What is the best timeline? ie. If you could change one event in the past that would produce a better future which would it be?
For me, I would have dropped 3 nukes on Japan instead of 2
What is the best timeline? ie. If you could change one event in the past that would produce a better future which would it be?
For me, I would have dropped 3 nukes on Japan instead of 2
Central Powers win the Great War.
There is literally no alternate history timeline change better and more important than this.
Stalin dies in 1919. Communism isn't destroyed and WWII doesn't happen. Europe can progress politically with only healthy levels of violence.
Sell Christopher Columbus as a serf to Saudi Arabia, so USA so hated around the Earth newer exist.
>the normans are beat back
I can only dream
>Stalin destroyed communism
Dude, no. Stalin just went way too fucking extreme in his "everybody thrives or EVERYBODY suffers" interpretation. All he destroyed was its continuing reception in history even after everyone who lived during the Cold War has died.
>Communism isn't destroyed
Trotsky wouldn't be much better in my opinion.
Even later in his life he wrote in the same page some good lines and a few lines later he wrote like the old blood thirsty bolshevik he was.
Best timeline
Japan and China become best friends
United States becomes a japanese-chinese puppet
Europe return to Catholicism
Paul the Apostle dies in an "accident". Christianity is almost never heard of outside of the Middle-East. Europe is spared slave morality. Jews aren't given powerful financial positions. The light of Baldr guides the way.
Clinton won the primary and Presidency in '08, we are now going into the second year of Obama's Presidency after his last 8 years working in the Senate. Ben Bernanke has replaced Andrew Jackson on the $20.
Explain please.
>not 8 years of McCain followed by Jeb!
>unironic trotskyite
are you joking or retarded
stalin's greatest deed was saving the USSR from trotsky's autistic "permanent revolution" and instead enforcing socialism in one country doctrine
McCain gets assassinated by the Vietnamese. Sarah Palin becomes President.
Make sure this never happens.
Jeb! is the official Guac Czar as part of a bipartisan effort by the Obama administration to improve food quality. McCain has been missing since he volunteered to "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" himself.
>Needing the advantages of founding of a Pan-German nation, the fall of the British Empire, an Eastern Europe liberated from serfdom and suffocating Russian hegemony, the freeing of the Middle East from Western European imperialism, and a reformed Russian nation under communism to be explained to you
Germans winning the Franco-Prussian War didn't stop them from trying again.
The only way the German thirst for blood will be satiated is if you sate it with their own blood, and a lot of it.
Napoleon beats Russia
Germans manage to successfully complete a Holocaust of all Jews before being defeated.
>not going into our third year of Emperor Bernanke's glorious reign
you fucked up.
Red October fails. As a result Lenin becomes immortalized as a tragic hero and failed visionary, but the USSR never exists and never defines for the world what a socialist state looks like. Eugene Debs, who is never imprisoned and thus lives much longer, leads a peaceful political takeover of the United States by the SPUSA in the elections of 1932.
Either the Russian provisional government survives and Russia becomes a regular Republic, or the Nationalists win the Chinese civil war (or if they have to lose have Mao die early, either pre-winning the war or right after)
Pretty steeply reduce the death toll of the 20th century especially in the latter case
So what's the 3-bomb advantage? And did the US even have a 3rd bomb available right away?
t. adolfè hitlierre
No, the reason we only bombed twice was because we only had two bombs, and would need years to manufacture more.
>no 4th crusade
fuck off Dandolo Constantinople is rightful Roman clay
Listen to Jimmy Carter and begin the transition to alternative energy in the 1970s or 1980s.
A few months.
Only if you're alt-right.
>Europe under the domination of authoritarian, militaristic Big Prussia
>preferable to self-determination and a continental balance of power that the Austrian sperg destroyed
Interwar Europe was comfy af.
Franz Ferdinand was assassinated because he wanted to reform the empire to grant more equitable rights and representation to non-Germans/Hungarians. If Austria had survived the war and adopted his ideas, we could have had a stable, prosperous, united empire in Central Europe rather than separate small states.
And while Imperial Germany wasn't particularly nice, it was infinitely preferable to Nazi or Soviet rule.
Ferdinand was assassinated by a group of teenage radical Balkanites. They were barely literate, and certainly not privy to the Archduke's inner plans.
They saw an opportunity to stir shit and took it (like Leon Czolgos a decade prior). There's no grand conspiracy. You could argue that the Serbian government, or parts of it, was aware something was going to happen, but the historical records are unclear, and at best offer an image of tepid support in the long run (but not right now).
Federalized A-H would have been nice, but the big daddy would still be Imperial Germany, which wanted to set up crappy puppet states all over Eastern Europe.
Not to mention their post-war plans for the Balkans were ludicrous and would just generate more terrorism and war.
While this would have been preferable to Nazi or Soviet rule, you're arguing from a "if Germany won everything would have turned out great" angle which makes no sense. Who's to say France wouldn't turn clerofascist, and steamroll Germany with Allied support? Perhaps instead of a Jewish genocide we'd see a Protestant one. Or maybe the new Soviets team up with the former Allies to retake their territory and launch an attack while Germany is unprepared, causing even more bloodshed only to return to some sort of status quo.
These threads always go the way of "If X happened NOTHING BAD WOULD EVER BE ABLE TO HAPPEN AGAIN" which is infuriating.
Who the fuck could have predicted 9/11 a decade prior?
>Who the fuck could have predicted 9/11 a decade prior?
Well... There was this guy. His name is Ahmad Shah Massoud. You might have heard of him
I'm not saying it would be great, merely arguing that it probably wouldn't be as bad given how catastrophic the 20th century was.
>Who's to say France wouldn't turn clerofascist, and steamroll Germany with Allied support?
France wouldn't have the manpower or industrial capacity to do to Germany what Germany did to France in 1940.
There's a difference between monarchist nationalism and fascist nationalism, idiot.
Clinton loses in 93. And I'm a liberal.
>No idiotic World Policeman foreign policy
>Clinton doesn't fuck up the best decade America will ever get by either going full ham in places where he really shouldn't (Kosovo) or doing fuck all in places where he could have done something (Rwanda) or just fucking up in general (Somalia)
>Bush Sr. had a sensible economic policy so we'd still get the prosperity of the 90s
>Had a better understanding of Russia, likely would have shored up Yeltsin's crappy democracy more
>Excellent at creating consensus, brought in Arabs against Saddam and got the Soviets to agree to a unified Germany, he'd do a better job integrating Russia et al into the international system
>Hub-and-spoke approach to relations simplifies matters and clearly delineates roles
>A more consensus-based and international law-based approach to foreign policy (as opposed to Bill's "this hurts my feefees so I'll bomb you")
>different and more coherent foreign policy means likely no 9/11
>no Clinton means no Contract With America 90s Republican uprising, the moderates will retain control of the party for longer, preventing the idiocy we see now with polarization on both ends
>No WH blowjobs making the US a mockery worldwide
>No impeachment trials
>No Bill Clinton
>No Hillary Clinton
>Interwar Europe was comfy
>the rise of widespread Marxism tearing Western Europe apart
>the First Red Scare created in response to said wave of Marxism
>the Bolshevik Revolution causing constant war throughout Eastern and Northern Europe
>the Spanish Flu
>Reconstruction of Northern France
>Weimar Germany becoming an inflation-ridden ground zero for all kinds of political strife
>intensifying of British imperialism
>Italian fascism
>The fucking Great Depression
The only nations prospering were Britain and America. Anglo-American prosperity at the cost of the rest of the world is not my definition of "comfy". That's my definition of "Pax Britannica Status Quo".
Assuming I can only pick one event to change, either:
>have Frederick III not die of cancer and go on to rule Germany. Frederick is not autistic enough to back Austria with a blank check and World War I never grows as large as it did.
>Prevent the Fourth Crusade and make the Crusaders actually help the Byzantines fight kebab instead
>Perhaps instead of a Jewish genocide we'd see a Protestant one
What the fuck are you smoking that makes you believe that could ever happen in 20th century Europe
France may have had a very, very complicated relationship with Christianity during the Revolution, but that was 120 years ago, and was very much a product of radical elements WITHIN radical elements, and died by the time the Great Terror was enacted on Paris. I'm pretty sure by the end of the Napoleonic Wars, if not before that, France realized how counterproductive it was to try and dictate its citizens' level of secularism.
As for Germany, it was governed by predominantly Protestant Prussia, and had multiple German states (and its Polish holdings) almost exclusively Catholic. Sure, there could have been plans to conduct diasphoras of Catholics to Poland or Hungary, but that's not only a worst-case scenario, it's also the exact opposite of your idea.
The non-meme answer is that Philip II of Macedon isn't assassinated, thus when Alexander inherits the throne he's an older, steadier man.
Greek culture permeates from Cairo to Kabul.
Wahhab and Saud die in an accident. Wahhabism and Saudi Arabia never happen.
>tfw no Hashemite Arabia
user, I've already cried once tonight. Don't make it twice.
Vietnam doesn't happen and the communists don't spread.
>founding of a Pan-German nation, the fall of the British Empire, an Eastern Europe liberated from serfdom and suffocating Russian hegemony and a reformed Russian nation under communism
but that's what happened in our timeline
>Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Poland, Lithuania, Czechia, Slovakia
>The British Empire literally never fell, only dissolved, and still has tons of colonies and vassal states
>Second World nations states still completely unable to get out from under Russia's shadow
The fourth one I'll tacitly grant you, though.
Julian the Divine winning a crushing victory over the Persians and enjoying a long reign.
During this time, he is able to successfully fragment the power of the galileans and offer the people of the empire a stable, centralised, imperial backed Hellenic religion.
If one restricts themselves to a more modern time period.
Then undoubtedly it would be a central powers victory.
More specifically a complete German victory at the battle of the Marne that results in both the capture of Paris and the destruction of the bulk of the expeditionary forces by the end of September/beginning of October 1914.
With the complete collapse of frog lines and the capture of their capital, I'm confident that by the end of 1914 they would have been brought to terms.
From there it is just the matter of putting the Russians in their place.
Either-way, the result is a new order in Europe under the Kaiser and a far better 20th century.
>Julian the Apostate
You mean the idiot who wanted to send Rome backwards to the time of Antonius Pius, reforms and expenses be damned?
Seleucid empire decisively wins the battle of Magnesia. Becomes the superpower of both Mediterranean and the orient.
Are you retarded? Europe was nothing before Christianity. Europe was a bunch of backwards pagan fuckheads until St. Paul came to Greece.
>What is the best timeline?
The one where I pulled out of your mother.
>this is was christfags actually believe
*worships odin*
Warn Adolf in 1934-1935 about the true extent of international jewry, and too all out attack the soviet union while stalin was bogged down in finland in 1939.
>or warn the Tsarist Russian imperials in 1900 what the rothschilds had planned for them.
Baron Sternberg doesn't suicidally invade the Soviet Union and instead continues south to form a vast proto-fascist empire in the central Asia that becomes the third Axis power instead of Japan.
Communism doesn't make it out of the 1940s and America stays out of WWII.
*worships yahweh*
Julian enjoying a "crushing victory" over the Persians and not dying as he did would likely not have amounted to much. While I do consider Julian to rank among the likes of Aurelian or Majorian as brief shimmers of hope for the decaying WRE that were prematurely cut short, Julian represented an idealist romanticizing a time long since gone, to the point where it was an outright detriment to his reign. He was literally LARPing with his invasion of Persia as he felt as if invading the East was a staple of earlier antiquity. His religious reforms had absolutely no lasting effect, and were he to reign for the rest of his life it's unlikely this would've been any different. His actions pissed off not only Christians (which in some ways was justified anger seeing as how he practiced outright favoritism of pagan officials, on top of the other actions he took) but he drew the ire of pagans as well for his priggishness and asceticism. Julian really was a self-righteous cunt, going as far to make it known in public decrees that he was stylizing himself as an ever so great and wise philosopher.
He was terribly ridiculed and mocked for his beliefs and conduct, most notably during his stay at Antioch which, by all means, was downright embarrassing.
Still I find him interesting for what successes he did have. I also recognize the fact that he was fairly young, coming into power in his mid-20's. But I find it impossible to resist comparing him to modern brainlets that stumble upon r/athiesm and begin to strongly reject their Christian upbringing and argue with their parents about going to church on Sunday.
>Hitler spends even more on the military for an earlier invasion of Russia
>Germany's economy collapses in the mid forties instead of the fifties
Nigger what are you even trying to say with these pics? Europe was a revolving shithole pre-Christianity
You forget that this was also the guy who wanted to combine paganism into a single religion.
I don’t understand why we don’t have him in Elagabalous’s place on the “worst Roman emperors” list
t. brainlet
I understand why he'd attempt such a thing with the onset of Christianity. For all of Julian's posturings involving the old ways, including an insistence on animal sacrifice that had long fallen out of favor among pagans anyhow, my understanding is that even he realized Roman eclecticism as it had existed in the past wouldn't be able to stem the tide of Christianity. People cling to the gods/beliefs of their own people, their own locality and culture. For the sake of cohesion across the empire I could see why he'd attempt such a thing.
>freedom is slavery
If I could have two things, I'd have the Russian Republic signs a peace treaty with Germany, as a result the communists are placated and nationalists + monarchists incensed. Thus the USSR never comes into existence.
>the Russian Republic signs a peace treaty with Germany
But they did. The problem is that when Germany surrendered, literally all the progress made in Eastern Europe was completely fucking erased, and people began pretending that it was the fucking Entente that brought Poland, Ukraine and the Baltic States back on the map of Europe.
Honestly, I'm just fine with the Bolshevik Revolution happening as it did. All the crazy political experimentation and concessions brought about by Leninist and later Stalinist USSR is very interesting to read about. Shame that its ideological spread became one of the big causes of Weimar Germany never reaching status as a solid nation and subsequently imploding into Nazism.
Don't forget the Huguenots please.
At some point this religious group was 30% of population in France and then completely eradicated.
Before that, there was the Avignon pope. And don't forget who started wiping out the Templars.
why do people obsess over the Norman conquest so much as this huge turning point in history, the anglo-saxons were hardly native to Britain themselves
What the hell does the papal seat in Avignon have to do with "Protestant genocide"?
Still, all of that happened before the Revolution, and for royalist reasons. And of course it's nowhere near as radical as trying to erase Christianity from the nation.
Prevent the Roman takeover of Gaul.
Tokugawa Ieyasu never disarms populace
Japan gains gun rights similar to 2nd Amendment post occupation
These threads are top comfy :3
Paris Commune survives and spread throughout France
t. le epic prussiaboo
Gotta admit. This sounds nice
if julian lived then he would instituted an empire wide christshoah, which im okay with
Japan does not go full retard after Meiji dies. Also 1929 Wall Street crash never happens
Augustus keeps Livia in her place and keeps a short leash on Tiberius. Germanicus is never assassinated and instead becomes emperor.
This is bullshit. Truman okayed the first bomb and and then found out about Nagasaki after it happened. He went to Stimson to tell them to stop as they were prepping to drop a 3rd bomb immediately. Truman wrote about this in his diary and here is a link for correspondence for it.
There is a daily beast article that claims that US was prepared to use 12 more bombs on Japan though I haven't source-checked the article myself. Here is that article. The article talks about the 3rd bomb as well.
This use of atomic weapons without presidential or congressional oversight was the key reason why bombs were changed in design so that civilian scientists armed the bomb by inserting the plutonium core right before it's use, so that it's not armed until civilians allow it to be.
Rewrite the Bible to make traps the only way to practice homosexuality without it being considered a sin. Women would need to up their game, mentally, and develop great personalities in order to compete with boipucci. We'd be so much more advance if women had to pull equal weight
Remove Latin america
>Self determination
>Except for Germans or all those brown people
Fuck off Wilson
>Clinton loses
You're on to something
>Bush wins
Close, but no cigar
I would start a nuclear war with America during the carribean crisis.
Also, I'd greenlight the idea of the atomic charges along the west and eastern coasts of Burgerland.
If you thing Stalin is a Hitler's counterpart, you haven't seen Trotzky.
All that bitching about "Stalin would attack Europe any moment nao"? Trotzky would drown it in blood of non commies before Nazis would fucking shout their first "Sieg Heil".
Daily reminder that it was Stalin that btfo'd international and effectively shut down the whole "Communism worldwide" project.
>No idiotic World Policeman foreign policy
it was the endgame of the USA since the Cold War.
>Bush Sr.
The one who helped mijahideen rise to power because "muh commies".
> likely would have shored up Yeltsin's crappy democracy more
LOLWUT? Russia is not some Pooland of Germany. Fucking it up was a main target of the United States and only late Bzezhinsky admitted it was retarded thing to do. Americans never ceased watching at russians as the threating savages with nukes.
To fix shit up, you need to knock sence in american politicians since at least Nixon, if not Truman.
Chiang deciding to wipe out the commies in 1936
>tfw no chinese civil war
>tfw no korean war
>tfw no vietnam war
>tfw cold war ends a bit earlier
>What is the best timeline? ie. If you could change one event in the past that would produce a better future which would it be?
Titus would have finished the job and exterminated every single Jew and destroyed every found copy of their "holy" book.
Taisho died too soon
I'd make sure Karl Marx was never born.
>he thinks socialism wouldn't develop as an ideology without marx
The one where FDR didn't manage to have him assassinated
If the First World War never happened at all, and the empires of Europe reformed and liberalised without disintegrating because of two very morally and financially taxing world-wars.
This would be a world with no Soviet Union, no Nazi Germany, no Maoist China, no unchecked American hegemony, and perhaps a more stable and developed 3rd world.