Now that the dust has settled, can we agree the reformation and Vatican II were a mistake?
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree the reformation and Vatican II were a mistake?
the fuck
are all churches in sweden unitarian universalist or something
like if you're going to be religious you have to accept the fact that it's fucking based on tradition, you don't just go changing shit because its in vogue at the moment
Absolutely. I bet the church of Sweden is ran by women too
>Vatican II
Literally everyone realises that was a mistake. It was the church cucking themselves to death.
If you're Catholic and not attending a Tridentine church then what are you doing desu
They are right. God has no gender.
Okay , what the actually fuck is wrong with Sweden? Fuck it, I'll take the /pol/ b8, but what is the issue with snow niggers?
>God created MAN in his image
>Le God is binary gender fluid
Marxism was a mistake
>what are you doing desu
Working on a liturgy joining best elements of both rites, you?
What a surprise, another brainlet nazi from /pol/.
Gender equality bullshit aside, doesn't it make sense to use a gender neutral term for God?
God is neither male or female.
Surely God is beyond human gender determination, though.
>my headcanon is that god is nonbinary!
Man was created in God's image, woman literally means "of man" since she was created of the rib of Adam.
Religion gets to decide to be whatever it wants to be. And religion evolves however slowly to fit, reflect, and effect the time that it exists in.
I'm deeply religious and respectful of the bible but in fairness we are never going to break down the patriarchy and white supremacy unless we make sensible, common sense changes like this. It's very hard to see how we are going to achieve true Communism while addressing God as male.
God is spirit, they do not literally look like a man. We are like God in that we have free will and are are able to reason and choose.
Urban the second is spinning in his grave.
At which point will the church of Sweden differ so much from proper Christianity that it can't be considered Christianity anymore, like Mormons?
Time to burn on the stake.
Nope, it's you that are committing heresy and misunderstanding the basics of the biblical interpretation and theology.
You tell that to the Devil.
Is God Slaanesh?
Let me know what he says about it when you are worshipping him tonight.
>Church of Sweden
>Vatican II
You're not even trying anymore.
I didnt know the ancient jews used english!
No because God is linked to a fatherly role. He loves you but he is also very harsh.
According to you.
>you father who thou art in Heaven.
Second this, I just don't understand the Swedes sometimes. I just recently found out that they only have a population of 10 Million people like 2 million of them aren't Natives, there are more people in the Pacific Northwest. Is Sweden sparsely populated or is the majority of the country a frozen hellhole?
The reformation was always a mistake. The answer to corruption in the church is never schism. Vatican 2 crippled the Church’s grasp on tradition. There was no reason for the church to give into modernism.
no, we have always been at war with eastasia
Sweden has a pop density of approx 22 per square km, slightly less but not drastically so than the USA's 33 people per square km. I'm not sure what is so confusing.
the second one
Eve was the first Female, who has born of the first human, the Male Adam. There is no ambiguity in Genesis about that
>on Veeky Forums
>isn’t Orthodox
What are you people doing?
Worshipping God. Orthodox worship Satan.
>Bitching about Vatican II
>Posts news about the Church of Sweden.
>The Church of Sweden (Swedish: Svenska kyrkan) is an Evangelical Lutheran national church in Sweden. A former state church, headquartered in Uppsala, with 6.1 million baptised members it is the largest Christian denomination in Sweden.
Do you enjoy spreading sensationalism OP? Or are you some Amerifat piece of shit that upon looking at some old European church quickly assumes it is Catholic?
Fucking Veeky Forums
>Christian denomination cucked by Nationalism.
No thanks.
Protestants just aren't even Christian at this point, it's a very thin and unconvincing veneer over liberalism, hilarious that the crazy strain has taken that turn and away from traditional crazy Protestantism trying to find links between themselves and the Jews and Westboro Baptist Church stuff
How can people be upset at this? Do some christins actually think God to be some grandfatherly human in outer space? If God were a man he wouldnt be able to create the universe
>Not having neutral pronouns for people.
Indo-European languages are so limited...
>woman literally means "of man"
desu all churches are quite ridiculous.
Instead of following the word of Jesus and his social doctrine, the churches are increasingly concerned with personal gain and fame. How much pedophilia, how much intolerance, how much greed do the churches create each day?...
It does in ancient Hebrew IIRC.
>woman literally means "of man"
Woman came from the old english "wyf man" meaning "female human being."
Man originally meant "person/human being" in old English.
Not true in Hebrew either, the words just sound similar.
>God intended you can only worship him in Latin
it's just a bunch of invading /pol/turds constantly assrode about society progressing ahead of the bounds of their fragile minds
>you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church
>relevant in Europe
Let me guess OP, your this dominican buttfuck
The Bible doesn't say Peter's position has succession.
And? Peter was a heeb. Should we now be holding shit in hebrew or aramaic or whatnot?
It does say the church that Peter built is God's church, though.
Yeah and he was the only Peter. There are no other Peters like what Cucktholics believe the pope is.
That doesn't mean you can just go randomly creating new churches.
Yet Catholics did exactly that in 1054
You mean the Orthodox did.
>Cathocuck revisionism
>denying reality
Not drinking Vladimir Putin’s holy Roman semen
But that's how Christianity has always worked
>Romans all about that polytheism
>Add saints
>Peasants complaining about squalor
>Add Hell
>Empire splits in half
>Invent orhodox christianity
>Venetians complain that they can't get on them phat silk road shekels
>Monastery system becomes outdated with inventions in printing
>Someone somewhere trips balls and declares new Jesus from space or some shit
>Gorillion fucking sects pop up
>People just stop giving a shit
>Yeah man you can be whatever you want Jesus still loves you plz keep paying us money
>2 Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all. 3 Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law. 4 You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. 5 For through the Spirit we eagerly await by faith the righteousness for which we hope. 6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.
Galatians 5: 2-6
Even Paul thought that traditions sometimes need to be revisited to reflect the needs of the present
They're wrong. YHVH is a male pagan divinity, initially had a wife who disappeared.
Jealousy of Jehovah seems like a feminine thing
Dr Dawkins please go back to studying you're fake dinosaur bones.
did you actually think sweden was a relevant country? outside of germany. france, spain, england, poland and italy are relatily small.
increasingly? its almost harmless nowdays compared to all the shit the catholic church pulled during the middle ages and after
Christianity itself was a mistake
This. Nobody ever tried to call Odin a tranny
God is ghost. Satan is spirit.
Oy, that's where the Cucked.
Devil is the Holy Spirit dudes.
the Holy Ghostwriter
Inb4 semen autism
they sure fucked your book up that day
surprised they did not toss out "jesus"
the Holy Ghostwriter
When it becomes the Mosque of Sweden desu
But roughly 80-90% of the population lives along the west and east coast.
For the most of the land mass, that'd mean something like between 3,3 - 6.6 people per km. And even then, people still concentrate in cities and towns.
NVM, very bad statistic I remembered then....
It would be very close to 20 peeps per km for the "flyover" states.
Jesus, Iesus, Gesus, the JIG is up!
The Stockholm bishop is a Lesbian but I bet you already know this.
Can not say "dudes", leaving dudettes out;
Best writing 'Devil is the Holy Spirit mates'.
Just saying, Sweden
I don't know much about the Scandinavian countries, what I do know is that the people there a big and blonde, IKEA comes from that area of the world and that its fucking cold. I've always wanted to visit to see the tall blondies the I always imagined roaming around
Actually more like wife person (man).
Sweden purportedly has the highest rate of one night stands or first date sex.
>Sweden purportedly has the highest rate of one night stands or first date sex.
If this thread was indicating anything its that, doesn't sound like the kind of thing I'd want to do though, I've recently gone back to church and intend to to adhere to the faith. A man's gotta try
Nah just liberal feminism. Their actions have no power on what the conservative confessional churches do. Early Protestantism would have put other current denoms to shame.
>can we agree Religion was a mistake?
Yes we can
The mutual excommunication was merely a formalization of a divide which had already existed for centuries.
the real mistake was religion
Because there, on the Earth are two natural genders so here must be a god and a goddess same time.
Filthy pagans are gonna pagan.
>can we agree the reformation was a mistake
Her name was Asherah. Study history a little bit, you stupid pagan.
protestants have a bad habit of just making shit up as they go
What is this Vatican II that I get to read lately?
Why was it bad?
I am Wiccan, go Wicca!
They trashed the Holy Ghost out.
Didn't want Jesus' works known.
I'm an atheist but it shows a complete lack of sincerity in their supposed religion and placement of PC norms over Christianity. Kind of disgusting.
How else are you supposed to refer to God in the christian tradition without Lord? It's in the bible. Do you think God is confused by what you mean when you refer to him as he? Everyone knows God is beyond gender. So who are they correcting language for? Not God, and not the traditional audience that knows better. The only reason left is PC culture norms. They are "correcting" tradition forms of respect, which implies they were previously not respectful, in favor of political fashion and treating their god as if he is too stupid to get the message.
if you think about it this isn't more unchristian than believing in darwinian evolution or not believing in the global flood