Do girls like endomorphs?

im 5'10 with a 7 1/4- 7 1/2 wriet measurement and im classed as large frame to medium frame. even tho i have 20 inch shoulders (non lifting from delts) im classed as an endomorph and i have no chance of having a girlfriend. :( i feel like if no girls ever gonna want me i should kill myself. not bait serious

Just Be Yourself :)

no, we like ectomorphs, kill yourself you ugly fat toad

meso > ecto > endo
built with low bf > skinny > fat

You're not an endomorph. Know why?

It's bullshit. Complete bullshit. Endomorphs, mesomorphs, whatever. Not a real thing. Check the Wikipedia article on the subject.

No. Now go lift fagget.


Bitches love bear mode OP, just lift.

>6.5" wristlet
>54" shoulders at 6'0

somatotypes are bullshit, you're just fat. eat less and lift.

no girls ever gonna love me :( ive been alone all my life it hurts so much. i know dudes who are shorter than me and are thin as hell like u could break them in 2 seconds they have girlfriends. fuck genetics :(

only if you go full lotr dwarf mode and are fun to be around

jk, stuff like personality and status matters much more. female sexuality, on average, it much less about physical traits than male sexuality is. its still a factor, but not the primary one. girls care much more about what they emotionally associate with your appearance than what specific mold you come from.

(jolly manlets are still hot tho)





Just disregard any opinions. Any. Your mother had given birth to you. And you are here. And you will kick ass.

>I'm ugly, manlet, fat, muh emotions :(

Face it. You will never be Chad, getting 1000 lbs of pussy per day, but that doesn't matter. Chad is busy being Chad. You can be LIKE him, but you'll never BE him. That's why you should strive to build yourself, because no one else will.

The only thing that slows you down is yourself.

depression has literally destroyrd my life. im fat scared insecure and have no hope. this is ehy i believe there is no god becsuse a perfect diety who loved his creation wouldnt allow it to suffer like this. im sorry u guys.

deity* my bad. typing too quick.


Tbh height and fat are more important than frame. And one of those you can fix.

Well fatass, you can either cry about it, kill yourself, or try to improve your situation.

Speaking from someone who was in that same spot for over a decade, I only started getting my shit together because I realized I just wasn't brave enough to off myself. Are you me? If you are, might as well begin sooner rather than later.

Just realize that you'll NEVER be truly happy and that you're probably not going to kill yourself, either, so your only goal should be to be less miserable. That's attainable.

Try drugs. They might help

>tfw body most resembles a mesomorph body type
>5'8" with 6" wrists


People are calling me ectomorph.

My answer "no, i'm just not eating enough"

Stop with this fucking bullshit you stupid nigger.

get to 10% BF, if you still dont like it then kill yourself

>I should kill myself
>Not bait serious

Well if you're serious I guess there's no way around it.

>tfw 6' endomorph

I will not be aesthetic, no matter what.



6'1 ecto here
6inch wrist
Shoulders are 19inch or so wide
Waist is 29ish around
Hips 33ish around
7inch dick, only 4.8ish around though

I have a 5'10 125 Veeky Forums gf
So I'm doing okay as a ecto, and I study mathematics at uni. Own apartment. Car. Content with life.

If I was a 5'10 meso/endo would my life be different? Probably. GF probably would care, she's into people like Joseph Gordon levit

>thinking somatypes are real
Boy, I sure hate those dastardly vaccines. It's too bad big pharma has paid off all the doctors to pretend they don't caise autism.

>5'7 ectomorph

fuck off!

You're dirt