Was queen Charlotte good?
Was queen Charlotte good?
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She looks MENA as fuck, not black. She could even pass as a Italian or Greek woman.
one drop rule. No doubt one of her kids is going to be dark as night and go around in a hoodie and doo rag.
well if i saw her as in pic I would think its from Venezuela or Cuba
>Historian Mario De Valdes y Cocom argues that Queen Charlotte was directly descended from a black branch of the Portuguese royal family: Alfonso III and his concubine, Ouruana, a black Moor.
>In the 13th century, “Alfonso III of Portugal conquered a little town named Faro from the Moors,” said Valdes, a researcher for Frontline PBS. “He demanded [the governor’s] daughter as a paramour. He had three children with her.”
Charlotte was born in 1744......
In bed? Absolutely.
Did they purposely make her look like an albino nigger? Because she didn't look like that at all.
Said governor's daughter being a Moor is also pure speculation.
A "moor", as the iberian tough, could range from mulatoes to blondes, they were simply muslims from north africa than identified as berbers (and later every muslims).
The one I posted here is a tipical moor women, naturally darker than the majority of euro-med but being caucasian all the same. Then you have the ones than are clearer of skin (a lot more common in the atlas and the interior mountain).
The ones than are lightly mixed with blacks (they used to have a shitload of black slaves, specially the Tuaregs).
And the ones than are black but are considered berbers because they have lived with them (specially the touaregs) be centuries, adopting the culture (even the touareg don't think highly of them, at least they consider part of they own).
But the majority of the blacks didn't reach Morocco lands until the 16th/17th centurie or later, (as slaves) tough perhaps some pockets of them existed prior that thanks to the Almhoades using sahel slave warriors when they conquered the region.
Tl:DR. A moor can range from a pasty red head to a tipical west african nig, depending the tribe and time frame.
Western blacks where slaves to the berbers, only MUCH later they were considerd as such be some tribes (and even then as social inferiors).
Amazighs/berbers are very varied as I said already, and only the Morocans and touaregs mixed with blacks in any degree because slavery.
The average amazigh is darker than the average euro-med, but even then you have degrees from pasty white to near black.
false, the slave trade at ~7th-12th centuries went from europe to africa. The whites in north africa are descendants of those slaves and also of vandals-gernamic tribes invading north africa.
> blacks didn't reach Morocco lands until the 16th/17th centurie or later
you do realize that region wasnt always a desert, right, and blacks had live there for thousands of years.. so saying blacks didnt live there for 1000s of years when you have black tribes in asia whove been there for thousands of years but they just skipped over north africa.
you critical thinking is low.
"The original inhabitants of Arabia then, according
to Sir Arthur Keith, one of the world’s greatest living
anthropologists,^ who has made a study of Arab
skeletal remains, ancient and modern, were not the
familiar Arabs of our own time but a very much darker
people. A proto-negroid belt of mankind stretched
across the ancient world from Africa to Malaya. This
belt, by environmental and other evolutionary processed,
became in parts transformed, giving rise to
the Hamitic peoples of Africa, to the Dravidian peoples
of India, ^nd to an int^huediate dark people inhabiting
the Arabian Peninsula. In the course of time two
big migrations of fair-skinned peoples came from the
north, one of them, the Mongoloids, to break through
,transform the dark belt of man beyond India;
the othbr, the Caueusoids, to drive a wedge between
India and Africa."
>The whites in north africa are descendants of those slaves and also of vandals-gernamic tribes invading north africa.
Yes that's why coins of berber kingdom from antiquity all shows caucasian faces on it, that's why every statue of a berber king have caucasian traits, that's why the guanche who were berbers isoleted in their island since at least antic times were painted as light brown with caucasian traits by the spaniards.
Come to Algeria spouting your bullshit and enjoy your beating fucking subhuman brainlet.
>tfw no pureblood AMAZIGH wife
What kind of Italy have you ever been to to believe that. Sure some Sicilians are dark as fuck but this is a literal mulatto. She could maybe pass as a Moroccans (who are octaroons) only when her hair is straightened and face is powdered up lighter.
South Italians look like literal mulattos.
Maybe in the USA,where everyone is a mongrel to begin with. I've seen plenty of Southern Italians from the actual place and they usually range from southern european to mena looking.
Not fucking mulatto you mutt.
Yeah, nice "PCA"
Cossacks were registrated in the 2010 Russian census as an etnicity. Russia is gigantic, cossacks dwelled specific parts of the Steppe and plot a little bit different. It was made by Eurogenes who probably has more knowledge on genetics than you Amerimongrel.
Look how defensive you get swarthy shitalian.
Okay buddy,you clearly have brain damage.
South Italians look like Arabs.
Some look Levantine, some don't. That is something different from your initial mulatto statement Tyrone.
*moistens lips*
*adjusts hair*
>calling someone tyrone
Hush, shitalian
I'm Dutch.
So a shitskin as well.
Yes, I am a shitskin indeed Billy Bob.
USA is disgusting, you are either WHITE or BLACK.
South Italians literally are mulattoes, they're Arabs like the southern Spanish.
Tell me then, why they don't even plot near the legit octaroon Northern Africans. If someone does not even come close genetically to those who are 1/8th Subsaharan African, explain me how Sicilians are mulattos then.
she's good now
you have never been there
why is this board so full of illiterate retards?
I don't see much of a difference between your pics except for hair user...
hair pearls? tf
hmm. I'm starting to believe Afrocentrists arent the ones making these stuff anymore. It's probably /pol/tards and white nationalists now. Why would Afrocentrist be so ardent to be apart of Europe culture instead of exploring their own kingdoms/empires in Africa?
>this is what anti white leftypol shills actually believe
>a black branch of the Portuguese royal family.
t. Alberto Barbarossa
>Meghan is black
Now that is really grasping for straws, you'll never see the royals shacking up with a 100% Nigress straight from the Heart of the Congo, its always the ones that are at least 75-80% European
Why would Markle ever be Queen? Harry is like 4th in line to inherit the throne at this point. And as if they would let his race mixing faggot ass sit on the throne.
No, no. Not even close to anything med. She is an obvious part nigger. People who notice anything else but skin color like facial structure for example, are autistic.
You are autistic , user.
>black branch of the Portuguese royal family
no such thing
not a designation of one's skin color or race
And a woman that far removed by about 500+ would surely show almost no sign of being black, if she even was black in the first place.
>Meghan isn't a part nigger mutt
The ABSOLUTE STATE of anglos. Your colonies have clearly defeated you
>they really is gon be kangz n kweens n shit
Can't wait for people to call British identity to be the same as American identity because all it takes is a passport and an accent, then you're British. Alternatively, I can't wait until people become even more racist after they deprogram from the "post racial Utopia" meme
When did I say that? I said she's most likely 75-80% European, the rest being African or whatever the hell it is
>Can't wait for people to call British identity to be the same as American identity
It already is and has been for decades, the sort of autists you clown around with on /pol/ aren't representative, most British people would think you were nuts if you said a black Brit wasn't British. Nor has "British" ever been an ethnic identity in the first place. In fairness decades and decades ago you would probably have to be white to be considered British it was always a civic identity that included Irish, Scots, Welsh, English etc.
>Not understanding that it's just as bad to mix with a 100% negro than with a half negro
Her mother is 100% African American , her father was white. She looks half black in any context, are you blind?
>Her mother is 100% African American
gtfo, she looks like a Mexican, are nigger genes really that weak?
>Can't wait for people to call British identity to be the same as American identity because all it takes is a passport and an accent
This is literally what Niall Ferguson wants.
There's virtually no such thing as "100% African American", finding an African American that isn't genetically part European is near impossible (other than ones that come from recent immigration rather than a slavery background).
She's clearly mixed race but she looks lighter than someone who is the result of a pure black African parent and a pure European parent.
>It already is and has been for decades, the sort of autists you clown around with on /pol/ aren't representative, most British people would think you were nuts if you said a black Brit wasn't British.
>It's too late
Black people are not and never will be british. They are niggers with a British accent. British identity was a mixture of celt and Germanic cultures melded into a single culture forged over *hundreds* of years of fighting and co-existence.
Now your dumbass wants to add more ethnicity and cultures into the mix because you have some false notion that they will all get along , when in reality the only way for any of them to get along is to become deracinated consumerists and replaced their culture with material. Congrats user, you're officially a moron. You tried moving the Scotts to Ireland and hundreds of years later they still don't get along with the Catholic Irish, but no importing Muslims and Africans is going to be sooooo much better
No really, everyone is going to get along fine *this* time.
I don’t really see why it matters but I’m going to enjoy watching polack britbongs try to justify this
>ITT : people with near autism levels of facial analysis
If you really think anyone with that nose and jawline is more than half white you really might want to get yourselves tested
>There is no pure African African Americans
But there are though?
You have no idea what you are talking about. The UK is not much older than the US and was never previously a unified monoculture where people considered themselves British. Even today some people don't like to be called British and prefer Scottish or English or Welsh, we even have separate international sporting teams in some sports and the Welsh have their own language.
>You have no idea what you're talking about
>Repeats everything I said
If anywhere in what I said you thought I was asserting that British identity wasn't a flimsy and weak bond, you might want to re-read what I said about the Irish and Ulster Scotts m8. No it's not an easy identity, considering nearly half of the Scottish want to secede. Never implied otherwise m8. I'm just telling you that importing people from the 3rd world into your country is going to do nothing to help anyone get along.
You clearly have no idea what autism is, neither is your personal opinion about someone's jawline remotely a serious point.
And I didn't say there are no pure African Americans but they are tiny in number. The average African American basically counts as mixed race.
>On average, the scientists found, people who identified as African-American had genes that were only 73.2 percent African. European genes accounted for 24 percent of their DNA,
Yes she could. Pic related is Melissa Gorga. She's 100% Italian
>Has caucasoid facial features but user is still autistic and can only see skin tone
Fuck off, you claimed British identity was (sic) "British identity was a mixture of celt and Germanic cultures melded into a single culture forged over *hundreds* of years of fighting and co-existence.", which is complete horseshit and the opposite of what I said and not something I repeated at all.
Stop talking out of your anus, British identity is a civic identity created artificially from the Acts of Union.
>Can't understand what African facial features look like
Autism, also it's clear you are not an artist
>Cites the New York Times
>where people who self identify as African American
So in other words, mongrels who think they are pure African are counted in the study as African Americans. This is just like when half amerindians are counted in as white in the US lmao
Amerigoblin meme is true
Alessia Cara
>Her father was born in Canada to Italian parents, and her mother is an Italian immigrant.[7][8]
>British identity was a mixture of celt and Germanic cultures melded into a single culture forged over *hundreds* of years of fighting and co-existence
Except... It is? Holy autism Batman, why do you think the Acts of Union worked? What was the history between these different peoples that allowed them to get along all of the sudden?
>100% African American
My sides. This hilarious concept can only exist in USA, they have absolutely nothing to do with Africa and are not even black.
>Still has caucasoid facial features
user stop, this is getting embarrassing. Just because you have a tan does not mean you aren't European.
Her 100% Italian brother
>The sheer amount of stupidity ITT about facial recognition , ancestry, and genetics
For. Fucks. Sake.
There are descendents of slaves who are still completely african, then there are migrants from the Caribbean and Africa who are also 100% African. We call the African American as a general grouping that means "black" or "nigger" whichever term your prefer
Your grasp of stats is appalling if you think the results could be so heavily skewed by a few outliers.
Here you go if you want a proper scientific paper on the study.
>Is STILL too autistic to notice the fucking facial differences
Stop, just stop. You've proven your point : you have serious problems with autism. Not everyone who is a European is a fucking German hahahaha holy shit.
No, the half breed nigress still had prominent negroid features even if you are too autistic to see them
>why do you think the Acts of Union worked?
Because Scotland was so broke it had no choice and even then martial law had to implemented to stop widespread disorder breaking out.
>Not everyone who is a European is a fucking German hahahaha holy shit.
And thank God for that
>A few outliers
Oh so it's a few a priori then eh? We are talking about
African Americans and until you have a statistical volume you can cite, when your study says
>The mean ancestry proportion of 23andMe
>African Americans is about 73%
That to me means, they are mullatoes who identify as racially black who are placed into the statistics as well. This isn't how genetic clustering works either, when you are aggregating people in this manner you aren't receiving any estimation of clustering at all.
She's an Amerimutt
Yeah 500 years ago one of my ancestor was German: I AM GERMAN!!
Completely stupid.
Okay at this point you are going to need to provide a citation for the number of Americans that are pure African instead of providing incredibly bad quibbles about the clear evidence the overwhelming majority of African Americans are not pure African at all.
>500 and years ago my ancestor was German
>And every other ancestor for next 590 years was German as well
Completely stupid
>clear evidence
It literally says
And they got their data from 23andme lmao. Don't lecture about me about me explaining basic principles in statistics to you either
So you don't have a single citation to back up your silly horseshit, thought not.
I'm sorry, maybe I should rephrase that.
>Why has it lasted over 300 years
Just because the bitch is ugly doesn't mean she is black
>Can you back that up
>...it's addition, it's how the math works
>Heh, thought not kiddo
This is common issue ffs, this is so surreal having to explain to is on Veeky Forums
Come on, only a tiny part of their ancestry is African, the rest is American (mix of European + Asian + natives)
>Come on they are "insert something you think is axiomatic"
>dom nicolau in 1845
>he wuz prince of the Holy Roman Empire
>Holy Roman empire dissolution in 1806
If niggers weren't retarded they would not be niggers
Nice argument bro.
That's simply not an argument that British is an ethnic identity rather than a civic one. Your premise and your conclusion do not follow each other.
Okay, let's phrase it another way.
What percentage of Americans count as African Americans according to your definition and what is your evidence that Megan Markle's mother is one, given that by all the evidence shown thus far your definition of African American would include less than one percent of the US population.
"These studies found that on average, African Americans have 73.2-82.1% West African, 16.7%-24% European, and 0.8–1.2% Native American genetic ancestry, with large variation between individuals."