How the FUCK did an ethnic group that stretched from Gaul to Galatia, Iberia to Southern Germany, proficient metalworkers and capable of rather powerful tribal confederations, not survive at ALL into the modern era?
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I've wondered the same. Bamp
Gaius Julius Caesar
Caesar didn't ethnically cleanse Galatia though
The Jews wiped them out through assimilation
That looks like Freyja with her cats, but she is painted like a Celt?
You're welcome
Yeah, someone took artistic license with it.
Gaul didn't have all the Gauls
Were the Gauls black?
they were in Turkey, so they were clearly KARA BOGA
FUCK, can somebody already explain this fucking kara boga meme to me?
Ethnic group? It was loosely shared culture.
They survived though
Assimilated a bit with Roman colonists
Read about Gallo-Romans
Losing your state =/= stopping existing
Fucking R*mans
Thats why
ruined europe
Are you talking about Celts in general or just Gauls? Gauls were not in Iberia or Galatia.
If you mean Celts, then Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, the Isle of Man and Brittany are the modern Celtic Nations.
I mean the now extinct Gallic group of Celts
I think that I misunderstood the term Gallic though, thinking that Galatians and Arverni spoke variations of the same language.
Latest shitpost from /int/, a Turk claiming that Turks are black, and posting Blacked memes.
This is related to the recent wh*Toid posting, and it's subsequent cognate, le 56% Amerigoblins.
Say what? The highland scots, irish and bretons still exist
>losing your culture
>losing your language
>losing your religion
Oui, nous sommes galles
>t. Carthage
>nobody identifies as a Gaul anymore
>nobody speaks the Gaulish language
>no Gaulish state
Gauls dead
Celts not
Tfw no more Gaul.
Good, De Gaulle was a hack
how do guys like that not get crazy time anxiety
even if I spend the evening studying or working Im still so anxious about whether I wasted my time that I might not get much sleep
this pic is really nice
>how do guys like that not get crazy time anxiety
Terminal autism
The Romans, Germans, and Slavs proved to be more vigorous cultures.
Autism, but also time delegation. It's the product of hundreds of individuals shitposting, except that one Turk.
They did though, you just aren't paying attention.
Scots are like an ungodly combination of Gallic and Germanic peoples.
Literally had the Germanics to the North and the the Romans and Greeks to the South and Southeast. They were beyond saving from those two.
The short answer is that they got ROME'd. It started with the roman conquest of short-haired Gaul, which was followed by Julius' conquest of Long-hair Gaul. Slowly but steadily over the coming centuries Rome kept chipping away at the celtic world by different kinds of annexations untill only the celts on the british isles remained.
Gaul's even more dead than Gaulles mate.
The real question is why haven't Romans exterminated germans.
They feared the Germanic warrior
what's up Hannibal how's your dad
They got ASSimmilated
Yeah he was dead before that started happening
t. vercin*etorix
they survived, they were simply renamed (or renamed themselve) the 'franks'
Carthage was in Africa
They're literally the foundation of Britain, France, Spain and a lot of Germanic countries as much as they will deny it.
They didn't survive as an ethnic identity state except in Ireland, but they survived as people.
A. They never united so Rome conquered them and assimilated them, largely erasing them as a culture
B. Christianity destroyed most of the rest
C. They're not totally gone. Their art definitely lives on at my mom's house
My mistake Vercingetorix, how's Alesia?
germanic people were tattoed too
The Germanics weren't cooperating
Maybe because Gauls prohibited the use of writing. It was good for social control and memory, but didn’t helped that much in upholding the culture in the long run.
>not survive at ALL into the modern era?
What are Auvergnats, Asturians, Belgians, Chartrais, Galicians, Nantais, Poitevins, Rennois, Vannetais,Savoyards, Tourangeaux, and so on ?
You not knowing something doesn't mean that the said thing does not exist
Basically got assimilated into Roman culture. Tends to happen when cultural assimilation means a higher standard of living
Macron has a bond to the french people bigger than choice, or "politique", or secret agreements, his bonds is that he actually IS french.
Macron is racially gaul and celtic and like all gaul and celts, he does not recognise any owenership of france other than by the gaul.
If you want to be French, to be a citizen, you must answer "Gaul" to the question "The first people who lived in France were:".
The gaul consider themselves to be utterly betrayed by the jews, who had formed an agreement with the druidic orders to stabilise the world and stop a new rome.
So the jews, who did well under rome, betray them and attempt to overrun Gaul and Britain with immigrants and dumb anglish.
But people like Macron the Gaul, are willing to lie and cheat and steal to the jews, to the traitors, because to a Gaul, there is no heaven and there is no hell, and when you die you come back into the world exactly as you left it, so he does not fear their threats of violence or death, because he knows that like the analogue of the frog in the pot, if he does not jump now, he will be boiled alive.
If you know history, you know it is PURE HUBRIS to expect the Gaul to allow Rome to happen again.
it is PURE STUPIDITY that the Jews thought it was normal for a GAUL to say "I will rule like a roman emperor".
They are so sure of themselves, they think so high of themselves that while betraying the Gaul, they let a native Gaul get into a seat of power WHILE THERE IS A STATE OF EMERGENCY.
Macron can not be questioned and he can not be stopped.
Remember, he was baptised as a catholic on his own request, he is born one and has not been brainwashed by them.
Macron is a Gallic hero.
>ywn share a shit with him in the latrinum built to dishonor the site of Caesar's assassination
Macron is a racial Gaul, his ties to his people are thicker than "deals" and "oaths".
The globalists however are so insane, so full of themselves, they thought that because they tell everyone that the Gaul don't exist, that the Gaul would magically disappear.
But no, Macron remembers, all of France that is Gaul remembers.
The Gaul had to deal with Rome before, and they have never forgotten the tricks played upon them, they are still taught in school in history class.
The Gaul PILLAGED Rome for the first time before anyone else did, and the Romans stole their tactics and could not match them even then.
It took an empire, and mercenaries uncountable and non stop warfare to bring Gaul to its knees, a nation of unarmed "savages".
Like the niggers removed from africa still riot and act like monkey hundreds of years onwards, The Gaul can not shake their brave and stubborn nature, the very word Gaul in our language has become the word to explain their behavior.
Macron is just like every other single Gaul leader since Gaul ruled europe, he does not fear anything because Gauls don't care about death, defeat is nothing to the Gaul, that is why they fought so viciously during the German occupation, they don't care if their leaders surrender.
No matter how thick the cloud of darkness is over France, the Gaul can not be stopped, in six thousand years the Gaul empire has been cut down to a single state three times and each time it rises again to conquer Europe.
Celts are the most cucked ethnic group that ever lived in europe.
No wonder Romans purged them from existence. Shame that anglo didn't finish the job.
Cultural genocide is a thing. Look at peoples like the Irish, they got fucked so hard they basically are English now and have state sponsored programs to try and retain some semblance of Irish culture.