>bans Christmas
>bans fun
>muh God
The more I read about him, the more I realize that he was basically ISIS
>bans Christmas
>bans fun
>muh God
The more I read about him, the more I realize that he was basically ISIS
Literally one of the worst humans to ever live second to Woodrow Wilson
>he was so bad that when the Royalty was restored his dead body was dug up, put on trial and beheaded
t. potatonigger
>genocide irish
>now let's ask more loans to make war
>oy vey I forgot irish aren't people!
>wanting england to fall to popery and stuart tyranny
Alongside Enver, he's probably one of the few /goodguys/ of history who tried genocide for admirable reasons
pick one
>t. amerimutt who has never read a history book in his life
pic related
are you serious? Charles II was a crypto-catholic and converted on his deathbed. James II was an open catholic. Charles I was inching toward Catholic orientation but it was more anti-calvinism than anything else. Anne and Mary were protestant and James was a kind of anglican. All in all it's retarded to say the Stuarts weren't catholic.
nice try but i'm not british. I just know stupid americans by their historical reference points gotten from /pol/
You do realize he paved the way for religious toleration in England right?
yeah, because of fucking batshit fundamentalist he was and everyone realised that it's wrong
No because he passed bills of toleration to protect Independents and other Protestant minorities along with his famous invite of the Jews back. He broke the dominance of the Anglican church and allowed for non-conformists and dissenters to be protected and equally recognized under the law
>believes that individual conscience should be entirely left alone if one is to have true religious faith.
how is that fundamentalist? where does the bible say that?
>he was and everyone realised that it's wrong
yet the british continued toleration for dissenters, especially after 1688, and it became a world superpower in spite of that.
t. alt-right retard who has never read anything about wilson other than some gay neo-nazi infograph
americans and irish have more culture than any british though
What is it this shit board worship the likes of FDR, Churchill and Woodrow Wilson? I feel I'm in a neocohenservative dinner
I hate Christmas. So much drunkards. So many innocent fir trees were killed.
Its not about worshipping them, its about rejecting retarded alt-right criticismism of them that come from a completely ignorant and paranoid point of view
>Wilson was horrible
>its about rejecting retarded alt-right criticismism
first there is no such thing as alt-right (just say /pol/ if you are insecure) and second FDR, Wilsonand Churchill were mafiosi scum
These retards wasted more money on wars and have more blood on their hands than Stalin
>wasted more money on war
That he should have rolled over and taken the Nazi dick says a lot about you.
>first there is no such thing as alt-right
yes there is. You cant spend the first half of the year bragging and loving the label, and then reject it as a slur made up by your enemies when you become nothing more than bafoons to the public at large user.
my point still stands that you are an alt-right retard who is completely ignorant of the things you think you hate. I garuntee that you think Churchill started WW2
He could have stopped Hitler earlier you dummy. Literally waited for an attack on London to do something. Luck that Hitler wasn't that crazy because he could have entered suicide mode and focused all efforts on UK. Churchill was gambling not only with Italy and Poland but also his own people
>the alt-right criticism
Totally pathetic
user, Churchill wasnt PM at the time. Chamberlain was
Richard Spencer and Lauren garbage were never liked on /pol/. Search the archives no one knew about Spencer or Trump e-celebs. The only place you could use alt-right is on reddit which you don't even understand the_donald was literally created by /pol/ to troll and things got serious
In 1920 Churchill wrote about Bolshevism and 25 years later gave half of europe to them. Stalin was so weak after WW2 a single agent could have changed the soviet system. The only reason why it Stalin survived stronger was because of him and FDR
>Literally waited for an attack on London to do something.
You mean "was impeded by Chamberlain while First Lord of Admiralty and only elected to be PM on the closing days of the Blitz."
Churchill would immediately have been ousted by a war-weary cabinet and population had he tried anything against the USSR immediately after WWII, you're looking to blame Truman.
He had direct contat with Chamberlain in 1934,1935, 1935 and 1937. He did nothing just like the corrupt ''conservatives'' who praised his speeches in the house
FDR not Truman. FDR and Churchill are to blame for 1945 to 1989 mess in europe
Why nobody talks about the secret messages between FDR and Churchill in 1942 and 1943? Obviously they were compromised. War was boosting US economy and everything
True that it was Churchill that basically declared war on Germany in 1939 but it was already too late
>Muh human rights
>muh millenium
Should've been hung for treason along with everyone who voted for him.
>1945 to 1989 mess in europe
>30 years of massive economic growth in western europe
>stable, authoritarian regimes with decent living standards in eastern europe
Speaking in the House of Commons in 1937, Churchill said, "I will not pretend that, if I had to choose between communism and Nazism, I would choose communism."
Two years earlier Chuchill said "Hitler might go down in history as the man who restored honour and peace of mind to the great Germanic nation and brought it back serene, helpful and strong to the forefront of the European family circle"
Who was Churchill? Who can deny his influence in 1936 and then again in 1939. He was acting as the PM, everybody knows. The conservatives had the absolute majority in 1935.
Christcucks aren't white
>Economic growth
Sure that's why to this day the british people cry about Harold Wilson and Thatcher. That's why the 60s you had a bunch of white trash being promoted by record labels to make people forget about their miserable jobs and life.
>decent living standards in eastern europe
Sure I bet your father's jewish oil company enjoyed great years of boost in the post WW2 Soviet Union
>Some Christians believed that the resurrection of the dead on judgement day requires that the body be buried whole facing east so that the body could rise facing God.[1][2] If dismemberment stopped the possibility of the resurrection of an intact body, then a posthumous execution was an effective way of punishing a criminal.
Every time I read people talking about prosperity, stability and growth in soviet union post ww2 a neocohen comes to mind
Same applies to those who speak about the wonders of ''western social-liberal'' democracy
>Alongside Enver, he's probably one of the few /goodguys/ of history who tried genocide for admirable reasons
oh tell me, what are these admirable reasons behind genociding Irish and Armenians, you fucking /pol/tard
Some europeans have eternal lust for innocent blood
It's not 100% their fault. They are children of Satan it's hard to come out of it. The average kraut and anglo prefer a decade of blood than 1000 years of stability and peace
so all you have are anecdotes and false accusations? fuck off back to /pol/
God Bless King Charles
I bet my two kidneys you are a german
I can smell the putrid blood from miles
Not knowing he wasn't PM before the Blitz I can forgive, but the war?
Sure he didn't have any influence... 80% of conservatives in the house of commons
If anything Churchill was seeking a war and was mad because Chamberlain didn't give him one
If Churchill was a lord, how was he PM? Did he have to abdicate his lordship?
Hitler was scum like Churchill but Hitler had brief moments of sincerity
>accuse enemy using nightly air raids against purely non-military targets three days before doing the exact same thing, when the allied bombings of the ruhr before the blitz were focused on military industry and in direct retaliation to the rotterdam blitz
>churchill had anything to do with the royal air force before his election to PM
During may UK attacked many germans cities at night
didn't they?
>dislike Cromwell
>dislike Stuarts
who /tribalist/ here
Can't pin that on Churchill tho.
I dislike both but I'd be more a Digger than anything
t. Avi Goldberg
The problem was the guy wanted to run the damn world.
Regicide do it again!
>Lord Protector of England
>is so unpopular that the people restored a king right after you
pity for the guy mister
Cromwell is the mass murder who stole Christmas
He had his problems, and banning Christmas is lame yes.
But keep in mind that the Stuarts were incredibly fucking degenerate. Same with much of Restoration society.
But Cromwell dreamed of a free, independent and prosperous England, led by wise government. Given what bastardry and degeneracy of the royal family today, I'd argue that he is partly vindicated.
But all historical figures are contradictions really. I'm a monarchist at heart and yet I quite respect Cromwell.
Also taigs btfo.
>The more I read about him, the more I realize that he was basically ISIS
"Christianity" is ISIS. And, worse than that, it's a complete and total fraud and the pagans were serving the true God this whole time.
>Thinking that was a bad thing.
kys heretic
>>bans Christmas
Bring him back. I fucking hate Christmas.
Cromwell was absolutely remarkable. Arguably the greatest military and political leader these isles have ever produced. A revolutionary who helped make Britain the liberal-democratic state par excellence, 150 years ahead of France and America. Such a shame his republic crumbled after he died, nobody could hold a candle to him. One of the few figures in history I'd genuinely call a personal hero.
all groups invoked God back then. Cromwell was the right wing of the revolution, but even the more left wing Levellers and Diggers used Christianity to support their claims to a more egalitarian and democratic society.
>he was basically ISIS
By the standards of the modern West, everything and everyone before the 20th century was ''literally ISIS''.
I wish we had a Cromwell now to lead us
Despising Cromwell is a requirement for being Catholic.
Everyone should despise him, boring cunt tried to ban sports and alcohol
Christmas was also a mass orgy and the poor would travel around and demand money or Rob u
Americans are British though. As are most Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders.