It's official.. I'm fucked... two months late on rent, 3 months late on internet, 3 months late on phone bill, just sent to collections for 700$ bill. Had another bill in collections for 3 months that started at 150$.. not sure what the fuck that is now. Electricity bill is 3 months late, vehicle payment coming up on the 15. 2k maxed out on the cc, and less then 75 dollars in the bank.. hung some blinds for a quarter oz of weed so I'm good for a bit with that, but everything else is fucking tapped.
I'm feeling weak in the knees for once.. whenever I have hard times I pull through but this time I'm going to get evicted.
1 btc would clear this fucking shit up for me and atleast put me on a clean slate. I've been broke because I was hired to do a large job and they are yet to pay and appear to have no intentions of paying... I had labour hired on for the job and I have to pay the guys atleast for what they did and purchase materials for the job. I'm lucky because I don't have a mortgage or kids and a wife all relying on me. Just my pooch and myself.
Client is currently sitting comfortably in her newly renovated home and I'm here pooping my pants, too afraid to respond to my landlord because I don't think he'll give me another extension. Fffffffffffffuck.
Jaxson Carter
Nice pasta
Charles Allen
Sharpie pooper I'll pay then
Jonathan Cox
You deserve everything that happened to you, and no bitcoin. Kill yourself
Juan Wilson
>I'm feeling weak in the knees for once you know what to do
Kayden Carter
Willing to answer questions if there are any.
Austin Adams
You twat, I'm not taking the lazy way out and killing myself. With or without the help of biz, I will prevail, in time.
I'm hurting because I'm giving what I'm currently earning to people that did work for me that have kids and shit.
Oliver Reyes
>hung some blinds for a quarter oz of weed so I'm good for a bit with that
you deserve nothing, degenerate
Nicholas Johnson
Make sure you say your prayers before bed every night in the hopes of getting laid some day :)
Chase Price
from where i'm from you could take a ''legal mortgage'' not sure what it's called in english you basicly own a part of the house % until they pay you but i think that's only if the proprietor have a loan .. anyway i'm not sure if i'm 100% right but good luck
Brandon Taylor
Man that was a nice burn how about you grow a fucking brain and not fuck yourself in the ass enough to come beg on the internet Kys mongoloid
Asher Jenkins
Just for you
Jason Barnes
Here's a little more
Joseph Russell
Extra strength for you too!
Matthew Hall
Sent 5 BTC. Hope you get back on your feet.
Caleb Bailey
LOL how does it feel to be a virgin?
Jayden Taylor
Bababababa, I'm Lovin It! Get a second job.
Asher Miller
We're not your fucking family, nigger
Austin Jenkins
sent .1btc
Bentley Rivera
Sorry to hear that honey. I sent you 2 BTC.
Chase Myers
hahahahahahaaha good one i love to bring peoples hopes up then shit all over it. BTW guys my roommate just bailed on me, need money. send BTC ASAP!!!!!!!! 1F7VzJd6Mg1GAgbBstmtjB8T5c741sdTTy
Justin Nelson
Pull your crew together and tell them your situation, get them to canvas neighborhoods to gain any sales or do it yourself.
But a burner phone now before you lose your wireless, and let bills go to collection.
Search the inter net and beat the street instead of fixing around 4 Chan
Leave a signed document stating your intent to take legal action if clients don't settle in total
Forget collecting any money in near term from them
Spend no money
Consider giving up your dog
Good luck
Christian Hernandez
Double your BTC here!
Send 1 get back 2!
Adrian Davis
>1PS9VYeUkt9Li2ECjztCzpenGytJkyqNbX I sent you a little that I could spare because I am paying it forward. Best to you.
Oliver Green
>op is a pajeet who works in a telecom support agency Thread working as intended.
Jayden Ortiz
that is one too many ba's
Liam Gonzalez
It feels pretty good dad girls have cooties im not getting any of that
Also all i did need was this vagisil thanks boyos the long con worked fuck your btc op
Nathan Hughes
I don't work in the service industry so I wouldn't know.
Andrew Myers
Oh the crew is well aware of the situation. I have enough dry food for the dog for another 2 months. He will be alright.
Oh the wheels are in motion to sue but that stuff takes months. I've had to do it before and am in the process and I'm sure it won't be my last. I am currently working it's just literally all I get I'm paying back out to the labour.
Nathaniel Price
Honestly dude as much as you are trying to blame this on circumstances outside your control, the truth is it's your fault. Since you can't realize that and since you have low enough dignity to be here begging on Veeky Forums, sorry to break it to you but you're fucked. Learn to be humble and plan and take ownership of your own situation, that's honestly more important even than the money for you because it's your only way to a long term solution instead of a quick fix that your retarded impulsive ass immediately rebreaks. There are few things more repulsive than seeing a grown man beg like a pathetic dog. Get off Veeky Forums, no one is going to give you money. Go solve your problems.
Luke Brooks
Lien the property you goob
Christian Edwards
Lol not a pajeet. I'm a Canadian carpenter. Renovating homes and commercial business. i should have been a plumber like that other guy.
Ethan Jackson
what province ?
Oliver Brooks
Pooch in pooper and I'll pay.
Wyatt Johnson
I'm in the process of making it right. Just at the current rate I'm not moving quick enough. That's fine if your not attracted to a man that can beg, I'm not gay anyways. Nobody else but myself got me Into this situation and situations like these I always come out on top in the end. I frequent biz and know you nig nogs poop your pants when it comes to beggars but it doesn't hurt !
Andrew Kelly
Tyler Hernandez
To be fair, you've proven yourself a moron by putting weed first. I was going to send you some BTC but fuck it, I'm going to buy me some weed.
Daniel Smith
everyday I see losers like OP come here and beg for pocket change. I'd never pay a guy like that, he has no value, too dumb to make money, too dumb to keep money, can only survive through handouts so basically useless waste of space.
Christopher Harris
Lol, I did a favour for a friend that I would have done for free and was payed in pot because they are my friend and wanted to give me something.
I'm working 60 hours a week at 35 Canadian smackeroos an hour for what I do. Current client is paying but I owe 6 men over 4K each. Giving them what I get because they have mortgages, and families. I can survive on a couple Mc doubles a day for the next few weeks haha
Mason Hughes
May I ask what you do for a living? If money fails I always have my hands to barter with for survival.
Bash me all you like, negativity motivates me :)
Jose Morris
I hope it's the don chron too!
Brandon Davis
Jesus christ youre a moron. Ever heard of consolidation?
Blake Ward
If you actually paid attention to my post instead of reacting defensively you could gain from it. So yeah learn to listen as well. Fuckin A, you must be under 24 or something
Jayden Gray
Greatly appreciate the .04
Will gladly pay it forward in the future
Kevin Phillips
Right, I was only asking you what you did for a living. Don't need to have an annurism.
Im yet but a Virgin. I'm basically like 12 years old.
As a sole proprietorship nobody let alone the banks will look at me with little to no cash flow. Jobs are contract base, some months could be balls to the walls, others not so profitable.
Caleb Carter
I sent you .007 op. You will get through this!
Ian Adams
0 sympathy. Enjoy being homeless, you've failed.
Carter Torres
Haha I haven't failed. Failure will only Be accepted when I'm underground.
Gavin Diaz
SO did you actually get those 5 and 2 btc from the comments above or not?
Thomas Cook
begging threads should equal an instant ban
Owen Gomez
Holy shit someone change my life and get me out of this fucking god damned fucking normie land fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Btc : 1PS9VYeUkt9Li2ECjztCzpenGytJkyqNbX 1 day ago
Hudson Lewis
How about you GO GET YOUR MONEY FROM THAT JOB you dumb ass bitch.
Dominic Miller
@StrangeWizard I own two appartments in Paris, they bring each around 4500eur / month. 3 months
Kevin Evans
Sharpie in pooper
Jason Adams
I wish I mismanaged my money so I could ask for free shit too.
Daniel Kelly
CONTINUING FROM OLD THREAD since it reached bump limit and nobody won
I've made a lot of money because of Veeky Forums and decided I'm going to pay it forward today by giving back to the community.
First person to roll trips in this SKYKANGZ thread with a post that says "DROP THAT BOMB, TRUMP" gets 0.1 BTC. Include your BTC address as your name.
Leo Cox
op pls explain
Matthew King
Adrian Barnes
Ayden Rivera
nigger are you retarded? That's from OPs Veeky account, i was just showing that he';s a lying shithead scammer cocksucker
Easton Lewis
Charles Edwards
just sent 100k
Easton Williams
Thomas Hall
Logan Jones
I'll bite
Dude why don't you have savings? Maxed out credit cards? Bleeding money for people who aren't you? You need to shift your priorities to you or one day you'll be fucked. If you got some family, now is the time to fall back on them. Otherwise, don't make a habit out of fucking over yourself to make other people feel good.
And save some damn money, you have your own business, stash some dosh away.
Chase Ward
I may be a virgin, but I'm also not going to be homeless. So that's nice.
Jackson Stewart
it is against the rules, but unfortunately this board has no mods
Blake Bell
How much crypto do you have user
William Harris
Kek at this whole thread
Jaxon Peterson
>I'm not taking the lazy way out and killing myself Suicide is far more difficult than keeping oneself alive. You're the lazy one.
Xavier Howard
uh if you perform the service and she doesn't pay you at least 1 dollar it is technically theft and actionable by the police. As well you could take the client to civil court. Or you could just show up at her house and demand your money? Did you not have a contract? This is starting to feel a little larpy.
Connor Richardson
for real i did this on satoshidice
Aiden Rivera
Nice bought 100k
Luis Williams
There's your problem. Stop being a degenerate until you can afford it retard
Leo Morgan
Julian Price
DO NOT give this guy any money. Bailing him out will only reinforce his bad habits and poor decision making.
I've been at rock bottom, same as OPs pasta, no money, late on rent, late on bills. Guess what I figured out? It was my own fucking fault for being a stupid fucking cunt. I wasted money on shit I didn't need, I wasn't working hard enough to secure employment (or better employment), and instead of trying to change my situation I just felt sorry for myself.
Finally I had enough, pulled myself up by my bootstraps, worked a job I hated for awhile, cut out all unnecessary expenses (no alcohol, weed, restaurant eating), cut out my cable bill, quit buying new clothes, found a cheaper gym membership ($60 down to $25). Hell for awhile I even uninsured my car ($120/mo) bought a monthly bus pass and started taking that to work. Eventually I had $30k saved up, life was more comfortable, I didn't have to sweat getting fired or deciding to quit my job, or having my car break down. Eventually that lead me into crypto with $10k investment, 2 years later and here I am with about $400k and haven't worked a "real job" in the last 1.5 years or so. Not lamboland yet but I'm making progress.