I'm still investing user. Have a chunk in BTC and Chainlink at the moment. I'm just wondering what the next big niche market is other then crypto trading.
Ryan Lopez
Brody Cox
I know of the next big thing but I can't post it because too many normies read this board now. And because your post sounds like you yourself are normie.
Kevin Young
I don't quite understand why >normies are investing, so the bubble will break idea applies to crypto. The whole idea is that it can only take off once normies actually start using it.
Dominic Gonzalez
>that green text Literally the only goal I have in my life right now. >JUST
Justin Johnson
it will become regulated like the stock market. You'll be happy to get 15% returns per anum at that point.
Jason Taylor
>.002% of the population has ever invested in crypto >wow too mainstream, better find something else fucking hipsters man
Tyler Thompson
I figured I either go balls deep into LINK or stay a wagecuck forever. If it fails I probably gonna kill myself, but thank god LINK looks very very promising.
Nathaniel Turner
uh...these gains are gonna get bigger what the fuck you talking about? imagine entirely uneducated used to 20% return a year FOMO
Parker Jenkins
Hey faggots, I never said I'd stop investing in crypto. I'm just wondering if there are other markets that are not yet accepted by the public that could eventually blow up and be big like crypto. Help an user out.
Evan Nguyen
AR most likely, but we could be talking 10-15 years until every day use practical applications
Parker Rodriguez
we're gonna make it brah
Nathan Miller
>You'll be happy to get 15% returns per anum at that point. market cap will be in the trillions by the time this happens.
Jonathan King
Augmented reality? How can a NEET invest in such a thing?
Jason Clark
Normies might have heard about bitcoin and ethereum, but we're still light years ahead
Aaron Long
Crypto has still so much room to make shitton of money discord.gg/fUPzpqQ for example
Anthony Mitchell
Yes OP, spend the 100K on buying trap websites and their content. When traps finally take off, you will have a porn empire greater than Pornhub's network.
Brayden Anderson
We still are in the infancy stage of crypto. At its current market cap, this will be the smallest bubble in history. Realistically speaking the market needs to hit about 1-2 trillion before you can say that the bubble is gonna pop and nobody's gonna gain any money anymore.
Angel Taylor
well, crypto hipsters got rich so its not always a bad thing lol
Brody Kelly
normies can't fathom transferring eth from myetherwallet to bittrex to trade for OMG
3k market cap. Alright I either get rich off this or die trying
Jeremiah Brown
No, there literally isn't. >cash for 1% returns, noting inflation you are actually losing money. >stocks literally the same unless you get lucky. >housing market overpriced and due for correction >precious metals, may as well hold cash for this gains
im a normie and i just bought a bunch of link... maybe im transcending normie status. almost a complete fucking loser... i can feel it
Jordan Walker
I do think most of the good icos have happened recently and all of the ones for the next couple months are trash.
But regardless, realize that normies are buying bitcoin and maybe ethereum and they are buying these from the exchanges like gemini and coinbase because these are the most user friendly.
Normies don't know shit about altcoins, so you're still getting in at the ground level investing in anything outside of btc/eth. The game isn't over by a long shot.
David Kelly
Definitely this. Normies has an aura that can easily be detected by autists.
Kayden Bell
>implying that crypto is the same as the internet >implying that there are more people than there already are with enough money to dump into crypto
David Wright
Crypto is gonna be one. If bad memory for a lot of people similar to the .com boom sure will we recover? Yes... will it become mainstream? I don't think so
Nolan Robinson
>a bubble must be at this size to pop and should be this long before it pops ???????????
Grayson Jenkins
holy shit that picture is my life story. i should go outside and do something.
Anthony Phillips
>it will become regulated how? off shore "companies" start a blockchain, coins bought with other crypto. exhcnages are also offshore. they can regulate the final step of crypto->fiat but they can't regulate something that happens in cyberspace