What's the difference between Continental and analytical philosophy? Which one is correct?
What's the difference between Continental and analytical philosophy? Which one is correct?
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Continentals what to find out the best way for humans to live.
Analytics is like the maths of philosophy. Trying to find truths through more formal logic.
Continental philosophy is the very definition of a pretentious wank
t. soulless bugman
>analytical philosophy built the greatest systems and propelled mankind into the modern age
>continental philosophy destroyed the european continent over and over with its unverifiable fanwank bullshit
Perhaps having no soul is better than one hellbent on destroying mankind
What truths have they found?
would an analytical philosopher be skeptical of Sociology, since it's impossible to be objective when studying human society?
You understamd that the quality of life is significantly better in Europe than in America right?
woah...continental philosophy is this powerful....
>Being an absolute slave without free speech or weapons while your politicians let your women get raped and import millions to replace you is "better quality of life"
There are people who actually believe this.
even Pleasurejew has no time for philosophy lad
Continental philosophy is strongly superior to analytical philosophy. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. By looking at how utterly fucking catastrophic these top decisions being made are, we can calculate that Europe rose to far, FAR greater heights than America
Kekity kek
Truth doesn't exist. Logic is arbitrary shitedick
>muh neoliberalism
Back to plebbit
this very post exposes continental thinking for the fraud it is
I didn't know Mexico was such a great place in the past.
>a philosopher
The contradictory nature of the above conceptions requires that you now employ a disjunctive syllogism
Why don't you go make a sentential enthymeme about transubstantial deductive paradigms? Make sure it's non-distributive.
Not him but late Wittgenstein is my spirit animal.
"On Certainty" is fucking wild, and he moves away from analytic language philosophy to ordinary language philosophy.
As if Russell didn't do this
If you like analytical and you dislike continental you are blind.
If you like continental and you dislike analytical you are useless
If you dislike both you are a moron
If you like both you are awwwrighttt
If you actually are proficient in both fields you are bullshiting or a genius.
Seriously though, why
Philosophy is all one field, my guy. The people who sincerely buy into this dichotomy are the real brainlets
people who think philosophy is useful are the real brainlets
People who can't recognize the practicality of clear thinking are turbo brainlets
>muh uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse
Most of Europe has a better civil rights records than America since the end of World War II; what "freedoms" are you talking about?
Also, your M16 ain't gonna do shit against the weapons modern states actually bring to bare.
>Also, your M16 ain't gonna do shit against the weapons modern states actually bring to bare.
What's the military going to do? Bomb it's own infrastructure? Destroy it's own cities?
What do you think the defect rate for soldiers will be when they are told to go kill their own families and friends? How long until another country decides that they can declare war on the USA in the name of liberating it's own people?
Civil wars are a disaster for any fucking country.
>analytics being this butthurt about Nietzsche destroying them they have to mention him gratuitously even in strawman mspaint comic
>being objective is impossible
>that's why my unscientific methods of inquiry should be respected
Stereotypical "autism" is exactly what you need if you're looking for truth. Otherwise you'll just latch onto whatever sounds good, which is what continentals do.
t. bugman
Analytical = autism and mathematics
Continental = Pervert commies who want to destroy western Civilization and gibberish
>while your politicians let your women get raped and import millions to replace you
t. Gets his information about Europe from Fox news.
Learn how to make a decent cheese and we'll talk mutt
Is this the power of analytic """philosophy"""?
analytical "philosophy" is just Anglo autism
read Wittgenstein
pure nonsense
>"huehu dude, you can't define what a game is lmao"
>thinks England is part of the continental tradition
>Amerimutt education
Continental philosophy is useless artistic expression.
Analytic philosophy is dry autism that has nothing to do with life.
Other than Scandinavia and Switzerland, no it isn't.
>t. amerimutt
In Germany as well, arguably. For the middle class. You don’t fall as fast or as hard from grace here.
The upper class has the best life in the USA, hands down.
Middle class as well, American middle class has by far the highest disposable income in the world.
>disposable income equals quality of life
And you wonder why the rest of the world thinks of `mutts as uneducated cretins
It does.
In terms of purchasing power, we are roughly equal. This is because many basics, such as education or health care, are affordable for everyone in Germany, while they’re speculative luxuries in the US.
People in Mexico are happier than in the USA. Let that sink.
Nice non-tangible value.
Maybe Germany, but definitely not the UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece or anywhere in Eastern Europe.
No. Even if we go by the assumption that available money=quality of life (which is a brainlet-tier thought) we still have to account for differences in cost of living, purchasing power and income distribution.
Mexican here. Conformism is not happiness. Knowing you will never be able to improve you situation so you stop giving a fuck is not happiness.
Yep. But then, only France, Germany, the UK, BeNeLux, Scandinavia are truly integrated into and (minus UK) part of the Continental Tradition.
The rest always was intellectual periphery.
t. muh feelings essay writing soyboy
How is this relevant to the debate?
We are discussing continental and analytic philosophy. Someone suggested that the US is superior due to prevalence of analytic philosophy. I note that only few European countries are apt to show the impact of continental philosphy.
>Neglecting the chad pragmatists
>dude, like, everything is true as long as you BELIEVE it is xD
In France and Germany, the conditions "cant afford education", "cant afford food" and "cant afford healthcare" do not exist in the first place. That is what it is to be a first world country, Amerimutt.
Please mutt, parts of your country are 3rd world tier. Old people collecting discarded cans on the side of the road. You don't have a civilised welfare state
>You don't have a civilised welfare state
amerimutts will now tell you that minorities would abuse it, ignoring that the majority of welfare recipients are whites in red states
>welfare state is a good thing
I moved here precisely because I don't want to be taxraped and jailed for denying the holohoax.
>Moving the goalpost
You will fit right in there
the myth that taxes in the usa are significantly lower than in western europe is, well, a myth.
considering you get next to nothing for it, they are fairly formidable.
Shhh, don't take the americans' last straw to clutch onto.
I think believing that they don't get assraped by taxes, even when they demonstrably do with little to show for it, is what keeps them from killing themselves or, arguably equivalent, starting a civil war.
This entire thread is pure autism and everyone who posted ITT is an irretrievable autist.
>"haha, i stand above your discussion, everyone's opinion is retarded, except mine, but i wont tell it, haha"
Nigger all I know about the difference between continental and analytic philosophy is that anyone who cares has autism.
Has there ever been another philosopher that caused so much blasted ass?
Max "The Ghost Toaster" Stirner
>Continental = Pervert commies who want to destroy Western Civilization and gibberish
you'd be surprised how analytic metaphysics tries to justify commie ideas in modern academia. Postmodernism has just been a plague to all forms of philosophy.
Oh, wise man, you seem to know what it means to be "useful"
And what do you do if someone asks you, what you mean by saying this or that is useful and where you know this from?
Guess what: you're already philosophising
*Laughs in Switzerland*
Analytic Philosphy
>Modern Science
>Modern Mathematics, Engineering
>Modern Medicine
Continental Philosophy
>World War 1
>World War 2
>Cold War
>Napoleonic Wars
>Pretty much every war caused by colonialism
Defend this, my friends across the channel
I'd rather have the word "war" 5 times in my greentext-description than the word "modern" even once
>thinking war is necessarily bad
Bugman spotted
And this is why the USA is effectively world hegemon while Europe takes the place of the ottomans as the sick man of the world
What the USA is doing can't be called "war" in the terms of continental philosophers like the ones from the "conservative revolution"
Fun things are fun.
Continental philosophy is pseudo-intellectual masturbation
the more formulas you use rather than dialectics the more you drift to analytic and vice-versa.
> feels > reels
> pure logical constructs from deductive reasoning > reels
In the end, they’re both rambling about things that have little to do with the real world
As long as subjectivity and science remain utterly irreducible to one another, there’s a niche for both I guess
which one of them devalues human life and the human experience?
Neither and both.
>M-muh world hegomon
Also, thats mostly a result of (a) being spared the destruction of WW2, and (b) spending around half of the total worldwide defense spending.
I`d rather take quality health care, no student debt and some form of a social safety net over that, but I guess some people enjoy getting fucked over by the state
>risking getting shot/stabbed and out of health care because you wanted to have a walk late at night is better quality of life than Southern Europeas safety, live expectancy and social security
Ameristains actually believe this.
>your brain on automated "science"
You are not an innovator (scientists + philosopher), you are just an indoctrinated pseudo-intellectual of the speicfic breed (science - theory of science) incapable of abstrac thinking. Simply admit it, science negro man.
Of course! You are right! The perfect form of baiting people is outside the context of their own board! Genious!
>Southern Europe
>social security
My sides
>get stabbed in SE
>get stabbed in Ameriga
>die and get charged millions
Actually, southern Europe has quite strong welfare and healthcare systems.
Analytics = classical
Continental = quantum
Not that he isn't an idiot, but don't equate philosophy with anti-intellectualism. Be it analytical or continental, it still has to pass trial by fire of dialectic reduction, debate, and reason, even if, for scope of a specific debate, you may deem some axioms absolute. If it cannot pass that trial and remains relevant, it's either religion or prose and poetry, and not philosophy.
Not that some older philosophers weren't more poets than philosophers (lookin at you, Nietzsche), but their prose have long since been reduced to their component proposals and either bolstered or ripped apart.
These days, philosophy is merely science for that which does not currently, or cannot ever, fall under the umbrella of empirical analysis. Each informs the other, but one cannot make the journey on either one alone. Science can only lighten a path from one goal to another, but cannot set goals when one does not arise from the other, and while philosophy attempts to fill these critical gaps, it does little to traverse the space between such gaps.
>science is for gays
Continental philosophy produces the worst kind of people
Everyone I know whose a Nietzsche fan always implicitly believes that they are the ubermensch and then they cry when life fucking wrecks their shit
the tldr of continental philosophy is sucking your own dick and pretending it makes you smart