Did Hitler escape to Argentina?
Did Hitler escape to Argentina?
>white skin
Can't have done.
Lol so funny meme xd
Some of his top men were found in South America after the war, so it isn't out of the question that Hitler did escape to Argentina.
If he did, he died even more of a coward
Apparently so, yes, and lived for another 20 years.
>t. a retard
Yes he did. "Hitler's skull" has been found out to be a female skull which is why they burned his body in the first place. There is literally no evidence of Hitler dying in the bunker
Why? There would be no point to die for no reason and have your corpse paraded around the streets.
the better solution is to bail on everyone, go into hiding and leave them to deal with your sinking ship? that's trash. He lost, die with his followers or face the consequences of his failure.
its one thing to kill yourself on your own soil and have your remains destroyed.
but its a whole extra layer of cowardice to fucking run away. its not like he was gonna make a comeback by running to South America. the world was gonna despise him for being the loser of the war and all their dirty laundry comes to view
You are not being subjective at all.
Just the idea of Hitler surviving would empower people to fight back and resist for longer.
You are just mad because you like the idea of Hitler being tortured and shamed.
The man was a decorated ww1 veteran and was not a coward
Also there are many types of comebacks.
While he could probably never lead Germany again he could lead a terrorist resistance similar to Al-Quaeda.
Yeah. The FBI even released documents stating that they knew he did.
So Hitler escaped, and yet all of his leading acolytes - Bormann, Goebbels, Himmler. Goering, Axmann - either committed suicide or were captured, and the less important officials that did get away like Eichmann and Mengele were eventually located. It's been over 70 years and no evidence has been found suggesting that Hitler escaped to South America, therefore I highly doubt that there's any substance to the story.
Wasn't there something that the CIA found that Hitler had worked for some shipping company in Colombia?
Because Germany at the time Hitler bailed was in such a good place to keep resisting right?
>you like the idea of Hitler being shamed.
he did that well enough on his own
Im just saying running is a bigger shame
>he could lead a terrorist resistance similar to Al-Quaeda
the fact is, even if he did run. he never did. He crawled into some hole and died and I don't see why people think that is a better picture.
>yup, and I got the proof!
>hitler escapes to argentina
>shaved his iconic moustache and is forced to live with a pack of ex-slave niggers
>doomed to eternity of being blacked, to this day, hes still alive
He escaped to the moon, obviously
>Hitler's 128 year old husk
"the fact is, even if he did run. he never did. He crawled into some hole and died and I don't see why people think that is a better picture."
>trusting communists saying they found his dead body
>Is ignorant of the new JFK files on hitler
You're a dense autist
>impying he didn't achieve immortality 70 years ago already
He devoted all his time to the study of the forbidden arts after the war was lost
Hebrew bone= sorcerer stone
Yeah, I met him on holiday. Nice guy. Likes dogs.
>JFK files on hitler
Yeah, and Elvis is still alive too
Communists are the ones who started the whole "Hitler might be alive" meme when Zhukov announced to a press conference they didn't know it he died or not
>draft old people and kids to fight
>escape when it's your turn
but hebrews dissappeared 2000 years ago, retard
Top. Men.
What a waste of Satan
No, at least not without the help of the Argentine government. The Peronista junta may have had a boner for fascism, but they'd appreciate the brownie points from the US for turning over the most hated man in the world even more.
More to the point what difference does it make?
I´m sure argentinian jews would have recognized him