If you think modern Greeks aren't white then I've got bad news for you, the ancient ones were even less according to this genetic study. So much for the "Turk rapebaby" meme. It's the other way around.
Ancient Greeks less European than modern ones
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Greeks were white Europeans deal with it
There was no concept of whiteness in ancient Greece sweetie.
>Easterners have more right to wewuz than northern europeans.
top fucking lel
>all that X2
>2900-1900 BC
do these numbers even matter to you?
It amazes me that there ever even needed to be genetics tests to prove that Greeks are Greek, Italians are Italians, and Egyptians are Egyptians.
>the greeks were all blind like oedipus
how are you supposed to read the graphic on the bottom left
>Greeks are Greek, Italians are Italians, and Egyptians are Egyptians
Open the image in another tab and then zoom.
Jewish propaganda
You are kind of right.
But they were not brown but red.
They get hit by diseases and mostly wiped and Greece(and even coast of Egypt) was recolonized by new wave of people from Black Sea coasts.
It happen later again(on smaller scale) with Slavs settling in depopulated ares.
It's literally the result of delusional Anglo like Virginia Woolfe reading ancient Greek literature and imagining all Greeks looking like nordic gods, then actually travelling down there, seeing a bunch of sweaty hairy fucks riding donkeys and smoking all day, and concluding they possibly cannot be the same race as those ancients.
Well. They were not.
/pol/ BTFO
Nah they knew they looked closest to Near Easterners
Ancient Greece was an Indo-European civilization, therefore they had to have primarily Indo-European (white) blood.
Those with the most Indo-European blood have the most right to wewuz Indo-European civilizations.
Indo-European =/= white
They are though.
The whitest populations have the most Indo-European blood.
>only 33%
Wait till the numale frankfag sees it.
>primarily Indo-European (white) blood
Nope. Their DNA was 90% Non-Indo-European
Perhaps the conquered commoners', the Indo-European ruling class had primarily Indo-European blood.
And by the time the ancient Greeks accomplished anything significant, the ruling class was just as non-IE as the lower classes. The only thing Aryans were good at was robbing people’s cattle like niggers and forcing people to speak their language.
Based on the the Iliad, the Myceneans still had a strict distinction between commoner and elite as many of the characters fighting in the war were kings and noblemen, described with fair skin, sometimes blonde hair and light eyes. Such as the sons of Atreus and Achilles himself. But you could be right about Classic Greece, by then the elite would no longer look significantly different.
>depigmentation seems to have occurred since the Bronze Age or even more recently
Did you even read this, OP?
Homer isn't describing mycenean society but his own one though, the late greek dark age
Homer didn't invent the oral histories he took to paper, those stories are mad old.
X2 is Middle Eastern
>in other parts of Europe
dumb snownigger
>The elite Mycenaean individual from the 'royal' tomb at Peristeria in the western Peloponnese did not differ genetically from the other three Mycenaean individuals buried in common graves
why can't snowniggers read?
The elite Mycenean was a woman I think.
>Ancient Greeks aren't white
Wow, just look at all those brown-skinned Greeks! Not a blonde man in sight, whitey BTFO
>painting done in the 18th century
Terrible bait
Did they backstab each other at every chance even back then?
>less europeans
No shit, Alexandros
And, brainlet?
Um no sweetie. Almost all that is LITERALLY we wuzzing in the 19th century in order to form a national identity.
>Greeks weren't white.
Except for the fact that they believed pale skin was sexy/pure on women...
Greeks aren't even brown now. It eludes me why americans still dont know this when the truth is a simple google image search away. Most Greeks don't look like the stereotype, they look like most other europeans, with dark hair
we're talking about phenotype/genetics, and you're wrong anyway. For example socrates claimed greeks were superior to brown people because they were lighter skinned, and superior to northern europeans because they were more olive/tanned then them.
>they knew they looked closest to Near Easterners
You're wrong.
>be a race of pasty dark haired people
>americans think you're brown and that swarthy
skinned blond haired scandinavians are the whitest and palest people
Black hair are white now?
Was Sokrates retarded?
Greeks tend to be pretty olive skinned/ tanned. Though you run into a pale one occasionally.
Blacks also think pale white women are hot
the pale ones are olive too, olive =/= brown or tan.
but there's images of whole crowds of greeks on google images and they're all ashy and pasty. Its mostly a matter of the season/sun exposure. Darker haired europeans are usually paler skinned then fairer haired europeans. The palest people are irish or scottish stock with either dark hair or red hair. Most blondes have a naturally swarthy golden skin complexion
he reasoned that pink/peach/golden skinned northern europeans were barbaric and uncivilised and brown people were greedy, uncultured savages. Thus, the medium tone was the best according to socrates, olive skinned southern europeans
>naturally swarthy golden skin
do you want me to show you? have you never seen a natural blond or something? Why do amerilards think scandinavians are pale? They can tan as dark as northern poojeets on their holidays
"swarthy men with gleaming teeth"
synonyms: dark, dark-coloured, dark-skinned, dark-complexioned, dusky, tanned, black, saturnine, olive-skinned; More
Where's the swarthy?
>he literally doesn't know how colours work
you must be looking for r/kindergarten?
Where's the swarthy?
its swarthy relative to the normal central, eastern or western european skin tone. Its not particulary swarthy but they dont even have a tan, thats their natural year round complexion.
hell its swarthy compared to these greeks:
I'm anglo-celtic australian, we get a lot of scandinavian and german toursits. None of us can tan as well as them, they're already swarthy when they get off the plane
So not swarthy?
so brown isn't swarthy? swarthy doesn't mean black, it can mean tanned
merely asserting things doesn't make them so. Thomas jefferson described german and swede immigrants as swarthy in comparison to anglo-celtic americans. Easy way to tell who has german heritage in rural america even to this day is which white people have the darkest tans
Who said anything about black = swarthy?
Maybe TJ is just retarded.
well you don't think
would be a swarthy skin colour so I'm guessing you think swarthy means about the colour of black people. Whatever, its not important. My only point is that the notion southren europeans = dark skin and scandinavians = pale is horseshit. You have lighter and darker skinned people in any country / ethnicity on a spectrum from palest to darkest. With whites it largely changes with season/sun exposure. Yes there are pale scandinavians but in most countries its uncommon. Norweigans seem to be lighter on average then swedes and danes. Probably because of scottish blanda, but other scandis must have poojet genes from yamnaya or something, or they got golden hord'd
he was picky about who was to be considered white, and who wasn't, like a lot of early americans. Because originally you had whites, the colonists and settlers, who were anglo and dutch, the black people who were slaves, and the natives. So white was a legally privelaged status. When other white nationalities showed up they didn't want to give their privelaged status to them, so they updated the legal definition of white to WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) which included dutch protestants. The concept of whiteness comes into existence in europe around the 15 or 1600's, originally meaning what it means today, all europeans. Americans made it into an irrationally exclusive category and now they think that it was originally that way because amerilards think america is the world
So half of the population of France, UK, or even Germany is not white now?
You do realize that most of Western Europe along with the transmission of what was idealized as "white" was brought to the Americans by the Brits right? Which is why most of the late 1800s to early 1900s why Italians, Greeks, Southeastern Europeans and Russians weren't considered "white" until relatively recently right?
he means black hair like asian/middle eastern/mediterranean black. Thats not very common at all in those countries in the native populations, especially germany. Lol half the population of germany, you're an idiot. Hiar as black as that almost non existent even in bavaria
of course, thats exactly what I'm saying. But the spaniards and the french came up with the concept of whiteness (in the explicit intellectual/written sense, obviously people had eyes before the 1500s) and it included themselves and all europeans. Maybe not greeks because they were under the ottomans and misconceptions / false ideals of what greeks looked like, much like you see in this thread and on Veeky Forums and /pol/ all the time
>Be Islander Greek
>Be close to Levantines
>Be Pontian Greek
>Be close to Armenians
>Be Cypriot
>Be close to Levantines
>Be Northern Greek
>Be close to slavshits
>Be Athenaian
>Be close to Albanians
Nice """ethnicity"" you've got there Rum.
>he means black hair like asian/middle eastern/mediterranean black.
So i guess Abraham Lincoln or Shakespeare is not white too?
its just a painting, in most pictures he looks dark brown. Solid black hair is more common in the british isles tho, then say germany
but yes they are still white regardless of how dark their hair was. White refers to skin color and facial features
I'm just parroting /pol/
You're late, i'm not larping as a French anymore, see:
Now i'm claiming my true Nafri/Natufian/E1b1b ancestors
if i didn't think race is a social constract i would say J2s (and generally eastern meds) are the true master race
so why is the middle east in the state that its in
Schizophrenia on par with that Dominican nigger and the capslock guy.
Me larping as a French for an extended amount of time cannot be equated with schizophrenia, semitic duplicity at most. I must admit tho, that i was a bit engrossed by the Frank-thing, but since i was itchy to post all my theories about my (E1b1b) people, i decided to put an end to the Frank-thing.
If you are the Polish guy from /int/ btw, i must admit that your racial awareness deeply impress me, considering you almost instantly seen through my disguise.
>Those with the most Indo-European blood
Translation: Norwegians (NORDICS)
When will you stop posting this shitthy graph you swarthy subhuman.
Some cherrypicked non-Indo-european pawns of Nordics don't mean anything.
Or if anything, it means that a SMALL group of NORDICS conquered and cucked swarthy farmerboys, enforcing on them the NORDID-MADE language and culture.
>nordid language
>ancient greek
I am going to have a popped vessel today I just know it.
Eternal Anglo and French along with Ottomans shitting up a lot of things.
White is a non-word. The only true division is Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid and Australoid
And each of these groups has superior and inferior subraces.
For an example the most superior Caucasoid subrace is Nordic, and the inferior race is for an example mediterrenean.
Delusional snownigger.
Greeks is from Indo-European group you brainlet, it means it was created by Nordics, just as Latin, Sanskrit, Persian, et cetera.
>it means it was created by Nordics, just as Latin, Sanskrit, Persian, et cetera.
Oh my god kys or let me see proof.
>Romans and Greeks are the root of European history, culture, and western dominance due to laws, mathematics, sciences, philosophies, legal systems, architecture, and artwork
>"N-ords are superior"
Keep telling yourself that Sven as Jamal is culturally enriching your sister with Ahmed.
Indo-Europeans were the biggest racemixers of antiquity. It doesn't make sense for a small group of them to stay pure for some reason.
Are Jews Caucasoid? Because they are clearly superior.
>Oh my god kys or let me see proof.
CWC skulls were Nordic, Andronovo Skulls were Nordic, even many Yamnaya skulls were Nordic, although (((they))) cherrypicked the Alpinid ones for manipulating genetic rusults.
Every anthropological book says so.
The Nordic race is clearly superior, because the Nordic man civilized the swarthy races like mediterrenean, who until he ruled them, were just simple farmers.
>Romans and Greeks
Picrel: Reconstruction of Nordic skulls from Myccenean culture.
Both were originally Nordic, delusional farmerboy.