So what exactly is the argument in favor of monarchism?
So what exactly is the argument in favor of monarchism?
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We need the big leader guy, the more inbreed the better.
Read the first chapter of this book, it makes a pretty irontight case for why monarchy is superior to democracy, and why democracy was actually a step backwards.
The book is actually about anarcho-capitalism overall, but the first few chapters are establishing why monarchy is better than democracy.
State centered around an aloof authority, the ultimate third party. Only force that can truly tie multiple cultures together,
>Only force that can truly tie multiple cultures together,
I guess the King of Switzerland is then responsible for tying their 4 cultures together for so long.
>create the most powerful empire the world/europe had seen since roman times
>colonize the new world
>leave their enemies in the dust
>stop the turkish menance
They seem to have done pretty fine.
Looking at the results of Democracy
HHH says he's an ancap but he's hilariously authoritarian when it comes to the governments he prefers.
Like the most developed countries are all liberal democracies?
The most prosperous societies humanity has ever known?
>the wealthiest, most powerful, most prosperous nations on earth
Uh, how horrible?
Half of those are monarchies. If you look at the least developed countries you'll find that almost all of them are republics.
Wow I wasn't aware that Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea Russia, India, Pakistan, Venezuela and almost every country in Africa are all prosperous and powerful
And as long as there is freedom of secession, it's still Ancap.
piety is the sole decider of a nation's overall wealth and strnength, along with being liked by God. Hence, a moanrch is formed to capture the spark of a previous King who was liked by God, who wants a sequel to the story of that king. Like Julius and Augustus.
It's all gonna come crashing down, someday.
>Triple H
>t. people who still have yet to read his book
Aka, democracies where they keep a powerless blueblood with a funny hat around for cutting ribbons, giving an excuse for the military to keep prancing about with ponies and faggy parade uniforms, and to signal the ancient hinkleberry fizzywink festival's commencement every year.
Swaziland, Saudi Arabia, North Korea...face it, absolute monarchies are shitholes.
Confederacies are pretty hard to pull off desu without some member memeing its nationalism hard vs others.
Ancap doesn't prevent private actors from being authoritarian among their own property
>lists a bunch of dictatorships
What did he mean by this?
Hence the hilarity in them calling themselves "anarchists."
But they're not democracies. They're constitutional monarchies.
>Saudi Arabia
In the g20 and has a high HDI
>North Korea
Not a monarchy, in fact the full name of the country is "The DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC of North Korea
Not all of those are dictatorships but regardless They're all still republics. There's nothing inherently good about democracy
Uhmm you are comparing european countries with Asian and African countries which is a totally unfair comparison.In Europe the closest thing to an absolute monarchy is the vatican,followed by Monaco and Lichestein which are all way above the European average.
In the middle east Brunei,Qatar,UAE,Bahrein and Jordania are doing miles better than Iraq,Iran,Syria or Lebanon.
In Africa Botswana's king made the country not a shithole,while Swasiland is a landlock state created by apertheid meant to be poor and to deport Africans.
North Korea is a commie dictatorship but Brunei,Thailand and the other monarchies bastly outperform the republics that are not city states.
Overall you are associating the fruits of industrialization to democracies for no reason as this processes happened during monarchies while ignoring that republics are getting outperform regionally by their monarchical counterparts
There is no contradiction. Anarchy implies the absence of government and laws. Chaos, hierachy and power struggle would be a very reasonable thing to expect in anarchy.
So? What, he's a mean guy?
Anarchy in Ancap just means no monopoly of governance, or, freedom of secession.
>Saudi Arabia
>In the g20 and has a high HDI
Ahmed, you have to go back.
If you have superior arms.
But it is, calling me Ahmed doesn't change the facts kido
That's the issue. People need to fight for their independence causes more wars.
Of course, it's unrealistic for countries to just let bits leave, but Ancap is an ideal.
Ancap is just corporatism.
The Bible is one of the most anti-monarchy books ever written:
Rebellion against Pharaoh.
Rebellion against Jezebel.
Rebellion against Solomon.
Murder and rebellion against Jesus.
Rebellion against Nebuchadnezzar.
The Jews were jealous that pagan monarchs actually had real life GODS supporting them - so they invented their terrorist myth set to overthrow those monarchs.
almost every dictatorship and authoritarian regime in the 20th century was a republic.
If it wasnt for oil it would have been an unknown country until Uncle Sam's geography lesson.
>Nazi talking about Democratic system
we can just print more money
I hope this is supposed to be a joke.
Exactly, that's why I say there's nothing automatically good about democracy or republic.
I guess it's better to have a single monarch that has all the time to apply all the rules or changes needed compared to an elected guy here for 4 or 7 years
less corruption i imagine
also the monarch is born to rule compared to the elected
I don't know I'm jsut saying what goes through my mind, I never really thought about it
As far as i can tell, it's a mixture of religious reasons, standard authoritairna reasoning "You need a powerful office to do hard things", with the addendum that the Monarch is raised from birth to be able to lead.
Their development is due to white genetics not democracy.
Get a good monarch, and your nation will prosper. Watch out though, Commodus is next in line
Then why did their white genetics not lead them to dominate the world until about 500 years ago?
*dominate economically and scientifically, I mean, not necessarily politically
there is a point where a word is just a word
Technology wasnt advanced enough.
democracy is hoax without culture, might as well be ruled by a monarch then
at least even shit kings can create some nice looking monumets
Why did their not genetics not lead them to outstrip places like China in technology until about 500 years ago?
oops, *white genetics