Behold! My 3000 state solution for Africa. With this we will achieve peace in the dark continent.
Behold! My 3000 state solution for Africa. With this we will achieve peace in the dark continent
they cant afford that many states. No one actually participates in the government to get people to fight for their states, or even tribes.
Or you could just no made them hate each other...
africa needs just one state.
and a reculturalization similar to what mao did in the 60s and 70s, the initial generation will go through hell but subsequent generations will reap the benefits of a common "black" identity.
The problem is that only the entire world coming together to participate in that and keep the singular African state unified would allow that (pipe dream). No military on Earth could actually hold all that territory especially since so much of it is so harsh and distant from any cities. Not to mention that it would probably take centuries given the extreme diversity (culturally, linguistically), environmental differences (some areas do not support adequate urbanization unlike China), the lack of infrastructure to implement the acculturation, the immense cost etc. etc. Just an utter nightmare desu
They are already gutted religiously and culturally no need to dig the stake in further lol.
That would just rise to tribal warfare and effect in many genocides and probably lead to homogenization and then unification.
Hm. Yeah that could work.
Bring the machetes.
I think this is the the MAXIMUM level of unity that could be reached without some kind of one-world government
Why dont they just give every tribe their own country? That way they wouldn't fight wars over sovereignty.
africa suffers low supply of brainpower
if they recognized this with our help and tried to improve they could solve many many problems and reduce global suffering
>mix ethiopians and somalis in one state
yeah that's not gonna work buddy
how about a one state solution of anarchism?
North Africa becomes Native American reserve.
Central Africa for blacks
South Africa for Martians
This is the only logical solution to attaining peace in Africa.
>Or you could just no made them hate each other...
All humans hate other humans.
For example, I hate you for no reason other than that autistic statement.
Such is the way of the world.
>>africa needs just one state.
If it doesn't disintegrate in its first years and decades, you would just get another world superpower.
>if they recognized this
They do fucking recognize this so much. It's really fucking hard keeping educated people within your country when they can just migrate in an instant to a developed country for much better pay.
The west snipes educated people in developing nations because it too suffers from skilled labour shortages as well.
Considering most niggers are psychopaths its a mystery how the negro elites havent genocided their useless dumb niggers yet.
What's the problem with "Western Sahara" again? Stubborn Spanish imperialism?
What the fuck sort of tribes were living in the middle of the fucking saharah, jfc
>how to achieve peace in the dark continent?
kill all niggers?
Save one for the Negro currently beaching
it in the USA. That wet dream ahs just about run
its course. Plus, it is what they really want.
I've never given much thought to how brain drain has affected Africa, but this sounds disastrous for them.
more like they cant afford too much land
We're gonna make it work
>Implying those tiny states won't attempt to conquer each other and unit the continent.
Isn’t this map bullshit though?
I’m pretty sure that at the very least Ethiopia was united and the Ottomans (and British) held North Africa before the Berlin Conference.
What year exactly is this map supposed to represent?
>All humans hate other humans.
I'm going to light you on fire for saying that.
Then I'll decapitate all of your family members at the shoulders
>you would just get another world superpower.
It would be a counter balance to India
>The west snipes educated people in developing nations because it too suffers from skilled labour shortages as well.
>What is national investment in industry to create high paying jobs
Something impossible for Africans to achieve
>algerians and moroccans unified