What would be army of Moscow-Berlin Axis like?
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Did they shake hand?
Total annihilation of the Juden subhuman race
The death of all judaic worldviews. 2000 years of oppression, misery, and shame brought to an end.
Being rules by Krauts and Commies instead of a Cabal of Jewish elites sounds like a faustian bargain.
totally retarded
Wait, they are actually shilling Stalin to have been a.nationalist? HAHAHA.
Impossible. Jews are people of a book, the Torah. Major part of their book is in the Bible. Jews will exist till last Bible or last Torah.
Probably wouldn't coordinate together fantastically due to the major ideological differences, the differences in doctrine and the massive language barrier.
Still, the sheer industrial and raw military ability would be impressive on paper and with the right direction, could probably do a lot of damage.
>[The death of all] judaic worldviews. [2000 years of oppression, misery and shame] brought to an end.
I like this one because it's everyone can agree with it with just a bit of flexibility
I'd much rather be ruled by Jewish elites than by Hitler and Stalin or people like them. By a factor of about 1000000 I would, actually.
i dont think they ever met
hate to break it to you user
Literally making shit up
>not knowing that this is clearly a shopped picture of the rippentov pact
historylets out!
>ywn live in the timeline where the Moscow-Berlin axis sets out to completely eradicate all Poles and Jews
Why must we suffer like this?
Nice try Schlomo, they have in common that they are in same pic.
Most of them:
1. werent Jewish (Stalin, Dzerzhinskij, Voroshilov, Tuchachevsky, Bierut, Kalinin, Liebknecht, many others)
2. Werent communists (Martov)
3. Were killed on Stalin´s order. (Trotsky, Slánský, Yagoda
4. Were supported by Bolshevik named Hitler, see pic
Ill look at that memelist close, point out who were those people and post it on Veeky Forums.
>Literally making shit up
what are you trying to point out here
Stalin was a filthy Georgian, but not a Jew
Liebknecht absolutely was a kike. Dzerzhinsky was Polish and therefore a Jew.
Language barrier wasn’t a problem. There were many thousands of Soviet Germans, although these were deported after collaborating with the Wehrmacht.
"pure coincidence" name change amirite?
Stalin wasn't a Jew. The others were though.
citation needed, Hunns are the kikes, thats why -stein and -berg are Germanic
Reminds me of name change of some guy named Schicklgruber
>it was a Pole all along
Colour me surprised
>"Y-Yes Goy! It was an American! (((We))) the (((Aryans))) have nothing to do with the revolution!"
wrong Schlomo, about 700kms on map more
So Adolf Hitler was possibly as much as 1/8th Jew?
Communism came before Marx. Germans came up with it
when you look at his nose, its closer to 1/2
Kind of interesting that the commies need a capitalist rothschild central bank in commie socialist paradise land where the tsar imperials told them to fuck off a few years before?
Iam sure you have a perfect source to back up that claim.
I also wonder why is suddenly Hunnic IG Farben owned by Rockfellers after Hitler privatized it
Marx's father wasn't an orthodox rabbi, schiff didn't finance the bolshevik revolution, neither lenin nor stalin were jewish. At least you got one right.
> From his base on Wall Street, he was the foremost Jewish leader from 1880 to 1920 in what later became known as the "Schiff era", grappling with all major Jewish issues and problems of the day, including the plight of Russian Jews under the Tsar
>Russia hacked the election goy, time to invade!
Schiff did finance the Bolshevik revolution. Marx's father wasn't a rabbi, but his grandfather was. And Lenin was Jewish on his mother's side.
marx was 100% a jew and a rothchild
Marx was born on 5 May 1818 to Heinrich Marx (1777–1838) and Henriette Pressburg (1788–1863). He was born at Brückengasse 664 in Trier, a town then part of the Kingdom of Prussia's Province of the Lower Rhine.[16] Marx was ancestrally Jewish as his maternal grandfather was a Dutch rabbi, while his paternal line had supplied Trier's rabbis since 1723, a role taken by his grandfather Meier Halevi Marx
>Communism =/= Marxism
there is non-Marxist Communism too
>Philosophy in the Soviet Union was officially confined to Marxist–Leninist thinking
What is your point? Communism doesn't have to be Marxism.
Soviet Union was not Jew controlled at all by the way. Ever heard of the refuseniks? Jews who weren't allowed to move to Israel.
# of Jewish billionaire in USSR: 0
# of Jewish billionaires in Russia: >5
# of Jewish billionaires in capitalist West: lmao
>Conflating Democrats with jews
Doesn't the US Republican party have jews too? Aren't they pro-Israel?
>Soviet Union was not Jew controlled at all by the way.
lel, over 80% of soviet leadership were jews user
yes you have a point there, that meme is not the best. (((Our))) entire government is riddled with traitors.
Not even 50% of the leadership was Jewish, there were a shitload of Lithuanians too and I don't see you claiming some meme conspiracy about Liths being known nation wreckers
Ok but keep in mind jew is not a race and that dude wasnt semitic
not him but Jewish ancestry can be detected by a DNA test like 23andme, etc. It stands to reason that it is actually a "race" or at least a biologically based ethnic group
it couldn't happen. neither of them was able to act diplomatically.
Go away, retarded nigger.
this is fact