has autism and is therefore unable to tell when someone is joking or exaggerating.
Wow, that's the most retarded way of explaining horseshoe theory I've ever seen.
>Extra credits
>muh great man history
Terrible voice, reactionary video responses to Extra Credits. No.
>Sargon of Akkad
I don't care if it costs me my life. If I have to post Hbomberguy, I will.
This dude
I wish I could be his friend
Retarded drawing, but it's still funny.
Who's Lindybeige? I looked him up, and he just seems like a guy who talks about guns and for some reason thinks cavalry was stupid.
But that's not his fault. In fact in his latest videos he goes out of his way to say that he's just speculating or that he isn't an expert.
>Military History Visualized
Good for logistics and general staff work during WW2
His statement that the MG42 isn't used in any modern army and that the Bren still being used by the Indian army is proof that the Bren was better made me realize not only does he not know how to research, but he just talks out of his ass.
his follow up video was even more embarrasing
>if you call me out on my bullshit you're a wehraboo!
>China History Podcast