*thoin the alth-righth againsth capitalism*
*thoin the alth-righth againsth capitalism*
literally sophistry:the person. This faggot really does have an amazing ability to talk forever while saying nothing
I don't get him, he claims to be marxist but supports right wing people
He's Slavic and not Jewish.
And ?
That should explain your curiosity. Marxists here in Eastern Europe are all racist as fuck and hate cucks more than fascists.
>Marxists here in Eastern Europe are all racist as fuck and hate cucks more than fascists.
I don't think it's the case for Slavoj Žižek, i'm pretty sure he isn't racist.
The Alt-Right are broadly anti free market capitalism due to the control and destructive effect they claim it has on society and social cohesion.
This. I'm not alt right but they do attack capitalism, unlike western (((Marxists))) who allied thrmselves to liberals against the mean fascists who were being mean to niggers.
>mfw all these posters replying despite not reading the article beyond its clickbait title
&humanities was a mistake
Zizek isnt racist and is in fact the exact opposite. Hes just not completely blinded by left wing dogma today and said he notices the failure of multiculturism in europe and some of the bad aspects of islam, so he is branded as a racist by the retarded hordes that make up the nu-left(pic related)
America was a mistake.
>*marxism was a mistake
fixed that for you
No, I stand by what I said. America has a knack for taking ideologies and turning them into unparalleled faggotry. They did it with Christianity too, only in America could people believe that Christianity is about getting rich, cutting your cock off and giving tithes to Israel.
This SJW shit comes from a German and the ideology is loved in Europe currently who actually have government support for groups like antifa, another European creation both in its original form and its rebirth in the 80s
And when you speak as hatefully you do, and with such an incomprehension of the ugliness of fascism, you do a lot to justify everyone sane allying with liberals.
Not that I mind, being a liberal.
t. Schlomo
I like some of Zizek's insights, but he really is too much of a communist for my taste. Advising people to vote for Trump so that it destabilizes liberal society is going way too far in my book. It makes me realize that either he's an idiot, or on some level he really doesn't give a shit how many people would have to die to bring down his boogeyman of capitalism.
Liberals are buttmad that the alt right expresses genuine working class issues whereas the left only represents the issues of urbanite bourgeois and genderqueer issues, and are useful idiots for big monopolies like google and facebook as well as Jewish and neocon interests.
You're confusing Neoliberals with the left again.
Even if it was true, which it isn't, that the left doesn't do anything to represent workers, why would liberals be buttmad about leftist failure to represent workers?Liberals are not leftists. Although that said, as a liberal I currently view the populist right as a bigger threat than anything leftists are doing.
Maybe he's Unitedstatesian
Veeky Forums - History & (((Humanities)))
It's too bad that they follow unsubtle idiots.
>at town hall to complain about new bike sharing program that has made the neighborhood filled with homeless and black kids
>ask council to limit bike sharing program due to "package theft"
>next guy stands up and asks for bike sharing program to end to "keep ghetto thugs out"
>council strongly rebukes him for being racist
Holy shit. Drives me nuts. It's impossible to get segregationist, pro-worker anti-globalist policies when these alt-right faggots telegraph their racism in the most obvious ways.
This. Its to a point where they have to be supporters by their enemies
Nothing wrong with obvious racism.
He's never supported anybody right wing, but he mistakenly believes the alt right to be opposed to capitalist production.
Nah, racism is pretty dumb. Let's say you hate blacks because lots of them are violent and stupid. If that's the case, then it would make a lot more sense to hate violent and stupid people regardless of race, rather than see it as a race issue. Why hate a smart peaceful black guy because the average of his race is more dumb and violent than the average of whites?
I guess you could make the argument that if being dumb and violent is partly genetic, the smart kind black guy is more likely to contribute low-value kids to society than a white guy. But if you follow that logic, then you should also support getting rid of dumb, violent white people so they don't have kids. But then you're back again to being against dumb, violent people - not people of a given race.
He did support voting for Trump in order to throw a wrench into the system, which I thought was idiotic on his part.
I hate blacks because they're not my kin, not because of what they do or don't do.
anyone got the bottom left image of the faggy phase of marxism?
you automatically hate people who aren't your kin? Pretty autistic and bitter dude
We should get rid of dumb, violent people of all races.
It's just that an majority of blacks would get caught up in a filter like that and a minority of whites
He bought the "Trump is less tied to Wall Street than Hillary" meme
That's simply autism
And also, apparently, the "let's destabilize the system and make a better one when it crashes" meme.
In reality, as history has shown, what's fairly likely to happen in such scenarios is mass murder and totalitarianism.
neolibs didn't give a fuck about radical identity politics until critical theory fags, foreign backed subversive elements, and stupid cunts decided to hang a stiff 90 degrees to the left and braindead.
Commies have always been urbanites.
are you implying that isn't exactly what happened?
>replace wall st with global financial institutions
it's true even if you don't btw.
I think it's idiotic to want to throw a wrench into the system in the first place. The chance that whatever replaced the system would be better than what we have now is pretty small.
>Liking the soulless existence of neoliberalism
kys kike
>whatever replaced the system would be better than what we have now
are you retarded or trolling? Do you mean to tell me you truly believe that action of the federal government of these United States is actually net beneficial?
>Be reactionary on social issues but left leaning on economic issues
Kind of like the alt right, save only the ancap spergs. Fascists are not fans of free market capitalism desu
Fascists don't really believe in the market. Am I wrong?
>Do you mean to tell me you truly believe that action of the federal government of these United States is actually net beneficial?
Yes, at least to citizens of the US it is. But even if it wasn't net beneficial, I still see no reason to believe that whatever system would replace it after a period of massive disruption would be any better. History shows that governments which take power after a wrench was thrown into the system have a bad track record.
sorta kinda
They for sure are protectionist, which is neither capitalist nor socialist, but allowing them to adopt elements of both
but he is.
>likely to happen in such scenarios is mass murder and totalitarianism.
whats the problem?
You realize you can be almost entirely a liberal, but wanting to not import the entire third world will make you a full blown Nazi anyway right
>We are going to crash the system
*Reform it, dismantle it.
There is a difference
If you want to reform the system, using Trump to throw a wrench in it (thereby encouraging right-wing populists) isn't the way to do it.
which citizens? Cause that's not universally true, at all.
How? The Democrats and Republicans are tearing themselves apart, class consciousness is somewhat growing. Getting Hillary will impede reform because it is tokenism at best
The average American (and person in general) is an idiot. Because of this, anything that encourages populism is highly suspicious in my book. I much prefer attempting to reform the system from the inside, and gradually. That way, more intelligent people are running the show.
>consciousness is somewhat growing
no, it's bad.
>reform the system from the inside, and gradually. That way, more intelligent people are running the show.
but you're dumb
The USG is a net benefit to almost all US citizens. Consider what the territory of the current US would be like without a state.
Alright, you say. But can't we improve on the USG? Yes, of course we can in theory. In practice, reform should be attempted gradually, otherwise one risks giving populist mass emotion too much power and making things worse.
Nice argument
I think they hate wehraboos and similar there, because they are "prep the euro/american bull" kind of cucks.
Alain Soral said the same thing 20 years ago in France and he was ridiculed and cast as a fascist.
Meanwhile he goes into Muslim neighbourhoods and tries to red pill them on Zionism and on class consciousness while Zizek writes his 50th book.
Marxism was ok. It is murritards who can't live a day without turning everything into degeneracy.
If there was no America, Red death squads would be wiping the floor with last muslims by this moment.
I'd much rather have some Muslims in an otherwise liberal society than have death squads of any kind (left wing, right wing, whatever...) running around.
Except it fucking blows up in your face and you start whining about "white genocide".
>have some Muslims in an otherwise liberal society
So, you are not against death squads as long as they scream "Allahu akbar".
>wiping the floor with last muslims
Sounds racist to me, go back to stormfront alt-right retard.
I'm against Muslim death squads too, but there's a huge difference between sporadic Muslim gangs that are actively fought by police, on the one hand, and death squads that are actually encouraged or run by the state, on the other.
>Muslim gangs
>fought by police
>not encouraged or run by the state
Ever heard about Europe?
But it's perfectly fine for the state to designate a Muslim dumping ground where they allow muslim death squads to retreat to safe from the law after going on a purge and anyone who talks about it goes to prison?
Or should I say (((modern Europe)))
You don't sound like you know much about Europe other than what you read in /pol/ or places like it.
No, it's bad (although the way you describe it is exaggerated - "anyone who talks about it goes to prison", my ass). It's still vastly better than having state-supported death squads.
where the fuck is this allowed
So you people can believe that it's not a problem by ignoring evidence of it when it popped up. I thought it was fairly common knowledge on this site about the journalist who thought right-wing groups were just bullshitting about the migrant problem in Sweden. When he went there, they actually live in fear under an Orwellian state reinforced by corporations socially stigmatizing "racists", devoted to not tarnishing the image of muslim migrants.
>Orwellian state
They, the UK, and Germany are will go full Orwellian on you when you cross the line and criticize the muslim migrants.
Trump has more banking executives in his cabinet than any previous administration I believe
Man oh man, if you think Sweden, the UK, and Germany are Orwellian, you would fucking hate it if a real left-wing or right-wing totalitarian state had death squads running around.
By the way, "full Orwellian" would mean torturing and killing political dissidents. You don't seem to know what "Orwellian" means.
You don't think having to lie constantly to maintain your position in life is a form of mental torture?
The psychological conditioning employed is already similar to what they had in the Soviet Union. All that's missing are gulags.
>By the way, "full Orwellian" would mean torturing and killing political dissidents. You don't seem to know what "Orwellian" means.
It would be way worse than that. It would be torturing or killing people for thinking the wrong way, enforced by constant surveillance and profiling of their behavior.
Yeah, it's a form of mental torture. It's not even remotely comparable to Nazi Germany, the USSR, or the society depicted in Nineteen Eighty-Four.
>All that's missing are gulags.
Sweden is very very very far away from getting gulags, man.
Ah they don't literally kill people who try to talk about the Muslim problem.
That's fine then, as long as they don't literally kill them.
Look up accelerationism bucko
I'm not saying it's fine. I don't like those laws. But it's not "full Orwell". And certainly the answer isn't populism. We've seen where *that* can lead, and it isn't pretty.
>mfw I now realize why Dugin and Zizek have never been seen in the same room
It's basic tribalism, it's an instinct. If I was black I'd hate whites too.
Well I'm kind of alt-right and also anti-capitalist. So maybe he's on to something. But I also think I'm pretty weird and can't be considered the norm.
The problem is "leftism" has almost totally been taken over by SJW culture war politics. It's impossible to care about the negative social effects of capitalism and coordinate broad resistance with these people because they will always put PC purity tests before anything else and shun you when you inevitably say an impure answer. It's all these people care about now.
The "left" has totally been taken in the multiculturalism and post-modernism meme virus.
Zizek is an alpha while Dugin is apex betacuck. This is him without a beard.
this essentially is the case.
westerners are kidding themselves if they think they're even remote friends with eastern european communists
they're all tankies and nazbols.
how is that wallstreet? He never took wallstreet money. Hillary was addicted to it.
>sniffs violently
>and so on and so on
Motherfucker has seven literal bankers in his cabinet
>Fascists are not fans of free market capitalism desu
So state capitalism? :)
that is entirely different than taking money from bankers which is what people have problems with. he isn't tied to their money like hillary
>getting bribed by bankers to do stuff is better than putting bankers in positions to let them do stuff
Really makes me think
That is the left. When was the last anti-war rally by the left?
Cause keeping it hidden worked so well