Why didn't China invade the Indo-Scythian Kingdom? Did they fear the Nordic Indo-European warrior?
Why didn't China invade the Indo-Scythian Kingdom? Did they fear the Nordic Indo-European warrior?
They were not unified enough and they already had problems with overextension.
1 thing is a scythian and nordic, they may have similar features such as blonde hair and light hair but they are different in genetics and physical features such as nose and eyes
>Why didn't China invade the Indo-Scythian Kingdom?
Why didn't your mother stop doing hard drugs while she carried you?
They look Nordic to me.
Scythians are fucking badass, they were pretty much steppe vikings. It's a shame they were destroyed by the Sl*vs and T*rks
>This looks Nordic to you
I agree with the other poster. Why didn’t your mother not use heavy drugs while you were in her womb?
because every couple decades a shithead emperor would lose the "mandate of heaven" and his realm would collapse into a multitude of warring factions. there simply wasn't enough time for any chinese dynasty to mount an effective campaign, except maybe during the Tang Dynasty.
also communication and administration were very difficult things for an absolute monarch for most of the age, it would take months to send a messenger round trip to discuss happenings on the far borders. that's the reason why the persian empire was so decentralized, they were so vast that it was logistically impossible to administrate by a central government, they just left plots of land to satraps and as long as tax revenue came in all was good.
mountains and desert
>They look Nordic to me.
you mean germanic and we dont really know what were their features
>It's a shame they were destroyed by the Sl*vs and T*rks
more like turkics and germanics
they had different nose shape and eyes shape from germanics
like im pretty sure somebody would know if a person is scythian or germanic
lets look at pic related
Wow how old is that painting? 2000 years?
Like the Scythians, Sarmatians were of a Caucasoid appearance. Sarmatian noblemen often reached 1.70–1.80 m (5 ft 7 in–5 ft 11 in) as measured from skeletons. They had sturdy bones, long hair and beards.[citation needed]
The Alans were a group of Sarmatian tribes, according to the Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus. He wrote, "Nearly all the Alani are men of great stature and beauty, their hair is somewhat yellow, their eyes are frighteningly fierce".[19]
In the late 2nd or early 3rd century AD, the Greek physician Galen declared that Sarmatians, Scythians and other northern peoples have reddish hair.[26][27]
>t- they were west asians who just happened to have blond hair
nice try
>different in genetics and physical features
nuh uh, scythians came from the same people nordics did
Caucasoid and red hair is an an exclusive trait to nordics?
>”somewhat yellow” is blonde
Nice try
where am i saying they were nordic?
nordic are a group of germanics, scythians were another people not related to germanics
and your pic is a arab-hindu-problably turkic man
Look at your own map.
Seems to be a pretty fuck huge mountain range in the way.
Scythians and Germanics are botn Indo-European dummy
Why are people responding and replying to that mouth-breather namefag? Why does anyone waste their time with him?
Only one dynasty, the Han, sent an expedition west across the Tarim basin (look up Zhang Qian, it's a pretty interesting story) but really there were more pressing concerns, because to fight those barbarians you have to fight the barbarians closer (the Yuezhi and other steppe nomads)
No other dynasty after the Han could do more than obtain nominal suzerainity over Xinyang because of the nature of the geography of the region.
Perhaps she did and this is the outcome
Pretty sure the Tang did as well, until the An Lushan rebellion caused all the troops to be withdrawn.
Because they were mostly destroyed in a few decades time due to the Kushans and Satahavanas.
>once again the shitskin mongrels are stupified to discover that why, yes, a fair featured race dominated eurasia at one point
We know what scyths looked like, we have the Tarim mummies.
She looks like a god damned swede
>while there is a more developed huge Chinese civilization nearby
What? Did those steppeniggers even built cities?
Chinese lived in terror of the 'steppeniggers". The best they could do is build walls and let the peasants get killed raped and enslaved and pray the "steppeniggers" were not angry enough to take their city
So like I said, they were just dumb aggressive barbarians without a real civilization. Kinda like Germanics and Romans.
Dominated Eurasia? They controlled parts of ancient Afghanistan and Pakistan but they couldn't get more than that at all so they resorted to raiding mainly instead.
To the Chinese, the Indo-Iranics weren't quite the same threat the Slanty Nomads were. Just "barbarians" they traded or fought against.
The Slanty Eyed nomad was the one that actually threatened Chinkdom.
You are fools to think nomads were the losers in those times, they were the alphas. The life of a nomad was superior to that of a farmer civilization cuck. Look how richly adorned they were, how much free time they had, endless meat, how much clean and polluted living. Nomads >Farmcucks until technology increased in the 15th and 16th centuries
>how little they created
>how were they ultimately wiped out by other peoples
I see a lot of wewuzing on Veeky Forums recently.
The Achaemenids were highly centralized you mook.
I've noticed Nordicists have been more retarded then usual as well as of late.
Slavs are Scythians you dumdum
That's henna dye
Fuck off.
That does not make them Scythians you fucking Polish piece of shit.
I'm not Polish. The Polish are not even Slavic, they're almost completely Semitic by now thanks to hundreds of years of intebreeding with kikes.
And yes the fact Scythian genes were absorbed by Slavs means a lot of modern Slavs are descendant of Scythians you fucking shit.
All these regions are in the Altai or further West.
Big ass mountains
Slavs aren't Sarmatians or Scythians.
You seem to be pretty stupid. Scyrhians assimilated into Slavs.
You seem pretty stupid. Modern Slavs have no connection to Iranic peoples at all.
Other than descending from them?
Imagine being this much of a imbecile.
Scythians and Sarmatians had more in common genetically, culturally and linguistically with Slavs than they did with "Nordics". In fact, they had nothing to do with Scandinavians, nothing.
Also, Iron Age Scythians cluster closer with Slavs than they do with modern Iranians.
>The Polish are not even Slavic
Poles are the most slavic Slavs.
>they're almost completely Semitic by now thanks to hundreds of years of intebreeding with kikes.
Less so than Germans, considering German Jews actually spoke German and considered German culture as their primary one.
I guess that's just American hour at work, no one can be that fucking stupid.
*most JUDAIC Slavs
>Kubica is an example of muh KIKE POLES
He looks French actually.
Anyway. Either provide source for the said 'mixing' or shut the fuck up.
The French look like that because of Sephardic admixture.
they don't retard
Prove they don't.
They do you salty shitskin, see
>why didn't a kingdom thousands of miles away march across leagues of Himalayan mountains and endless desert to attack a totally unrelated kingdom they barely had knowledge of
gee OP, it's a real mystery innit
They don't you slavic subhuman.
Not an argument.