>You can find africans with high moral standards
>you can find all kind of asians with high moral standards
>you can even find aboriginals with high moral standards
But I always wonder why you can't find a decent german
Why is it so difficult to civilize them?
You can find africans with high moral standards
>You can find africans with high moral standards
morality is abstract, the existence of Africans and Germans convinced me of it
>You can find africans with high moral standards
[citation very fucking needed]
you can. Just look to the west.
Hmm, let me guess what island you're from OP?
On a side note, where does your hatred for Germans come from? Did some Jerry not tip you after you sucked him off?
>>You can find africans with high moral standards
>>you can find all kind of asians with high moral standards
>>you can even find aboriginals with high moral standards
I love shitting on Kr*uts as much as the next guy, but come on
I don't hate germans I just find interesting their happiness about not being civilized. The same pattern can be observed with the Scandinavians so I assume it's some kind of biological/linguistic barrier
That image is a strange one to pick. There's not necessarily any correlation between sexual preferences and morality. Some of the most morally upstanding guys I know are into kinky sex.
wtf now I hate being German
One of the characteristic of the german people is their proud in degeneracy and destruction
In the 70s there was a movement in Germany where parents had sex with their babies, kids were allowed to shit on the house, touch their brother genitals, etc
Do you guys know this? The pics are horrible and makes me ill
They even allowed 4 year old kids to stimulate small babies sexual organs
Not even the worst jew would do things like that
If anything the Scandinavians are too civilised. The krauts are pretty screwed under Merkel, too.
Fuck you rammstein is awesome
I doubt you even know Germans or Germany, thats why I am a bit puzzled that you open a couple threads a day about how evil they are.
Some sort of inferiority complex?
Like this, Scandis and Germans and Dutch and English are rather civilized and quiet people. The noisy poorfags are usually the mediterran and eastern Europeans.
Why would you let small children have sex with you?
I mean there are dozens of pedo freaks but these germans allowing this just because they thought it was a scientific method of raising good and obedient kids.
I mean it's normal to hippies raise kids allowing them to do what they want but violating kids and babies anus just to raise ''good and obedient'' kids? what's is this? There are mexican satanists that would find this disgusting
So I guess that mean you really don't know Germany. That leaves the question why you start all this threads? Like you are in the Dominican Republic and never seen Europe or European culture, but you sperg out here every day? What for?
>So I guess that mean you really don't know Germany.
I'm just saying about the degeneracy and the movement that thought raping kids and babies were raising good and obedient boys
This is a real german movement. The question is: why? At this point I'm not even sure if eating kids in rituals is worse than what the germans parents did to their kids
I don't hate germans, my grandmother had 25% german blood, I had german friends during high school.
Why you think he is dominican?
When germans spread their degeneracy, the ones who suffer are germans. I don't suffer because i'm not a german. If anything you can accuse me of trying to understand why germans do it to themselves
Perhaps if people understand we can find a way to stop the human suffering. All the destruction, the lives of innocent kids and countless generations lost because....? what's the reason behind this?
>So I guess that mean you really don't know Germany.
This threads is about shitting on people
Because he is, like there is Dominican troll and he opens anti Germ/Nordcuck/Protestants threads non stop. first I thought it was some reaction to the stormfag shitwave, but no, there must be something deeper. So I thought I'd might ask.
There's nothing wrong with being a German or being interested in German history despite the abrasiveness of the stormniggers but I can't help but notice this rather mean streaks and momentary bouts of insanity that possesses them as a people every now and then. Why is that?
But how do you know he is dominican?
He could be from other country
Not him but why would people like the protestant revolution?
He mentioned it twice in threads, like once in a remark to Haiti and another time. I even remember some other user making a thread about him because he noticed him to. I think he is the most active resident troll together with Frank.
Because it is liberating not being Cathocuck? Because enlightenment is the foundation of the Western civilization the main reasons for its stellar success? Dunno.
>complain about protestantuck thread
>enlightenment is the foundation of the Western civilization
That's why people shit on germans to be quite honest
Oh, it is (You), I already suspected (You) when (You) said >Not him but why...
So you are a staunch antimodernist Catholic from Dominica that loves to shitpost on Veeky Forums.
I understand it, i'd be angry at history too if I'd be Dominican.
>repeating something too many times to myself is necessary because eventually I'll believe in my own words
What's wrong with germans? why do you behave like this?
I really don't know. I guess it's because we aren't civilized
citation please