what is the least liked country right now? Assuming ISIS doesn't count, America? NK? Russia? And what about in all of history??
What is the least liked country right now? Assuming ISIS doesn't count, America? NK? Russia...
North Korea is pretty universally hated.
Not necessarily in Africa or China for instance.
Greek or Serb spotted
In all of history, maybe britain since they colonized the fuck out of everywhere and invaded everywhere, and right now probably north korea, many asian countries and the entire western world hates north korea, only russia/china and some of the other asian countries, maybe the middle east and africa don't hate north korea
>accusing me of turkposting
yep its a greek
Probably the USA at the moment. I find him pretty fun personally but old Trumpypoos is pretty much universally hated.
>what is the least liked country right now?
Well, obviously the least notorious country is also least liked. The country that noone thinks about is the one that noone likes.
Sure, a lot of people passionately hate America, China and Russia, but a lot of people actually do like them as well.
ok let me clarify, what is the most hated country, meaning country with the most people that hate it, regardless of how many people like it
>north korea or iran
>t. amerimuttistani
In regards to "largest amount of people fucking despising a country" the contenders have gotta be UK, some Mongol Horde or Spain.
Israel, the world is full of hateful antisemites
why Spain? are you referring to Latin Americans, cause I thought those guys liked the Spanish
I am actually an immigrant in Canadistan, ty very much. And also, stop assuming people's burgerness, smartass
Can someone fucking ban this faggot? Not because of what he says about Americans because of his cancerous meme cartoons. You have to be a very sad and and very undignified person to actually think that these cartoons are actually funny.
>being this triggered
It's not being triggered. Honestly don't give a shit about what people think about Americans. The cartoons are just not funny.
I laugh a lot with them though, and my IQ is 140. hahaha
you know what is funny?
Amerimutts getting triggered over a cartoon that shows them the truth, that no one really likes Americans. Too bad you're too self centered to actually try and be a little less cunty so that people actually like you guys. Everyone is forced to like you because you have power and money.
Even funnier is that it works like a self perpuating cycle which manages to display perfectly the average americans complete incapability to self deprecating humor. The more they fight it the more they make the meme seem truthful and the more funnier it gets. The only way to deal with this is getting off the high horse and having a laugh at your overweight nation and chill out. Patriotism isn´t a excuse to get so fucking triggered about every joke that lands on you. Even the fucking indians handle banter better than yankees nowdays, at least they don´t try to get mods to ban irrationally offensive memes on the grounds that it´s "shilling".
>cucked version of murriga
no difference, you're another rabid reddit upvote retard parroting the shit that he gets fed through the media. Off yourself, subuhman.
>fucking meme cartoons
>why no one like murriclaps we bolise the world look at iraq
USA nuked when
Probably Israel, the US, or North Korea.
Y'all realize that Amerimutt is not an actual response, right? That shit may fly in /pol/ but no one is laughing over here.
This to be honest. Aside from North Korea maybe, Israel is probably one of the most hated nations on Earth.
Why Russia is in a list, because Crimea? Crimea nations did voted for union and had a long story in unity with Russia.
Why there is not China in list? China took Tibet that never was part of China, and what the hell, nobody care, every western politic fear China.
Problem is you assume too much and you're a massive faggot. I am actually a tankie, you fucking retard
I just know about the media kikeing NK so hard, most hated doesn't always mean worst
Russia is on the list because they are demonized everywhere in the western world. Westerners have this idea of Russians being violent, stubborn, and always drunk, which is why I put hated. Again, by hated i mean having negative opinion by most people. And I haven't really hard China being demonized that hard here honestly, not as much as Russia at least
>If you dislike Israel you hate all jews