What did people throughout history think of black girls?

What did people throughout history think of black girls?

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Here is an artifact from 520 BC Greece presumably showing the difference between a African girl and a Greek girl.


Now black boys, on the other hand...

I remember reading something about how the Italians kept banging all the Eritreans and Somalis.


French Conquest of Morocco by Douglas Porch notes how the Moroccan Arabs thought black women were the best. Some amir telling a german ambassador how much tighter black cunt was.


Literally wrote a whole song about fucking Ethiopians

>The hymn is said to have been inspired by a beautiful young Abyssinian girl, who was found by the Italian troops at the beginning of the Italian invasion of Ethiopia.

>Faccetta Nera talks about how the black girl will be taken back to Rome and offered a new life, free from the bonds of slavery. There, the song's narrator explain that she will be introduced to new laws and rulers.

>During the invasion the song was hugely popular in Italy and caused national fervor.[1] The implicitly erotic song was, however, somewhat of an embarrassment for the Fascist government, which had, starting in May 1936, introduced several laws prohibiting cohabitation and marriage between Italians and native people of the Italian colonial empire.[1] These efforts culminated in the Italian Racial Laws of 1938. The Fascist authorities considered banning the song, and removed all picture postcards depicting Abyssinian women from Roman shop windows.

Give me a sec, I'll call Jefferson and see what his opinion is.

absolutely inhuman

holy shit ayy lmao

Not sure about that hair but I'm liking what I'm seeing from the neck down.

man primitive tribes always have the weirdest fucking appearance standards
>one where you insert a huge fucking circle inside your lips
>one where you are brutally flayed to get crocodile skin as a transition to manhood ritual
>or OP's picture where people just caked their hair in mud all day long

At first I wondered "where did she get that kind of fur in this environment?". It's her hair...

Until a few centuries ago, basically nothing.

Almost nobody outside of south/central Africa had ever seen a negro during antiquity.

Ibn Battuta visited the Mali Empire and he thought the women were very beautiful.

Other then that I couldn't find anything relating to the looks of black women

>implying it's limited to primitive tribes
piercings in general

doing that sort of thing on a scale greater than a small subculture is what makes it so strange. people like that are outliers in western society and are outright denied jobs for having appearances like that

You're talking about tribes, user.
Relative to the rest of the african population those are small subcultures.

>those great tits
>that tight body
>mfw she probably smells like shit
Fate is cruel

Underrated dubs

>tfw companies refuse to hire circumcised men


She has unusually perfect skin for someone with that lifestyle.

The red ochre is sunblock you fool. It is also used in conjunction with the smoke of resinous herbs that act as a anti-bacterial and anti-microbial cleanser.

>implying that Ethiopians aren't the anglo Saxons of Africa

Know that if Africa had developed in similar parallels to Europe and Western Civilization, that Ethiopians would be the Ayrans Nazis Master Race of the continent

I mean conquer a place like ethiopia and you can't exactly keep it in your pants, it doesn't help that they were italians.


Nah. That would go to the Tebu who went from southern Libya to install kingdom and influence the entirety of West Africa.

>He doesn't want his troops to take home top-tier Ethiopian chicks and extend Italian ideals in the process.
Why was Mussolini such a faggot?

>There, the song's narrator explain that she will be introduced to new laws

I thought Italians hated all laws?

Ethiopians are white though.

The laws are good if the allow banging Abyssinian qts

Explain yo'self, son.

Ethiopians are an ethnic group formed by the return of neolithic farmer from the levant back into africa, where they race mixed with the local negroids. Ethiopians are genetically 50% middle eastern, 50% negroid, which is why they tend to have "white" features, which make them look more attractive, and in some racial classifications gets them lumped into the caucasoid race.

I see. Well thanks for sharing.

>fascism is a good idea

No we aren't there is no evidence of a demographic middle eastern displacement



uuhhhh I don't know what your saying. I wasn't implying that he thought this.

>Ethiopians are genetically 50% middle eastern, 50% negroid

Pls stop with this bullshit

There are Ethiopians with almost no Middle Eastern that have caucasian features

theres also a study showing that the indigenous component is far different than Nilo-saharan and niger-congo


They have known for sometime that Horn of Africans adapted to the highlands and that changed the cushite gene


There is alot of Mixed people in Ethiopia but it makes their hair straighter and skin lighter not nose thinner or skull different

Your article goes in the face of scientifc consensus. Anyways, my article is newer than yours

pop sci article: nytimes.com/2017/09/21/science/africa-dna-migration.html

actual paper (from the #1 human population genetics research lab on earth, harvard's reich lab) : reich.hms.harvard.edu/sites/reich.hms.harvard.edu/files/inline-files/Skoglund_Cell_2017.pdf

Look for the paragraph titled:

Early Levantine Farmer-Related Admixture in an
~3,100-Year-Old Pastoralist from Tanzania

Interesting, you cite the exact same article as the other guy as "counterproof". I guess it's some kind of meme article.

>we wuz indigenous africans n sheeit

Does anyone else find it funny, that nature has changed humans through environmental pressures and humans go along with this? Why do humans fall for this psy-op instead of coming together?

>Why do humans fall for this psy-op instead of coming together?
What do you mean by coming together? Race mixing?

Not necessarily but everything else.

People aren't denying that people back migrated and mixed into cushites they are denying the obvious bs that cushites are negroid until mixed with Western Eurasians

The article journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgen.1004393
If you would actually read it goes over the back migrations and also the uniqueness of the Ethiopian indigenous gene

>After partitioning the SNP data into African and non-African origin chromosome segments, we found support for a distinct African (Ethiopic) ancestry and a distinct non-African (Ethio-Somali) ancestry in HOA populations. The African Ethiopic ancestry is tightly restricted to HOA populations and likely represents an autochthonous HOA population. The non-African ancestry in the HOA, which is primarily attributed to a novel Ethio-Somali inferred ancestry component, is significantly differentiated from all neighboring non-African ancestries in North Africa, the Levant, and Arabia.

Again many are mixed but there are non mixed people with caucasian skulls and noses


Niolitic people that are vastly different to the Ethiopic gene

Literally the Nilo-Saharan gene here which is vastly different

Oh yeah I don't deny that there was probably some indigenous ethiopian component particular to the region, just like europe had hunter gatherers specific to the region. But they probably weren't caucasoid: the caucasoid look of ethiopians is due to the back migration.

>Again many are mixed but there are non mixed people with caucasian skulls and noses
Any examples?

That map shows a contrast of different African population. Simple admixture does not explain ethio-somali/Cushitic populations.

What that map shows is a population of Mesolithic African that backcrossed back to Africa with different non-human hominid ancestry.

Anuak are a mixed group of Nilo-Saharan, Niger Congo and Ethiopic ancestry.

Ari Blacksmiths are a distinct group called "ethiopic" and are one of three African populations that make up the majority of Ethiopian dna.

There is no archeological evidence of middle eastern mass displacement in the neolithic.

>There is no archeological evidence of middle eastern mass displacement in the neolithic.
But there is plenty of genetic evidence... They even found neolithic farmers in fucking Tanzania.

Greatest example is Tutsi who were called Caucasoid and made into a superior group claimed to be part Roman or Hamitic but their DNA is Ethio-Somali among certain clans.

No there was Stone Bowl/Savanna Complex remains attributed to Cushitic peoples.

>Greatest example is Tutsi who were called Caucasoid and made into a superior group claimed to be part Roman or Hamitic
Point taken

> but their DNA is Ethio-Somali among certain clans.
Yeah, but mostly bantu. The Ethiopic element admixture is small.

Anyways doesn't really refute the fact that in the case of the Habeshas, their caucasoidness comes from the back migration.

>But they probably weren't caucasoid: the caucasoid look of ethiopians is due to the back migration.

Again wrong and talked about in the adaptation to the high altitudes and the other article.

Nilo-saharan like the Anuaks are not Ethiopic (native unmixed gene) and are .071 fst away from them. South Asians are .079 away from Europeans. They are quite different

>Any examples?

The vast numbers of dark skinned black people that have thin noses and no prognathism?

Its pretty obvious they have almost no MENA genes yet also no Negroid features.

Look, I don't know what to tell you. Literally half of ethiopian DNA can be traced back to middle eastern neolithic farmers.

>The vast numbers of dark skinned black people that have thin noses and no prognathism?
Who are all habeshas? Lol.

>Literally half of ethiopian DNA can be traced back to middle eastern neolithic farmers.

Half of one specific group of one specific region of light skinned people.

Plenty of groups with minimal to no MENA ancestry and no negroid features

>Who are all habeshas? Lol.

Being habesha doesn't mean being mixed there are Habeshas that are midnight black and have no negroid features

But believe whatever you want man you can literally watch Ethio or Ertirean tv and see hundreds of people everyday, darker as nilotes with caucasian features

Bantu are not the basis of Ethiopian "negroid" populations, they are a minor point. Ethiopic Ari Blwckmiths, Nilo-Saharans while Ethio-Somali are the basis.of most East African DNA.

>Plenty of groups with minimal to no MENA ancestry and no negroid features
So what? We're talking about ethiopians, not tutsis.

>Being habesha doesn't mean being mixed there are Habeshas that are midnight black and have no negroid features
Probably because black skin is an advantage. Kind of how south asians are dark skinned but can have caucasoid features. Natural selection went on for thousands of years after the initial admixture.

The facts are, ethiopian DNA shows that half of their lineage can be traced to the middle east.

Made good fapping memories for me with NatGeo.

>So what? We're talking about ethiopians, not tutsis.

yep plenty of Ethiopians, Somalis, and Eritreans with than too. In fact much more than tutsis. They are the reason tutsis look like they do

>Probably because black skin is an advantage. Kind of how south asians are dark skinned but can have caucasoid features. Natural selection went on for thousands of years after the initial admixture.

Something based on 0 facts just a guess okay.

>The facts are, ethiopian DNA shows that half of their lineage can be traced to the middle east.

Literally one region of one group

Ethiopians are not an ethnic group but a collection of hundreds

>yep plenty of Ethiopians, Somalis, and Eritreans with than too
And I'm supposed to take your word for it? Nice anecdotal evidence lmao.

>Something based on 0 facts just a guess okay.
What? Do you deny that people who live in hot climate tend to get darker?

>Literally one region of one group
Yeah, the habeshas. Who are what we're talking about.

The biodiversity of Western Eurasia is that of a small population of East Africans, thus if those East Africans came back 20kya+ could you really claim their markers are Middle Eastern? I think not.

>West Africans, can get great body, ugly head, people would bang but be ashamed after the deed, like with fat girls.
>Central African, even worse than Western ones.
>Cute Western African tribes like the Fula/woodabe, would presume to other thirsty sailors about the deed.
>East Africans. Would raise mulatoes with.

user tutsi only look that way to to NILOTIC Admixture and asides from that are just like the Hutu.

Many West Africans have nice faces.

In shit like this conquering a ace where it's inhabitants have no rights it's pretty easy to dominate and force women just like everywhere in time

>But they probably weren't caucasoid: the caucasoid look of ethiopians is due to the back migration.

If that was the case you'd see a lot of variance in appearance with non caucasoid skulls and "features" (as seen in Sudanese Arabs, latam mullatos and countless other mixed African ancestery groups).

Black Americans have a ton white ancestery yet there's many who are very mixed like Condi Rice (43% white) who show distinguishing west African features.

>people with absolutely no real interest in Ethiopia will spend hours researching their prehistoric genetic origins so they don't have to admit that they're attracted to blacks

To be fair east African women have been being exported as concubines for ages and for good reason

accurate impression of the monkey face

I'd like to see Afrocentrists try and explain this.

>Almost nobody outside of south/central Africa had ever seen a negro during antiquity.
Depends on how broadly you're using "negro". The Egyptians certainly saw Nubians, Ethiopians, etc.

It's the stuff they put on their skin, a mixture of red ochre and butter.

omg, that's perfection

Being racially mixed doesn't make you Caucasian user. If that was the case, most of Cape Verde would qualify.

Are you telling me that these same South East Asians with caucasoid features (though honestly, it's literally just their hair for the most part, their nose rarely as arched) in the hot jungles get as dark as these Ethiopians?

Not that user but yes. Not all Southeast Asians are the same race user. The various Negritos/Melanesian ethnic groups can get pretty dark compared to their distant Austronesian cousins.

How could you forget about the Khoisan people?

What would that have to do with Anything though? I haven't seem them argue that Greeks are Black.
Also I doubt your source a bit since the only African people they would have had contact with would not be that dark. Some West, central, and more south Africans can get that dark.
Ok maybe a few Ethiopians but still, they would have less curly hair.

I didn't realize how diverse Africa was until this thread

Khoisan are too pure to be sexed user.


Diversity is our strength after all.

If the Greeks had contact with Nubian/Sudanese people, they might have seen blacks that looked like that (though with a far less exaggerated jaw).

Africa has the most genetically diverse people on the planet, and it's not just looney Afrocentrists saying that.

As Italian I can't really deny anything.
The only things we were looking in those nations were qts and we found them

So ethiopians want to be classified as caucasian?

Self hating so much?

Says the equally as mixed Dominican.

I figured. Way to ruin the fantasy.


You dont see any user here claiming Dominicans are caucasian

huh? I see no Ethiopians arguing this, you faggot. Most of the Ethiopians on this thread are arguing against that. I only see White people trying to pretend that anyone with features even somewhat similar to Europeans, must have European blood. Fuck the idea of convergent evolution am I right?sciencedaily.com/terms/convergent_evolution.htm
Black race is very genetically diverse just like the Caucasian race. Get over yourself. Hell, even Asians have tan vs. pale skin and flat vs. raised nose thing goin on. Not to mention some do naturally have double eyelids (eyes are just slanted).

>replying to me

Nigga I am on your side. I already know black people are extremely genetically and physically diverse, especially because I am one. Do I have to post my fucking hand again?

sorry, it's hard to differentiate sarcasm and condescending humor from sincerity on this site as well as writing in general.

you're retarded
Ethiopians are literally Caucasoid, so are Somalians. You don't have to be white you know.

>Caucasoid gene flow into the Ethiopian gene pool occurred predominantly through males. Conversely, the Niger–Congo contribution to the Ethiopian population occurred mainly through females.[25]
>the Ethiopian population is almost equally divided between individuals that carry Eurasian maternal lineages, and those that belong to African clades. They describe the presence of Eurasian clades in the country as sequences that "are thought to be found in high numbers in Ethiopia either as a result of substantial gene flow into Ethiopia from Eurasia (Chen et al., 2000; Richards et al., 2003), or as a result of having undergone several branching events in demic diffusion, acting as founder lineages for non-African populations".

>called Caucasoid
>their DNA is Ethio-Somali among certain clans
What the fuck do you think this is evidence of? Most of the differences between the two groups are gone because of intermarriage anyways.

typical leftist selective blindness to science.

>lacks the ability to cite meaningful passages in their links
allow me

>Genetic studies have identified substantial non-African admixture in the Horn of Africa (HOA).
>we find that the time of the Ethio-Somali back-to-Africa migration is most likely pre-agricultural

it's like back migrations of Caucasoids into Africa were common of something for at least 20-10,000 years



I have trouble understanding what you're talking about desu.
In my defense I have to add that the strength of my current erection cause a decrement in the rate of blood flow to my brain and therefore hinders my thought process.


post dick or gtfo